
Village ends logging, plants crops

In Trapaing Chor commune’s Sre Kin village, located in Kampong Speu province’s Oral district, certain community members have transitioned away from forest-related activities such as logging and wildlife hunting. Instead, they have embraced a new approach by forming a rotating cropping community. ...

Kim Sarom

Rangers take on 4,250 crimes since January

Since 2017, the Kingdom’s park rangers have intervened in over 8,000 forestry and wildlife crimes a year, with more than 800 cases referred to courts. ...

Voun Dara

US funding wildlife crimes training for court officials

The Ministry of Justice and Wildlife Conservation Society Cambodia (WCS Cambodia) conducted the first training courses on “Skills to Address International Wildlife Trafficking for Cambodian Prosecutors and Judges”. ...

Orm Bunthoeurn

Forestry Administration issues wrap-up on 2021 enforcement

There were over 4,000 cases total of fisheries and wildlife crimes in 2021 nationwide, with nearly 200 suspects referred to court, according to a report by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Migrants blamed for poaching in Battambang

Forest rangers from the Battambang provincial Department of Environment have stepped up patrols in light of the increase in wildlife crimes.​ ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Wildlife busts in Kingdom’s north

The Mondulkiri provincial Environment Department launched a campaign among the Banong, Krueng and Tumpuon ethnic communities to create awareness about the importance of wildlife to the ecology and tourism sector. The communities live close to wildlife sanctuaries. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya and Soth Koemsoeun

Penalties for logging falling

A recent government report on protecting the country’s natural resources reveals that a total of 1,166 crimes were recorded, but only 873 ended up in court and only 293 of those cases resulted in small fines being issued. The report from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry ...

May Titthara

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