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5417 Records found for "돌림판 룰렛 Gm234.top 코드 6520 다이스(Dices) 카지노 홀덤 딜 오어 노 딜(Deal or no Deal) AoA"

UK Pedophile Came to Cambodia to Teach in Schools

The Phnom Penh Municipal Court on Wednesday charged convicted British pedophile Richard Fruin, 36, with sexually abusing two brothers, aged 8 and 11, at a guesthouse in Phnom Penh, court officials said. While the court has yet to decide Fruin’s fate, his case—and many similar ...

Kuch Naren and Ben Woods

Palm oil plantation accused of withholding workers’ pay

More than 20 families working on a controversial palm oil plantation in Ratanakkiri province owned by the Hoang Anh Lumphat company have filed a complaint with rights group Adhoc accusing the owners of improperly withholding one month’s pay. Lor Sophal said he and another 22 families, ...

Aun Pheap

Cambodia election ranked 5th most flawed in survey

A new report by researchers from Harvard University and the University of Sydney has ranked Cambodia’s 2013 national election as the fifth most “flawed or failed” out of the 73 national ballots held around the world between July 2012 and December 2013. Based on surveys completed ...

Alex Willemyns and Mech Dara

Government-formed land dispute committee suspected of bias

The Kompong Chhnang provincial government has set up a new committee to help settle a long-running land dispute between local farmers and a company owned by the wife of Mines and Energy Minister Suy Sem, but a representative of the villagers has not been invited ...

Kuch Naren

Cambodia’s tourism steady

Cambodia’s tourist arrivals registered a 4.7% growth in March according to the country’s statistics and tourist Information Department. The country attracted 400,076 visits compared to 382,206 during the same month last year. Released by the Ministry of Tourism, late last week, data showed Vietnam led the field ...

Wanwisa Ngamsangchaikit

Risk-averse Japanese investing more in Phnom Penh condos

In the course of a city’s development, especially a capital city, certain events serve as mile markers, raising their profile both regionally and globally. Few understand the changing views of Japanese investors toward Cambodia better than the upper management of boutique real estate consultancy AnnaCam ...

Chris Horton

Thmey Thmey to hit airwaves, be published in Japanese, French

Thmey Thmey online news and Women’s Radio FM 102 on Thursday announced a partnership that will see journalists from both outlets join forces to create evening news bulletins to be broadcast daily starting Saturday. “Our concept is independent Cambodian news, by Cambodians, for Cambodians, and 102 ...

Matt Blomberg and Ben Sokhean

Cambodia bets on Saemaeul movement to spur rural reform

With agriculture still the mainstay of its economy, Cambodia is seeking to reform rural communities in partnership with Korea to shore up residents’ livelihoods and boost grain exports. The Southeast Asian country is seeking to follow in the footsteps of the “Saemaeul Undong,” or New Community ...

Shin Hyon-hee

Too many Cambodian women dying during childbirth

Cambodia has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in Southeast Asia. The number of women dying during pregnancy or childbirth has dropped in recent years. But it is still far short of the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals. The Cambodian government accepted those goals ...

Men Kimseng

Coronavirus likely to result in lay-offs as China factories close

The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training has warned that some garment factories in Cambodia may be forced to shut down temporarily or lay off workers next month due to a shortage of raw materials. As the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) continues to spread across ...

Khorn Savi

Inside the criminal network ravaging Cambodia’s forests ― and the community fighting to save them

These illicit networks have had devastating ramifications in Cambodia, where rural poor and indigenous communities have relied on forested areas as a vital source of income for thousands of years. With one of the highest rates of tree cover loss in the world, the country saw nearly 2 million hectares, ...

Jesselyn Cook

Ministry asserts power over state private land

The Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction has reasserted its authority to conduct cadastral surveys of land plots that aim to establish leaseholder rights over state private land. State private land is legally defined as all property that belongs to the state but does ...

Long Kimmarita

Signing of the memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the Cambodia National Council for Women and the Bar Association of the Kingdom of Cambodia

On 17 March 2021, the Bar Association of the Kingdom of Cambodia issued a press release on the signing of the memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the Cambodia National Council for Women and the Bar Association of the Kingdom of Cambodia.​ Under this memorandum, the ...

Bar Association of the Kingdom of Cambodia

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The 4th dose of COVID-19 vaccine in Phnom Penh

On 12 January 2022, the Phnom Penh Capital Administration issued the notification on the 4th dose of COVID-19 vaccine to the leaders, civil servants and staffs, 14 Khan Administration, 105 Sangkat Administration Departments, special units, frontline health workers, the private sector and the people in ...

