Law and judiciary

EU, NEC meet ahead of elections

The EU Delegation to Cambodia on May 16 met with the National Election Committee (NEC) to discuss the Kingdom’s voting process and other technical aspects related to the commune council elections scheduled for June 5. ...

Nov Sivutha

National Assembly refutes EU resolution

The National Assembly (NA) has hit back at a European Parliament resolution condemning the political and human rights situation in Cambodia, calling it another display of the Parliament’s “double standards”.   ...

Voun Dara

Food, governor board laws passed

The National Assembly (NA) has passed a number of draft laws and amendments relating to the number of members in the administrative boards of governors, food safety and a successor for the chairmanship of the NA’s 4th Commission to replace the late Hun Neng.   ...

Voun Dara

NEC warns of strict action for violation of election laws

The National Election Committee (NEC) has warned that strict action will be taken for violation of laws during the campaign for commune elections next month. ...

Soth Koemsoeun

NEC explains procedures for voters without national ID card

The National Election Committee (NEC) has requested citizens who do not have a national ID card to apply for an election identification document at the Commune Election Commission in their locality. They should apply within the 30 day period of May 5 to June 3. ...

Nov Sivutha

NagaWorld’s dispute meetings in stalemate after ninth round talks

The ninth meeting between NagaWorld and worker representatives has ended in a stalemate, with both sides failing to reach a compromise, according to the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training. ...

Lay Samean

Court: Postponement of Sokha’s trial not biased

Phnom Penh Municipal Court Presiding Judge Koy Sao on May 4 postponed the hearing of former opposition leader Kem Sokha, who stands accused of conspiring with a foreign power to topple the government. ...

Nov Sivutha

Suspect arrested, machinery seized in illegal forest clearing case

Provincial authorities continue to work to suppress forest crimes – in line with the order of Prime Minister Hun Sen – to protect the country’s natural resources and forests. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Overarching problems hinder search for justice for abused women: BAKC

Despite the implementation of provisions to defend abused women and girls in 2021, the Bar Association of the Kingdom of Cambodia (BAKC) noted some challenges due to the lack of cooperation by relevant specialised state institutions. ...

Lay Samean

Khmer Rouge tribunal hosts forum on victims' role in trial

The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) – commonly known as Khmer Rouge Tribunal – is holding a three-day workshop showcasing victim participation in the trial process and post-trial activities. ...

Voun Dara

MFA.IC hosts webinar on Combating Financing Of Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction

The Taskforce for Anti-Money Laundering, Terrorism Financing and Proliferation Financing of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MFA.IC) organized a Webinar on the dissemination of the “Guideline on Procedures of Forwarding Without Delay the Resolutions or Updated Consolidated List of the United Nations ...

Khmer Times Staff

Sar Kheng asks public for crime tips

Minister of Interior Sar Kheng has renewed his called for the public to provide information related to all kinds of crimes that occur in their local communities – especially drug-related ones – to law enforcement forces so they can be dealt with immediately to maintain ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Kampot authorities crack down on 21 fishing crimes

Kampot authorities have cracked down on 21 fishing crimes in the first three months of the year, and claim that most offences were committed by Khmer-Muslims, while Vietnamese fishermen seem to be avoiding illegal fishing in Cambodia. ...

Tith Kongnov

ADR mechanism takes shape

The Ministry of Justice’s working group on its Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanism is racing to disseminate concept notes about it to all relevant stakeholders, as it expects the process to be finalised and approved for use this year. ...

Voun Dara

Law to increase council members being reviewed

The Legislative and Justice Committee of the National Assembly (NA) have started reviewing the draft law on the amendment of Article 140 of the Law on the Administration of Capital, Province, City, and District. ...

Sar Socheath

Construction projects without permission face trouble

In response to the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction’s (MLMUP) instruction to get permission before starting construction of a building, construction companies said that it would be difficult to have permission when repairing a small building. ...

Tin Sokhavuth

Minister: Permits needed ahead of all construction

Minister of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction Chea Sophara has issued a letter banning architects and engineers from carrying out construction or demolition work without permits from the authorities. ...

Mom Kunthear

Candlelight Party candidates pulled from election list

The National Election Committee (NEC) has removed 86 Candlelight Party candidates from the lists prepared for the upcoming commune council elections. The party has expressed its regret at the decision, claiming it was ‘unfair’.   ...

Nov Sivutha

PM: UNESCO Angkor rules kept, heritage ‘unaffected’

Prime Minister Hun Sen has reassured UNESCO and the International Coordinating Committee for Safeguarding and Development of the Historic Site of Angkor ( ICC-Angkor) that the heritage of Angkor remains unaffected by development, saying that Cambodia will follow the conditions under which the temple was ...

Lay Samean

NA passes draft plant protection law 92-0

The National Assembly (NA) on April 1 unanimously passed a draft law on phytosanitation and the protection of plants at the seventh session of its sixth mandate.​ ...

Mom Kunthear

Draft on Amendment of Article 140 approved

The Council of Ministers on Friday approved the Draft Law on the Amendment of Article 140 of the Law on Capital, Province, Municipality, District and Khan Administration. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Cabinet Ministers approve Draft Law on Food Safety

The Cambodian cabinet ministers approved the draft law on food safety, during the plenary session held here at the Peace Palace this morning under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Hun Sen. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Gov’t identifies spot to stamp out illegal fishing on Tonle Sap

The joint task force from different institutions to tackle illegal fishing in Tonle Sap Lake has used Kampong Phlok port as the meeting point to coordinate the crackdown on illegal fishing in the lake.  ...

Tin Sokhavuth

Six sent to court over 700kg drugs

Over 700kg of illegal drugs were seized and six people sent to court in two separate cases following police operations on March 21 and March 22. ...

Orm Bunthoeurn

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