Mangrove roots support one another ‘like women’ says ministry official
International Woman’s Day was marked by keen environmentalists in the Kep provincial capital, with 1,000 mangrove seedlings planted. ...
Phak Seangly
Regional ‘flyway’ workshop aims to improve migratory bird conservation
A workshop aimed at enhancing capacity on wetland management and migratory bird flyways is currently taking place in Siem Reap, with participants are sharing experiences on the conservation of migratory bird species. ...
Phak Seangly
A decade of effort: Restoring the Tonle Sap flooded forests
In a remarkable ten-year effort, Conservation International Cambodia (CI Cambodia) has restored approximately 600 hectares of the Tonle Sap’s flooded forest, a critical ecosystem within Cambodia’s largest freshwater lake. ...
Hong Raksmey
The Mekong ranks as the third most biodiverse river worldwide
A groundbreaking report supported by USAID highlights the critical state of biodiversity in the Mekong River. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Angkor-Manulife Community Park project launches with over 10,000 saplings planted
In collaboration with Manulife Cambodia, the APSARA Authority has launched the “Angkor-Manulife Community Park” project, aiming to plant over 10,000 saplings in a 5.5-hectare area in Angkor Park. ...
Khmer Times Staff
World Wetlands Day marked with calls to action
The Ministry of Environment and several institutions marked February 2, World Wetlands Day with an event that increased public awareness of the value and the role of wetlands and their current conditions. Presiding over the event in Battambang province, environment ministry secretary of state Srun ...
Post Staff
Revive and restore wetlands, home to 40 percent of all biodiversity
Although coastal and freshwater wetlands – such as swamps, mangroves and marshes – contain 40 per cent of all plant and animal species, many are polluted or degraded due to climate change and human development. ...
Khmer Times Staff
World-Bays Club delegates plant over 3,000 young mangrove trees
Some 130 delegates of the Most Beautiful Bays in the World (World-Bays Club) from more than 20 countries has planted more than 3,000 young mangrove trees to contribute to the sustainability of Cambodia’s coastal ecosystem. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Creating eco-friendly urban spaces
Meth Monthary, initiator of the ‘Initiative for Urban’ project, has gone from being a college student majoring in Architecture with knowledge of urbanization to launching a project regarding urban development and real estate after realizing that home gardening for eco-housing plays a key role in ...
Meas Molika
T Khmum eyes eco-tourism
The Tbong Khmum Provincial Administration plans to transform the Boeung Kade multi-purpose area in Kroch Chhmar and Dombae districts into an eco-tourism attraction while remaining committed to preventing deforestation and poaching in order to protect and conserve its natural resources and biodiversity. ...
Orm Bunthoeurn
Koh Kong fish deaths mystery solved
Residents in Koh Kong province spotted dead fish washing up on the beach, causing a foul odor that has raised concerns among the people. ...
Chhun Sun Ly
MRC gets $13M for management of Mekong River
Australia, Germany, and Switzerland have pledged nearly $13 million in funding for the Mekong River Commission (MRC) to assist member countries including Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam with their responses to pressing challenges while safeguarding the ecological functioning of the Mekong River and improving people’s ...
Nov Sivutha
Cambodia gains international recognisition as biodiversity-rich country
Cambodia has been internationally recognised for its rich biodiversity and the Kingdom’s Biodiversity Index is 7.5 (MacKinnon, 1997) although a higher score may be attainable when inventories are more advanced. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Green project to spur bio and economic diversity in Prey Lang
The legendary forest Prey Lang has given way to agricultural land, resulting in the migration of young Cambodians in search of work and, perhaps most crucially, a degradation of the area’s environment. ...
Husain Haider
Illegal fish nets kill adult male Irrawaddy dolphin in Kratie
Conservationists and communities in the Anlong Kampi Irrawaddy dolphin conservation area in Kratie province said that despite the ban on fishing and regular patrols, fishing offences in the area are still happening which they said is cause for alarm. ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
Four sent to court for bulldozing wetlands
The Kampong Thom provincial authorities sent four suspects to the provincial court on Monday after they were arrested the day before for clearing an area of flooded forest with a tractor in Khsach Chi Ros village, Kampong Kor commune, Kampong Svay district. ...
Soth Koemsoeun
Stop order but fulling of Kampot mangrove swamp continues
Despite a stop order issued to a prominent businessman, the mangrove forests, a vital source of the province Kampot eco system is again under threat as land fill has started again. The mangrove forests and swamps are located near the Prek Tnong fishing community in ...
Oddar Meanchey animals threatened
All species of animals in the Sorng Rukhavoan Wildlife Sanctuary are facing danger no thanks to night hunters, despite concerted efforts to stop the crimes, say activists and environment officials. The 30,254-hectare sanctuary spans across the Sorng Rukhavorn and Rattanak Rokha community forests, as well ...
Soth Koemsoeun
NGOs decry vulture decline
Vultures in the Kingdom are facing an increasingly high risk of extinction as the birds have shown a 50 per cent decline in numbers since the late 2000s, a joint announcement from environmental organisations said on Saturday, quoting a report. ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
Wildlife busts in Kingdom’s north
The Mondulkiri provincial Environment Department launched a campaign among the Banong, Krueng and Tumpuon ethnic communities to create awareness about the importance of wildlife to the ecology and tourism sector. The communities live close to wildlife sanctuaries. ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya and Soth Koemsoeun
Asian demand for cement destroys stunning cliffs in Cambodia – pulverised for their limestone
Across the continent, a construction boom is driving record demand for a core constituent of cement – limestone – resulting in the utter destruction of unique and fragile ecosystems. ...
Cambodia’s fisheries at risk due to hydropower development on Mekong, MRC warns
Hydropower development will likely deal a serious economic blow to Cambodia, with dire outlooks for its fisheries and rice outputs predicted even under best-case scenarios, according to key findings from the Mekong River Commission (MRC). ...
Alessandro Marazzi Sassoon
Royal turtles are taken to conservation centre
After spending the last three months under the watchful eye of their own personal retinue of bodyguards, nine endangered royal turtles successfully broke free from their shells on Tuesday and were transferred to the Koh Kong Reptile Conservation Centre, where they will be raised. ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya and Yesenia Amaro
Shark fin trade swims on, despite ban
As a signatory to an international treaty to protect endangered species, Cambodia has made the sale of shark fins completely illegal. In practice, however, fins are sold openly and without repercussions from authorities. ...
Aisha Down