Phnom Penh Capital Administration

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[[“\u178f\u17bd\u17a2\u1784\u17d2\u1782″,”\u1787\u17c6\u1793\u17b6\u1789/\u1782\u17c4\u179b\u1794\u17c6\u178e\u1784″,”Website”,”\u17a0\u17d2\u179c\u17c1\u179f\u1794\u17ca\u17bb\u1780″],[“ Healy Consultants“,”Healy Consultants \u1782\u17ba\u1787\u17b6\u1780\u17d2\u179a\u17bb\u1798\u17a0\u17ca\u17bb\u1793\u17af\u1780\u1787\u1793\u178a\u17c2\u179b\u1787\u17bd\u1799\u17a2\u178f\u17b7\u1790\u17b7\u1787\u1793\u1796\u17a0\u17bb\u1787\u17b6\u178f\u17b7\u1787\u17b6\u1798\u17bd\u1799\u1793\u17b9\u1784\u17a2\u17b6\u1787\u17b8\u179c\u1780\u1798\u17d2\u1798\u178a\u17c2\u179b\u1794\u17b6\u1793\u1794\u1784\u17d2\u1780\u17be\u178f\u17a1\u17be\u1784\u1793\u17c5\u1780\u17d2\u1793\u17bb\u1784\u1787\u17b6\u1784 \u17e2\u17e0\u17e0 \u1794\u17d2\u179a\u1791\u17c1\u179f\u17d4″,””,”\u178f\u17c6\u178e\u1797\u17d2\u1787\u17b6\u1794\u17cb“],[“\u1782\u17d2\u179a\u17b9\u17c7\u179f\u17d2\u1790\u17b6\u1793\u1798\u17b8\u1780\u17d2\u179a\u17bc\u17a0\u17b7\u179a\u1789\u17d2\u1789\u179c\u178f\u17d2\u1790\u17bb \u1794\u17d2\u179a\u17b6\u179f\u17b6\u1780\u17cb “,”\u1782\u17d2\u179a\u17b9\u17c7\u179f\u17d2\u1790\u17b6\u1793\u1798\u17b8\u1780\u17d2\u179a\u17bc\u17a0\u17b7\u179a\u1789\u17d2\u1789\u179c\u178f\u17d2\u1790\u17bb \u1794\u17d2\u179a\u17b6\u179f\u17b6\u1780\u17cb \u1782\u17ba\u1787\u17b6\u1782\u17d2\u179a\u17b9\u17c7\u179f\u17d2\u1790\u17b6\u1793\u1798\u17b8\u1780\u17d2\u179a\u17bc\u17a0\u17b7\u179a\u1789\u17d2\u1789\u179c\u178f\u17d2\u1790\u17bb\u17af\u1780\u1787\u1793\u1798\u17bd\u1799 \u178a\u17c2\u179b\u1794\u17b6\u1793\u1785\u17bc\u179b\u179a\u17bd\u1798\u1787\u17b6\u1798\u17bd\u1799\u1792\u1793\u17b6\u1782\u17b6\u179a\u179f\u17a0\u1782\u17d2\u179a\u17b6\u179f\u1792\u17bb\u1793\u178f\u17bc\u1785 \u1793\u17b7\u1784\u1798\u1792\u17d2\u1799\u1798 \u1780\u17d2\u1793\u17bb\u1784\u1782\u1798\u17d2\u179a\u17c4\u1784\u179f\u17a0\u17a0\u17b7\u179a\u1789\u17d2\u1789\u1794\u17d2\u1794\u1791\u17b6\u1793\u179f\u17a0\u1782\u17d2\u179a\u17b6\u179f\u1792\u17bb\u1793\u178f\u17bc\u1785 \u1793\u17b7\u1784\u1798\u1792\u17d2\u1799\u1798\u17d4 \u1794\u17d2\u179a\u17b6\u179f\u17b6\u1780\u17cb \u1795\u17d2\u178f\u179b\u17cb\u1780\u1798\u17d2\u1785\u17b8\u178a\u179b\u17cb\u179f\u17a0\u1782\u17d2\u179a\u17b6\u179f\u1792\u17bb\u1793\u178f\u17bc\u1785 \u1793\u17b7\u1784\u1798\u1792\u17d2\u1799\u1798 \u178a\u17c2\u179b\u1798\u17b6\u1793\u1791\u17bb\u1793\u179c\u17b7\u1793\u17b7\u1799\u17c4\u1782\u179a\u17a0\u17bc\u178f\u178a\u179b\u17cb \u17e8\u17e4\u17e0\u179b\u17b6\u1793\u179a\u17c0\u179b \u17ac \u17e2\u17e0\u17e0,\u17e0\u17e0\u17e0\u178a\u17bb\u179b\u17d2\u179b\u17b6\u179a\u17a2\u17b6\u1798\u17c1\u179a\u17b7\u1780 \u1787\u17b6\u1798\u17bd\u1799\u1793\u17b9\u1784\u17a2\u178f\u17d2\u179a\u17b6\u1780\u17b6\u179a\u1794\u17d2\u179a\u17b6\u1780\u17cb \u17e7% \u179a\u1799\u17c8\u1796\u17c1\u179b \u17e4\u1786\u17d2\u1793\u17b6\u17c6\u17d4″,””,”\u178f\u17c6\u178e\u1797\u17d2\u1787\u17b6\u1794\u17cb“],[“\u1792\u1793\u17b6\u1782\u17b6\u179a \u179c\u17b8\u1784 (\u1780\u1798\u17d2\u1796\u17bb\u1787\u17b6) \u1797\u17b8\u17a2\u17b7\u179b\u179f\u17ca\u17b8“,”\u1792\u1793\u17b6\u1782\u17b6\u179a \u179c\u17b8\u1784 \u1792\u17d2\u179c\u17be\u1780\u17b6\u179a\u1799\u17c9\u17b6\u1784\u1787\u17b7\u178f\u179f\u17d2\u1793\u17b7\u1791\u17d2\u1792\u1787\u17b6\u1798\u17bd\u1799\u179f\u17a0\u1782\u17d2\u179a\u17b7\u1793\u1781\u17d2\u1798\u17c2\u179a\u178a\u17be\u1798\u17d2\u1794\u17b8\u1787\u17c6\u179a\u17bb\u1789\u1794\u17d2\u179a\u178f\u17b7\u1794\u178f\u17d2\u178f\u17b7\u1780\u17b6\u179a\u179a\u1794\u179f\u17cb\u179f\u17a0\u1782\u17d2\u179a\u17b6\u179f\u1792\u17bb\u1793\u178f\u17bc\u1785 \u1793\u17b7\u1784\u1798\u1792\u17d2\u1799\u1798\u1780\u17d2\u1793\u17bb\u1784\u179c\u17b7\u179f\u17d0\u1799\u17a2\u17b6\u1791\u17b7\u1797\u17b6\u1796\u1785\u17c6\u1793\u17bd\u1793\u1794\u17bd\u1793\u1782\u17ba \u1780\u179f\u17b7\u1780\u1798\u17d2\u1798 \u1795\u179b\u17b7\u178f\u1780\u1798\u17d2\u1798 \u179f\u17c1\u179c\u17b6\u1780\u1798\u17d2\u1798 \u1793\u17b7\u1784\u1794\u1785\u17d2\u1785\u17c1\u1780\u179c\u17b7\u1791\u17d2\u1799\u17b6\u1791\u17c6\u1793\u17b6\u1780\u17cb\u1791\u17c6\u1793\u1784\u1796\u17d0\u178f\u17cc\u1798\u17b6\u1793\u17d4 \u1782\u17b7\u178f\u178f\u17d2\u179a\u17b9\u1798\u1786\u17d2\u1793\u17b6\u17c6 \u17e2\u17e0\u17e2\u17e0 \u1792\u1793\u17b6\u1782\u17b6\u179a ...

