
Physicians protest against office sale

Some 100 physicians from the Phnom Penh Municipal Referral Hospital staged a protest on Tuesday after their superiors planned to sell the current hospital building. ...

The Cambodia Herald News Staff

Hun Sen warns strikes will lead to factory closures

Prime Minister Hun Sen once again warned the labor union leaders would be held responsible for the closure of factories which can be caused by protests and strikes. “It is very difficult to attract the garment investors to Cambodia, so if the protests and strikes ...

The Cambodia Herald News Staff

PATA Travel Mart set for Phnom Penh, Cambodia

The Pacific Asia Travel Association will hold the 37th PATA Travel Mart at Diamond Island Convention & Exhibition Centre, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The event is being hosted by the ministry of tourism of Cambodia and will take place from September 17th-19th. PTM 2014 will offer delegates the ...

Breaking Travel News Staff

Cambodian judge sued for threatening to shoot villagers in land disputes

Over 100 families, who live in Kampong Chhnang, filed complaints against a provincial court judge and his group for allegedly threatening to shoot them in land disputes. The residents sued San Sophat, a judge at Kampong Chhnang Provincial Court, his bodyguard, and Hem Dara, a lawyer, ...

The Cambodia Herald News Staff

CPP, CNRP cancels meeting of election reform committee

The ruling Cambodia People’s Party (CPP) and the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) decided to cancel their meeting, which is scheduled for February 27, according to a CNRP official. The meeting of the two parties’ working groups was suspended not because of political issues, but ...

The Cambodia Herald News Staff

Cambodian PM holds opposition-backed unions responsible for future factory closures due to strikes

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said Tuesday that the opposition-aligned unions, inciting garment workers to stage strikes for higher wages, must take responsibilities for any future closures of factories. “The government has worked very hard to attract investors to build factories and has urged manufacturers to ...

Xinhuanet News Staff

Cambodia to host Open Source Tech Conference

Phnom Penh will host one of Asia’s biggest technology conferences later this month. FossAsia, a conference on open source and free software, will be held in the capital Feb. 28 to March 2—a free event open to students, developers and entrepreneurs. Technologies discussed at the conference will ...

Khoun Theara

UDG accused of farming instead of building

The Chinese-owned Union Development Group in Koh Kong province is bulldozing swaths of its land concession, originally intended for a massive tourist resort, to plant cassava and palm oil trees instead, a CNRP lawmaker-elect said Monday. Son Chhay, lawmaker-elect and CNRP chief whip, visited the area ...

Lauren Crothers and Hul Reaksmey

Grave sites cleared by rubber firms: NGOs

Four Vietnamese rubber firms are responsible for destroying an estimated 1,000 hectares of community forest, including an indigenous graveyard, in Ratanakkiri’s Andong Meas district, a group of NGOs have claimed. The land dispute involving 196 families living in Talav commune dates back to 2011, Chhay Thy, ...

Phak Seangly

Governor to resign from post

Preah Sihanouk provincial governor Sbong Sarath will resign on April 17 to transition into a position on the provincial council of Prey Veng following this May’s council elections, he confirmed yesterday. ...

Meas Sokchea

Ministry of Environment decides to move office again

The Ministry of Environment will relocate its offices to a plot of land near NagaWorld Hotel and Casino in Phnom Penh’s Chamkar Mon district after its planned new headquarters in Meanchey district were declared too far from the city’s center by the new environment minister, ...

Khy Sovuthy

Dredging ferry catches fire

A sand-dredging ferry caught fire and two of its pumping machines exploded yesterday in Kandal’s Kien Svay district. The blast sent a black plume of smoke over the Mekong and caused oil to leak into the river. Yem Sokhum, Phomthom commune police chief, said that according to ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Ranariddh to re-enter politics with new party

Prince Norodom Ranariddh, who became first prime minister of Cambodia after the 1993 U.N.-sponsored elections, will form a new party and re-enter the political arena, according to his cabinet chief. “The prince has a plan to create a new party,” said Naranarith Anandayath, chief of Prince ...

Khy Sovuthy

Education system out of its depth

When Sim Sok Toeur, 32, returned from study in Australia last April, he did so with a vision for Phnom Penh’s skyline. For Sok Toeur, a scholarship to study overseas granted him a better quality of education than was possible in Cambodia – even though ...

Maria Wirth

Gender gains lacking: report

Cambodian women are bumping up against a steadfast glass ceiling, according to an annual report by the Cambodian National Council for Women. The report, released yesterday, tracks what the government has done to execute the prime minister’s 16 recommendations regarding women’s access to and engagement in ...

Chhay Channyda and Laignee Barron

BreadTalk chain set to open up in the capital

Singaporean bakery chain BreadTalk will open up in two locations in Phnom Penh this July, the bakery’s franchisee confirmed yesterday. Ly Daline, CEO of Cham & Ly Corporation, whose company will run BreadTalk in Phnom Penh, said a rising middle class means changes in consumer ...

Hor Kimsay

Kings of concessions

Vietnam and China lead the pack of foreign companies granted economic land concessions in Cambodia for agro-industrial development by a wide margin, new data released by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries show. According to the ministry’s annual report, released last month, since 1993 the ...

May Titthara

Villagers file complaint over chief stealing land

Five families from Oddar Meanchey province’s Samraong district have filed a complaint with district authorities and rights group Adhoc in a bid to reclaim more than 16 hectares of land they allege was sold to other villagers by their village chief without their permission. Adhoc provincial ...

Ben Sokhean

Cambodia fights to balance Vietnam, China

When an ethnic Vietnamese crashed his motorcycle into an ethnic Khmer’s car in Phnom Penh’s Meanchey district last Saturday night, he was attacked by Khmers shouting the racially charged term for Vietnamese — “yuon” — and beaten to death. That an ordinary traffic accident turned into ...

The China Post News Staff

Australia asks Cambodia to take asylum seekers amid violent crackdown

The Abbott government wants to send some asylum seekers to Cambodia, at a time when the country’s strongman prime minister, Hun Sen, is overseeing a brutal crackdown on dissent in one of south-east Asia’s poorest nations. Facing growing opposition after decades of authoritarian rule, Hun Sen ...

Lindsay Murdoch

Cambodian airports to double capacity

Expansion plans will double passenger capacity at Phnom Penh and Siem Reap airports in Cambodia, according to a local aviation official. The project will expand parking areas, terminals and all facilities at the two international airports, Khek Norinda, communications director for Cambodia Airports, said. ...

Bangkok Post News Staff

Exchange to receive millions

Cambodia’s stock exchange will receive a $2.5 million funding injection from the South Korean government in an attempt to draw more corporate interest from companies who may want to go public, according to a recent report on state media site AKP. The funds will go towards ...

Eddie Morton

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