Economy and commerce

Securities exchange (stock market)

Research differentiates investing in stock exchanges from gambling at the casino

One of the men deeply involved in the development of Cambodia’s financial system, Dr Ghanty Sam, of the Financial Institute of Cambodia, who is also a board member of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Cambodia, says people should be aware of the downside of ...

Financial Institute of Cambodia prepares people for a career in the stock exchange

The executive director at the Financial Institute of Cambodia (FIC) says 726 students have completed courses so far at FIC since it opened in early 2011. Tith Seyla, who earned his bachelor’s degree from the Royal University of Law and Economics followed by a master’s ...

The strange adventure of the Cambodian currency

On the post office square, a beautiful Art Deco building now houses the restaurant Van, an insurance company and the offices of the AFD (French Development Agency). An inquiring mind will not fail to notice on the gates the presence of little medallions with the ...

Securities and Exchange Commission will regulate the Stock Exchange

The laws and regulations that govern Cambodia’s securities market were derived from the Objectives and Principles of the International Organization for Securities Commissions (IOSCO) and the best practices in the region, according to Dr. Ming Bankosal, Director General of the SECC. the SECC which ...

CSX part of a larger capital market system

The Cambodia Securities Exchange (CSX) is an important component of a larger ecosystem of capital markets, according to Eugene Lam, CEO of OSK Indochina Securities Ltd, one of Cambodia’s securities underwriters approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Cambodia (SECC). Lam says one of ...

The arrival of the stock market and its implications

It began in November of 2006 with a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) and the Korean Exchange (KRX) titled “The Development of the Securities Market of Cambodia.” A further MOU between the parties in January, 2008 established the Cambodia ...

Underwriter for first IPO bullish on Phnom Penh Water and the CSX

The head of the underwriting team that will launch Cambodia’s first IPO April 18 is Han Kyung Tae, Managing Director of Tongyang Securities (Cambodia) PLC and a South Korean stock market specialist. Tongyang Securities (Cambodia) Ltd. is the Cambodian subsidiary of Tongyang Group, a South ...

PPWSA stock offering slated to outperform

The Kingdom’s first initial public offering is fast approaching, and demand is expected to be robust. Book-building, the process during which bids for the IPO are taken and a price is set for shares, ended yesterday. The final offering price is expected before the subscription for ...

Integration of Southeast Asian Stock Exchanges Hits Snag

Just months before stock exchanges in Southeast Asia plan to link up their trading, key players remain divided, with one top bourse official saying the region may be going through a “reality check” on the many hurdles facing further economic integration. The plan for cross-border trading ...

The Kingdom’s first IPO

The long awaited first security listing on the Cambodian Securities Exchange became a reality on February 23 with the Security Exchange Commission of Cambodia’s “in principle” approval of Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority’s (PPWSA) “disclosure document for public issuance of equity securities”. This is effectively a ...

Ban on Thesis Topics Needed, Scholars Say

Academics at the Royal University of Law and Economics defended banning thesis topics for fourth-year students, arguing that subjects such as illegal drug use and land disputes are written about too often at the school. In a Feb. 2 letter posted online and signed by the ...

Law Students Told To Avoid Thesis Topics

Fourth-year students at Phnom Penh’s Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE) have been barred from writing their theses on 14 topics, including Cambodia’s new bourse, according to a letter posted online yesterday. The letter, signed by the university’s research department director Kong Saphon ...

Cambodian water utility to price IPO on 18 April

Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority is gearing up to price an initial public offering of up to $24 million on 18 April, making it the first stock to be traded on Cambodia’s fledgling stock exchange. Huy Vatharo, an executive director at underwriter Tong Yang Securities, ...

Stock Trading to Start Next Month With Water Authority IPO

The Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA) will become the first publicly traded company on the Cambodian Stock Exchange (CSX) when trading begins on April 18, Ming Bankosal the general director of the Securities and Exchanges Commission of Cambodia said yesterday. “We are planning on ...

Cambodia Potential

The potential for investment in Cambodia certainly appears to be there, as the country’s location in Indochina affords much opportunity for cross-border trade with Thailand, Laos and Vietnam, says Mark Mobius. Mr Mobius, who oversees more than US $40 billion worth of investments as executive chairman ...

PPWSA sets an IPO date

Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority aimed to raise US$20.4 million in a long-awaited initial public offering scheduled for mid-April, the company said yesterday during its first pitch to investors. “We’ve targeted trading for the 18th of April,” said Han Kyung-tae, managing director of Tong Yang ...

City's Water Authority Open to Bids

The Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA) will begin taking bids from investors tomorrow in order to determine the price and number of shares it will issue during its long-awaited initial public offering on Cambodia’s stock exchange, the company’s general director said yesterday. Investors will ...

PPWSA makes pitch to investors before IPO

Trading on the Cambodian Securities Exchange should begin at the end of March as the Kingdom’s first stock, Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority, prepares to consult and share information with potential investors this week. The company would host a “roadshow” for investors in anticipation of its ...

CSX takes another step toward listing companies

The Securities and Exchange Commission of Cambodia has approved in principle the listing of Phnom Penh Water Supply on the Cambodian Securities Exchange, according to the SECC’s website. The announcement fell a step short from listing approval for PPWS, with the SECC requiring additional paperwork, including ...

Cambodia's Developers Again Aim at Stars

PHNOM PENH — Cambodia’s low-rise capital city is reaching for the sky—again. Long known as one of the last major Asian cities without a skyline, Phnom Penh embarked on a high-rise building boom in the middle of the last decade, only to see it derailed ...

More predictions for CSX start date

The Cambodia Securities Exchange may launch as soon as March or April, according to an official at the Korea Exchange, the Kingdom’s partner in launching its stock market. Final preparations for the CSX’s  initial public offerings should be complete at that time, Pat Gil-soo, senior vice-president ...

Minister directs mock trading; launch unclear

Finance Minister Keat Chhon joined officials of the Cambodia Securities Exchange (CSX) yesterday to conduct another day of mock trading of stocks ahead of the still-unknown launch of actual operations at the bourse, which opened in July but has yet to see a single stock ...

New securities dealer launches in Kingdom

Golden Fortune Securities, a Cambodian-Chinese joint venture and the Kingdom’s second securities dealer, officially opened its doors yesterday. The company was the most recent of Cambodia’s 13 licensed dealers, brokers and underwriters to launch operations. A date for company listings, or actual Cambodia Securities Exchange operations, was ...

Vietnamese equity fund to open in Cambodia

Dragon Capital, a Vietnam-based private equity firm, has announced that it is planning to launch a fund in Cambodia next year, the second such fund to be announced by a Vietnamese company this year. The firm’s CEO, Dominic Scriven, said that the initial fund would close ...

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