Opposition women candidates vow good governance if elected

A group of women running as opposition candidates in the upcoming local council elections has vowed to prioritize development, improve administration and protect the price of agricultural products if elected. ...

Hul Reaksmey

CNRP lauds female candidates

The Cambodia National Rescue Party yesterday celebrated its top female candidates before the upcoming communal elections at an event under the slogan “Thousands of Lights for Women”, though women’s rights activists criticised the strategy as lacking teeth in fostering greater representation for women. ...

Leonie Kijewski and Kong Meta

Women still struggle to enter political fray in Cambodia

The number of women standing in the upcoming commune elections remains low, civil society groups have warned, driven by a lack of nominations from Cambodia’s male-dominated political elite. ...

Hul Reaksmey

Victor in Illinois is first Cambodian-American woman elected to US public office

When Khemarey Khoeun is sworn in as a park district commissioner in Skokie, Illinois, on May 16, she’ll be making history as the first Cambodian-American woman elected to public office at any level of government in the United States. ...

Ten Soksreinith

Meet women making it work in a male-dominated world

As Cambodia goes through rapid development and economic growth, changes are being felt in the workplace as women look to make their mark in professions traditionally seen as male preserves. According to the Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey 2013, women are predominantly employed in agriculture and the ...

Hang Sokunthea

US cuts funding to UN women’s health fund

The US government has pulled any future funding from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), a group focused on reproductive rights for women and girls, over claims it has practiced coercive abortions and involuntary sterilizations in China.   ...

Mark Tilly

Cambodian LGBT comes out of the shadows

Cambodia’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community is coming out with an assertion of unprecedented pride, in stark contrast to just five years ago when discrimination and bullying were usually endured in private. ...

Molyny Pann

Parties pledge more power for women

For the ruling CPP, the promise was to appoint a woman as governor for one of the country’s 25 provinces. For the opposition CNRP, its boast was having 60 female commune chief candidates—up from fewer than 10—to run in Cambodia’s 1,646 communes for this year’s ...

Kuch Naren and Ben Sokhean

Women in construction weighed down

Female construction workers earn on average about $2.50 less per day than their male counterparts, are given fewer opportunities to learn new skills and are victims of outdated gender stereotypes, a new report says.   ...

Hannah Hawkins

Workers face sex abuse: unions

Leaders of the Cambodian Labor Confederation have urged authorities to take action against employers who harass, threaten and use violence against female garment workers.   ...

Mom Kunthear

PM wants women promoted

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday ordered the Interior Ministry to place women as deputy governors in 25 cities and provinces as well as to increase the role of women in the army, military police and National Police in an effort to promote gender equality. ...

May Titthara

PM: Stop violence against women

The prime minister has urged government ministries and public institutions to speed up work on an action plan to prevent violence against women and children, calling for education on the issue to start from an early age. ...

Pech Sotheary

United Nations: One third of Cambodian women suffer abuse

More than 30 percent of Cambodian women have experienced some form of domestic violence at the hands of their partner at some point in their lives, a report released on Friday by the Ministry of Women’s Affairs and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) revealed. ...

Mayuri Mei Lin

New push for ILO conventions

Female workers across multiple sectors yesterday urged two ministries to ratify International Labour Organization conventions to ensure protections for expectant mothers and domestic workers, the latter of whom are not even covered under Cambodia’s Labour Law. ...

Sen David and Ananth Baliga

Gender violence falls: government

Violence against female staff at entertainment venues in Cambodia has dropped as education among staff, patrons and owners has increased, according to the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, although it warned that the success had not been repeated at karaoke parlors (KTV).​ ...

Pech Sotheary

Finance for women easier

Acleda Bank, a leading locally-owned commercial bank, has received a $30 million loan from the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), the US government’s development finance institution, through Goldman Sachs’ 10,000 Women and the International Finance Corporation’s (IFC) Banking on Women program for supporting women-owned small ...

May Kunmakara

Aquaculture pushed for women

A project in Stung Treng province is giving women the opportunity to participate in one of the fastest-growing food-production sectors in Cambodia: aquaculture fisheries – a field that has also traditionally been among its most male-dominated. ...

Cristina Maza

Amret gets $245,000 grant from UNCDF

The UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) provided Amret Microfinance Cambodia with a grant of $245,000 to help more women in the Kingdom access financial services and eventually contribute to local community development. ...

Sum Manet

Women’s center aims for sustainability

One year strong and more than 900 jobs later, the US State Department-supported start-up center WECREATE, which invests in the economic empowerment of women, is beginning its expansion throughout the Lower Mekong Region. ...

Safiya Charles

Organisation seeks women to study in US

A US-based organisation that helps young women from post-conflict countries attend school in the United States is currently seeking Cambodian applicants who have the academic strength and leadership potential that could land them in a top US school. ...

Cristina Maza

Land disputes hurting women

The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) demanded the government intervene immediately after finding that 98.2 percent of women involved in land disputes with private companies were suffering from serious psychological after-effects and nearly half of the women participating in the survey said they had ...

May Titthara

Women run Cambodia's street economy: report

Women make up the majority of street vendors selling food, clothes and a range of other retail goods across Cambodia, a new report in the peer-reviewed International Journal of Business has revealed. Using data from Cambodia’s economic census, researchers Nobuo Hirohata and Kazuhiro Fukuyo, from Yamaguchi ...

Cristina Maza

Abuses prevalent for Cambodia's transgender women: study

An overwhelming majority of transgender women on Cambodia’s city streets are subject to “shocking” harassment and abuse, according to a new report from the Cambodian Centre for Human Rights (CCHR). The report, released yesterday, also shines a light on a disturbing new practice that has allegedly ...

Erin Handley and Bun Sengkong

Gender imbalance in job applications

More males are applying  for jobs online compared to females, highlighting a deep gender division in the country’s workforce, according to Everjobs Cambodia’s second quarter career report. “Over 68 percent of online applications came from male job seekers and only 32 percent from female applicants,” said ...

Sum Manet

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