Report cites election day voter fraud

Voter rolls at several polling stations appear to have been “intentionally manipulated” in advance of the election to allow large groups of individuals to cast fraudulent ballots in communes where they were ineligible, according to a report released Saturday by rights group Licadho. One of the incidents cited describes hundreds of university students being transported from Phnom Penh to Kandal’s Lvea Em district to vote, allegedly under the instruction of their professors, as one example of systematic voter fraud. Another observed incident in hotly contested Kandal involved more than 100 workers from a rock quarry in Kampong Speu who were brought to a newly created polling station in Sa’ang district to vote despite not having residence there, Licadho says. … Tep Nytha, secretary-general at the National Election Committee, said the NEC had received the report but that, whether it had evidence of malfeasance or not, “the NEC will not investigate”. “It is their right to say what they see. The NEC receives those reports to look into which points could be useful to make changes for the next election, so we accept them. For points that we can’t accept, we just archive them,” he said. …