Disasters and emergency response
Covid-19 medication now available across Kingdom
The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications began selling and distributing Molnupiravir capsules yesterday. ...
Tith Kongnov
Scourge vanquished: PM declares official end to devastating Feb 20 Event
After 10 months of tragedy brought about by the February 20 Community Event, Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday declared an official end to the scourge. ...
Yim Sreylin
Over 260K migrants return since Covid-19 outbreak
Over 260,000 Cambodian migrant workers have returned from abroad, mostly from Thailand, since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic through the end of 2021, according to the National Committee for Counter Trafficking (NCCT). ...
Lay Samean
Ministry gives greenlight to resume early education
Minister of Education, Youth and Sport Hang Chuon Naron has given the green light for early childhood education service providers to resume operations nationwide from January 10 through at least October 31, 2022. ...
Voun Dara
Cambodia set to receive Australia-donated COVID-19 vaccines this weekend
Cambodia is going to receive about 2.3 million doses of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, a donation of Australia, this weekend. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Gov’t suspends recruitment of new civil service officers to save National Budget to handle C-19
The government has decided to suspend the recruitment of new government officers in 2022 to save national budget to help Cambodians with their health and social issues while handling the Covid-19 crisis. ...
UK researchers say 3rd ‘booster’ dose 85% effective against Omicron – but booster take up in Cambodia remains critically low
As Cambodia records it 2nd case of the Omicron variant, a report from researchers at Imperial College London says that a 3rd ‘booster’ dose could provide around 85% protection against severe effects of the Omicron variant. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Ministry, WHO: Be prepared for Omicron variant
The Ministry of Health called on the public to be vigilant and prepared for the arrival of the Omicron variant in Cambodia so that they will not have any regrets when it gets here. ...
Mom Kunthear
CSOs appeal for more space to air grievances, solutions to disputes
A group of 30 civil society organisations including labour unions, NGOs, community networks, indigenous peoples, youth groups and professional associations have requested that the government be more responsive to the concerns of its citizenry and allow people the freedom, opportunity and space to express their ...
Mom Kunthear
Health ministry, WHO Cambodia all set for Omicron variant Q&A
The Ministry of Health and the World Health Organisation (WHO) in Cambodia will hold a joint press conference on December 9 to update the Kingdom on the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus variant Omicron. ...
Mom Kunthear
Tax breaks to be extended beyond reopening
The government has decided to extend tax exemptions to sectors ravaged by the Covid-19 outbreak, to allow businesses breathing space for recovery and boost economic growth amid a lingering uncertainty over the convergence of crises brought on by the pandemic. ...
May Kunmakara
Firms seek to resume high rise construction in Sihanoukville
The Covid-19 pandemic brought high-rise building construction in Preah Sihanouk province to a halt when it began, resulting in several business disputes that four real estate companies are now working together to solve, according to provincial governor Kuch Chamroeun. ...
Voun Dara
Search-rescue units get specialised prep for natural disasters
The National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM) held a training course on techniques for search and rescue operations to further strengthen the skills of Cambodia’s emergency responders and improve their efficiency. ...
Lay Samean
New SOPs clarify entry rules for visitors to the Kingdom
The Ministry of Health yesterday issued Standard Operating Procedures to clarify entry requirements for passengers arriving at Cambodian International Airports in the context of the ‘new normal’ during the Covid-19 pandemic. ...
Yim Sreylin
Bun Rany praises CRC volunteers on Covid-19 outreach
The Kingdom on December 5 marked the International Day of Volunteers, this year held under the theme “volunteering for our future”. The day was officially observed by the Cambodian Red Cross (CRC), whose volunteers have had to overcome many obstacles this year while conducting educational ...
Mom Kunthear
China to help set up jab factory
China pledged to provide more vaccine assistance to Cambodia and to establish a production facility in the Kingdom as the Covid-19 situation remains uncertain with the emergence of new variants and no clear end in sight. ...
Voun Dara
Japan suspends entry of interns over Omicron concerns
Japan suspended the allowance of Cambodian interns or workers to enter to the country due to Covid-19 Omicron as major fears have been raised over this new variant, which is reported to be highly transmissible, has a higher reinfection rate and has spread to 38 ...
Yim Sreylin
Travel ban lifted on passengers from 10 African countries
Following the suggestion made by Prime Minister Hun Sen last week, the Health Ministry yesterday has lifted the ban on travellers from 10 African countries or who have a history of travelling to those countries, which had been put in place over concerns after the ...
Khmer Times Staff
Cambodia is expected to produce Covid-19 vaccine next year
Cambodia is expected to produce the Covid-19 vaccine next year, said Chinese Ambassador to Cambodia Wang Wentian. ...
Yim Sreylin
WHO representative in Cambodia endorses country’s action against COVID-19 new variant, omicron
Cambodia is doing everything according to established procedures and therefore has nothing to change in its approach in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and the new variant, Omicron,which has emerged recently and any other new variants. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Japan set to sign $180M Covid-19 crisis loan agreement in December
Japan is expected to sign a concessional loan agreement worth 20 billion yen ($180 million) with the Kingdom this month for Covid-19 Crisis Response Emergency Support Loan Phase 2, the Cambodian Ministry of Economy and Finance said on November 30. ...
Hom Phanet
Indonesian foreign minister pays official visit to Kingdom
Cambodia and Indonesia vowed to strengthen their diplomatic relations and declared mutual support for each other in multilateral forums on the international stage. ...
Ry Sochan
AirAsia CEO ‘bullish’ on beating Omicron as airline announces resumption of Phnom Penh flights
AirAsia Group chief executive Tony Fernandes has urged governments to stop “overreacting” to the emergence of the new Omicron variant of Covid-19 and focus on reducing the cost of PCR testing instead. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Prime Minister considers lifting travel ban on African countries
Cambodia is considering to reverse the banned entry of travellers who have been or transited through 10 African countries and instead requiring PCR tests, Prime Minister Hun Sen said yesterday. ...
Yim Sreylin