Environment and natural resources
Carbon trading and other Payments for Ecological Services (PES)
Oddar Meanchey carbon scheme used by Virgin ‘does not work’
Claims the military is involved in systematically clearing forest in Oddar Meanchey province in an area meant to be protected by a carbon credit scheme involving Virgin Atlantic have prompted the UK-based airline to launch an investigation into the program. ...
Yesenia Amaro
Disney carbon deal follows past emissions credit failure
A $2.6 million deal by Walt Disney Company to preserve nearly 300,000 hectares of eastern Cambodian forest through the purchase of carbon credits will need to overcome past failures to succeed, critics said on Monday. ...
Ben Paviour
Disney buys up carbon credits in Mondulkiri
The Walt Disney Company has purchased $2.6 million in carbon credits in the forests of Mondulkuri province – marking the largest carbon credit sale to date in Cambodia and breathing life into a carbon-trading program many had written off as all but dead. ...
Phak Seangly and Kali Kotoski
Carbon credits a tough sell
Despite one success story emerging in the trade of Cambodia-generated carbon credits, immediate prospects for the environmental trading scheme in Kingdom remain few. Securing buyers of carbon credits for Cambodian projects is a well-known difficulty. Pact, however, left the project in July 2013 when the ...
Eddie Morton
As forests fall, carbon credit plan faces collapse
Community forest chiefs and rights groups in Oddar Meanchey province say logging is now so rampant they have finally given up hope that a U.N.-backed scheme to generate millions of dollars worth of carbon credits for the area and the country will ever get off ...
Kuch Naren and Zsombor Peter
Carbon Credits Ready for Sale in Oddar Meanchey Forest
Cambodia’s first verified carbon credit program is up and running in the remote province of Oddar Meanchey. But experts say there are limited carbon credit buyers, and illegal deforestation remains a major threat to the stability to the project. ...
Khoun Theara
Military Continues to Cut Down Forest–And Carbon Credits
Cambodian soldiers are continuing to cut into community forests in Oddar Meanchey province that are meant to anchor what is intended to be the country’s first forest-based carbon credit trading scheme, local villagers and NGOs said Wednesday. ...
Phorn Bopha and Zsombor Peter
Cambodia’s Carbon Credit Scheme Still Not Making Gains
Cambodia’s only U.N.-backed carbon trading scheme is still nowhere near making any money for communities and logging in the area continues to threaten the very forests supposed to generate tens of millions of dollars over the next 30 years, community representatives and officials in charge ...
Kuch Naren and Matt Blomberg
A Troubled Start for Cambodia’s Carbon Credits
Since 2007, the NGO Pact has been working with the government to turn 68,000 hectares of forest in Oddar Meanchey province into a moneymaking venture for the state just by keeping trees in the area standing. ...
Zsombor Peter and Kuch Naren
Cambodia explores carbon
Prices in the global carbon market are too low to provide an incentive for Cambodian businesses to engage in carbon offset schemes, but there are other options for businesses to gain funds for emission reduction, industry experts say. Speaking on the sidelines of a two-day educational ...
Illegal Logging Threatens UN’s Carbon Trading Project
The military’s ongoing clearing of community forests in Oddar Meanchey province risks derailing Cambodia’s first forest-based carbon trading scheme backed by the U.N., according to the latest assessment of the project. Community forest groups, who stand to earn millions from the project, said on Wednesday that ...
REDD Forests Endangered by Loggers, Soldiers
Banteay Ampil district, Oddar Meanchey province – The families of Beng commune have new neighbors: a battalion of Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF) soldiers building a military base inside one of 13 pockets across the province aiming to be the first forest-based carbon trading scheme ...
Satellite Shots to Help Settle Deforestation Claims
New satellite images of Oddar Meanchey province promise to help settle wildly conflicting deforestation estimates inside a 64,000-hectare area, which is set to anchor the country’s first forest-based carbon trading scheme. With the project potentially ready to sell carbon credits to foreign firms in a matter ...
Firm Says Logging Won’t Derail Carbon Credits
The U.S. firm selling credits for a carbon trading scheme that could earn Cambodia tens of millions of dollars said yesterday that sales could start in a matter of months, despite mounting claims of deforestation within the community forests set to anchor the project. ...
Zsombor Peter and Kuch Naren, P. 1
Illegal Logging a Challenge for Carbon Trading
A Ministry of Agriculture official said yesterday he was aware of allegations of illegal logging by Royal Cambodian Armed Forces soldiers within protected community forests in Oddar Meanchey province and was looking into it. “I am following this case, but I haven’t received their petition yet,” ...
Carbon trading project insured for political risk
The US firm marketing what will likely be the first forest-based carbon trading scheme in Cambodia has bought $900,000 worth of political risk insurance to back the project, according to a media report. ...
Zsombor Peter, p.24
Climate plan has Kingdom seeing REDD
The Forestry Administration has teamed up with the Cambodian Wildlife Conservation Society and Forest Carbon to develop a large-scale REDD project in eastern Cambodia, officials said yesterday. REDD – or Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, a UN initiative – is one of the ...
Bridget Di Certo