Bilateral development assistance

Development Assistance Committee (DAC) members

Japan to provide $13.9 million to develop Sihanoukville Autonomous Port

 The Government of Japan will provide some $13.9 million in grant aid to Cambodia for contributing to the development of Sihanoukville Autonomous Port in Preah Sihanouk. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Japan supports Pursat water supply expansion project

The Government of Japan has supported a water supply expansion project in Pursat province with a grant aid of approximately $21.9 million. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Oz spending over $34m for clean water projects

The Australian government is spending around $34.33 million to build clean water facilities and pipe systems that will benefit at least one million Cambodians people living in the countryside. ...

Tin Sokhavuth

Cambodia, Japan PMs discuss cooperation, vaccine gift

Prime Minister Hun Sen and his Japanese counterpart Fumio Kishida have discussed the bilateral cooperation between both countries and exchanged views on regional issues of common interest. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Australia commits to deliver one million out of 2.35 million Pfizer doses next month

Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs Marise Payne has confirmed that Australia will provide the first  one million of the  Pfizer Covid-19 vaccines that it has pledged to Cambodia to be delivered  by the end of this year. This shipment will be the first towards a ...

Yim Sreylin

U.S. embassy calls for proposal on cultural preservation grants

The U.S. Embassy in Phnom Penh and the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State have called for proposals for the Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP) Grants Programme. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Japan donates vehicles and office equipment to Cambodia

Japan has provided the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MFAIC) with vehicles and office equipment, equivalent to 300 million Japanese Yen (about $2,780,000), for Cambodia’s Chairmanship of ASEAN 2022. ...

Khmer Times Staff

EU-funded projects to support fishing communities in Tonle Sap and coastal provinces launched

The EU Delegation to Cambodia and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), formally launched on Oct. 27 four EU-funded projects to support green growth, job creation, social services, and better protection of natural resources for the fishing communities in 10 Tonle Sap Biosphere ...

Khmer Times Staff

EU pledges more than $17 million towards rural infrastructure development

The European Union (EU) is committing to handover to the Royal Government through the Europe Investment Bank (EIB) a grant of more than $17 million for the country’s rural infrastructure development. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Japan, Cambodia ink deal for socio-economic development

Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Prak Sokhonn and Japanese ambassador to Cambodia Masahiro Mikami signed an “exchange of notes” and other documents related to the provision of Japanese grant aid and loans worth approximately $72 million to implement six projects. ...

Ry Sochan

Japan aids Kingdom with grant aid and loans totalling $72 million

The Japanese government has decided to extend a loan and grant aid projects to the Kingdom totalling about $72 million to contribute to socio-economic development, including $1.8 million for the landmine action sector. ...

Sen David

Japan to extend almost $73 million to support various projects in Cambodia

The Government of Japan will provide up to nearly $73 million in loan and grant aid to Cambodia to support various development projects, pointed out a press release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MFAIC) made public this morning. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Japan gives $72M for water supply expansion, socio-economic development

The Japanese government will extend loan and grant totaling $72.72 million for an ongoing water supply expansion project and the implementation of socio-economic development programmes in Cambodia, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. ...

Mom Kunthear

US help sought to develop, improve road infrastructure

Minister of Public Works and Transport  Sun Chanthol has sought the help of United States Ambassador Patrick Murphy to help build reliable roads in Cambodia by providing adequate tools and materials. ...

Tin Sokhavuth

USAIDS donates $5 million towards improvement of life of Khmer Rouge survivors

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in Cambodia donated an additional $5 million towards the improvement of living conditions of Khmer Rouge survivors. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Australia provides $65M for development in Cambodia

The Australian government announced an aid package of approximately $65 million to Cambodia for its five-year development programme. ...

Ry Sochan

Australia assists Cambodia in development of new rice variety

The Australian Embassy in Cambodia claimed that it is supporting the development of fragrant rice varieties. The project is aimed at promoting then quality and market of Cambodian rice exports. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Japan commits to further helping development in all sectors

The Japanese government is committed to further helping Cambodia restore the development in all sectors in the post-Covid-19 pandemic, notably boosting more investment to Cambodia.​ ...

Chea Vanyuth

NGOs urge transparency for $52 mil US donation for Mekong region

After United States Secretary of State Antony J Blinken announced the US pledge to donate $52 million to Mekong countries for development, NGOs have come forward asking the government to utilise the donation with transparency. ...

Son Minea

Deputy PM to sign $3.3 mn grant aid deal with Japan

Japan is granting more than $3.3 million to Cambodia for this year’s Human Resource Development Scholarship. The Exchange of Notes and related documents on the extension of the grant aid will take place today with Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Prak Sokhonn and  ...

Michael Firn

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