Private institutions

[[“Actors”,”Expertise/purposes”,”Website”,”Facebook”],[“ Healy Consultants“,”Healy Consultants is a private company that assists multinational clients with business set up in over 200 countries.”,””,”Link“],[“PRASAC Microfinance Institution“,”PRASAC is a private microfinance institution that participated with SME Bank in the SME co-financing scheme. It offers loans to SMEs with an investment ...

ChildFund debuts ‘Swipe Safe’ plans

The NGO ChildFund has announced its strategic plan for 2022-2025 as well as a brand-new online safety project “Swipe Safe” to protect children from online abuse of all kinds. ChildFund said in its press release on november 2 that the ChildFund-initiated project, “Swipe Safe” will begin ...

Mom Kunthear

Press release – prakas on credit risk for capital adequacy ratios in deposit-taking banks and financial institutions of national bank of cambodia

On 03 July 2023, the Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia has posted a press release on prakas on credit risk for capital adequacy ratios in deposit-taking banks and financial institutions of national bank of cambodia on their official website.According to the press release, the purpose ...

Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia

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Land tenure and land titling NGOs

There are four major international donors to land rights development and reform in Cambodia: the World Bank, Germany, Finland and Canada. Their support spans multiple programs and several years with the overall objective of improving land tenure security and promoting stable land markets. ...

Cambodia Delays US Military Aid

Cambodia postponed U.S.-backed military assistance programs immediately after the July 28 national election, officials of both countries confirmed Tuesday, in a move that analysts said reflects a strain in relations after years of strengthening military ties. The U.S. has in recent years expanded training and other ...


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