Thai factory accused of abuses
Cambodian migrant workers at a tuna processing company in Thailand have had their passports confiscated by their employers and are effectively trapped in substandard work conditions, research released yesterday revealed. Non-profit research organisation Finnwatch said it had found a number of “problems” with working conditions at ...
Cambodia's salt output may decrease
The Kep-Kamport Salt Producers Community expressed concern about the production of salt this year not reaching its forecast due to the late-starting season and the lack of labour to work in the fields. Um Chhun, director of the administration office in Kep-Kamport Salt Producers Community, said ...
Fishermen repatriated in growing numbers
Five Cambodian workers rescued from slave-like conditions on a fishing vessel at a port in Senegal were repatriated last Thursday. Cambodia has rescued seven labourers from Senegal, four from South Africa and five from China this year, said Huy Pichsovann ...