The Phnom Penh Post

Business disputants file case for arbitration

The National Commercial Arbitration Centre (NCAC) received its latest case last week, marking just the third time that a commercial dispute has been brought to the independent dispute resolution body, its president said yesterday. ...

Hor Kimsay

Nearly 200 Chinese construction workers detained in Phnom Penh

An inspection at the Sino Great Wall International Engineering’s building site in Phnom Penh yesterday found nearly 200 Chinese workers without work permits, according to an immigration official, though a spokesman for the project’s developer said the employees’ paperwork was in the pipeline. ...

Touch Sokha and Mech Dara

Justice system failing child victims: experts

Cambodia’s justice system often fails to support children who are victims of and witnesses to crime, many of whom are so terrified to appear in court that they’re unable to give testimony, children’s rights experts said yesterday. ...

Cristina Maza and Bun Sengkong

Demand for flour on the rise

Wheat products have never had a big market in Cambodia, where meals revolve around rice, but Western influences are increasingly shaping local tastes and creating an appetite for flour products. ...

Cheng Sokhorng

Listed firms lax on fiscal reports

Six weeks since the close of the fiscal first half, none of the four listed companies on Cambodia’s stock exchange have issued their required half-year financial statements, and one firm has not disclosed any financial data since 2014 – casting doubts on the tiny bourse’s ...

Kali Kotoski

Board of CRF seeks a double term

Just a month since their election, the leaders of the nation’s apex rice industry have cast a motion to extend their terms – a move some have greeted with suspicion. ...

Cheng Sokhorng

Central Bank projects 7.1% growth in 2H16

The National Bank of Cambodia held a seminar on the state of the economy in the first half of the fiscal year on Saturday, forecasting 7.1 per cent GDP growth for the rest of the year. ...

Post Staff

Rosewood, resin trees seized in separate raids

Officials confiscated nearly 5 tonnes of rosewood and resin tree timber in Siem Reap and Preah Vihear provinces on Sunday in separate incidents. ...

Phak Seangly

USAID to consult public before next round of Prey Lang funding

The next round of USAID funding for protection of the Prey Lang forest will be preceded by a consultation process that environmentalists and experts studying the area are calling crucial. ...

Cristina Maza and Bun Sengkong

Timber seized in three separate raids

Authorities seized more than 30 cubic metres of luxury timber and roughly 1,000 kilograms of illegal rosewood in separate raids in three provinces over the weekend. Chea Hean, head of the Natural Resource and Wildlife Preservation Organization, said he and Pursat environmental officials confiscated and burned ...

Mech Dara

Oil firm ready to push ahead with offshore drilling

Singapore-listed oil and gas firm KrisEnergy Ltd is moving closer to finalising its deal with the Cambodian government that will pave the way for extraction from the Block A offshore oil field once negotiations over a technical strategy and fiscal regime have been finalised. ...

Kali Kotoski

Metered tuk-tuks making inroads in Phnom Penh

Cambodia’s first fleet of metered tuk-tuks is taking on the capital’s traditional business model for cheap motorised conveyance, where fare prices are usually settled by negotiations and customers often feel they were overcharged. ...

Matthieu de Gaudemar and Hor Kimsay

Smallholder farmers to face land shortage, study finds

Smallholder farmers have a crucial role to play in tempering the growing pains of Cambodia’s transition to an industrialised economy, but unless something is done, they will face a land shortage in the coming years, according to the authors of a new report. They will ...

Jack Davies

Rice taskforce created, again

The Ministry of Commerce set up a new taskforce on Friday to address challenges faced by the Kingdom’s struggling rice industry and assess demands made by members of the Cambodia Rice Federation (CRF), who have decried the ineffectiveness of an earlier taskforce set up by ...

Cheng Sokhorng

Checkpoint chief leased house to illegal Vietnamese miners

Five Vietnamese nationals who were renting a home from the local immigration department chief were arrested on Friday for conducting illegal mining operations in Ratanakkiri province’s O’Yadav district. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Kampong Speu protesters reject NGO’s help

In defiance of an order by Phnom Penh Deputy Governor Khoun Sreng, more than 100 people protested outside the offices of Equitable Cambodia (EC) yesterday. They held signs denouncing the NGO, as community representatives inside submitted a letter withdrawing their consent for the group to represent ...

Jack Davies and Touch Sokha

Plans underway for clearer guidelines governing landmarks and heritage buildings

As many tall buildings continue to pop up in Cambodia’s 500-year-old capital, ministries are continuing to place importance on preserving the cultural heritage of important historical sites and landmarks, ranging from ancient temples and monuments to pagodas and colonial buildings. ...

Moeun Nhean

Cambodia, Russia continue discussing nuclear energy plans

A November pact with Russia that first raised the possibility of nuclear energy in Cambodia is still being quietly pursued. Next week will see the second meeting of a Ministry of Interior working group dedicated to coordinating cooperation with the Vladimir Putin-led government in the realm ...

Cristina Maza

Border control a concern as harvest looms

Tighter border controls by Thai authorities could result in thousands of tonnes of Cambodian agricultural goods getting stranded at the border next month when local farmers begin harvesting their crops, sources warned yesterday. ...

Cheng Sokhorng

Railway works prime Poipet for prosperous developments

The train route that is set to connect Poipet to Thailand, and the government’s plan to make Poipet a commercial and industrial area, are readying this Thai-bordered city to exercise its potential. ...

Siv Meng

Report confirms residential oversupply

The latest report on the state of Phnom Penh’s property market makes bleak reading for investors and those betting on a lucrative future in the short-term. ...

Post Staff

Disney carbon deal sets stage for more partnerships

Cambodia’s first large-scale private-sector sale of carbon credits was finalised yesterday, with conservationists predicting that it could pave the way for more public-private partnerships, making millions of dollars of funding available for local carbon-based initiatives. US entertainment giant Walt Disney Company has officially purchased $2.6 ...

Kali Kotoski

Domestic tourists push up Siem Reap visitor count

Tourist visits to Siem Reap province increased slightly during the first half of the year as foreign tourists lined up to see the country’s pre-eminent tourism attraction, Angkor Wat, and Cambodians from across the country flocked to the province for a major national festival in ...

Cheng Sokhorng

Indonesia, Cambodia discuss defence cooperation

Indonesia is willing to offer Cambodia’s navy ships at a discount and would like the Kingdom to be involved in joint patrols in the region, Indonesia’s Defence Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu yesterday told the Post, amid his meetings with government leaders. ...

Shaun Turton and Vong Sokheng

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