

New voters to get ID cards

Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Sar Kheng met with European Union Ambassador to Cambodia George Edgar on Tuesday to discuss issuing identity cards for the coming national election. ...

Khy Sovuthy

Overseas voting amendments sent to Assembly Committee

The National Assembly’s permanent committee on Monday approved further study of amendments to Cambodia’s election law that would allow more than 1 million migrant workers to vote from outside the country’s borders. ...

Ben Sokhean

Hun Sen says Cambodia Daily must pay its $6.3M tax bill or ‘pack up’

Prime Minister Hun Sen escalated the government’s attacks on media outlets and NGOs yesterday, reiterating in a speech that the Cambodia Daily would have to “pack up their things and leave” if they failed to pay a $6.3 million tax bill, while at the same ...

Ananth Baliga and Niem Chheng

UN: Cambodia ‘approaching a precipice’ amid threats, fear

The U.N.’s human rights envoy to Cambodia condemned the government’s recent violent rhetoric, court action against politicians and attacks against NGOs that have ramped up ahead of a key national election next year, arguing that the country appeared to be “approaching a precipice.” ...

Janelle Retka

KPP asked to submit reports to government

A meeting yesterday between Interior Ministry officials and the acting leader of jailed government critic Sourn Serey Ratha’s Khmer Power Party ended with the party being asked to file missing annual reports to bring it in line with the Political Parties Law. ...

Meas Sokchea

UN envoy meets with NEC

The National Election Committee (NEC) yesterday told United Nations Special Rapporteur Rhona Smith that election monitoring coalition the “Situation Room” will have to register with the Interior Ministry if it wants to deploy observers for next year’s elections – despite there being no such requirement ...

Soth Koemsoeun and Ananth Baliga

US-funded National Democratic Institute accused of colluding with CNRP

Leaked materials from the United States-funded NGO National Democratic Institute (NDI) have been portrayed on Facebook and in local media as being part of an “ill intended” strategy to help the opposition party win next year’s national election, with government officials yesterday publicly questioning the ...

Niem Chheng and Ananth Baliga

NEC to begin registering voters it missed for 2017

The National Election Committee said it will aim to register around 1.4 million of the nearly 2 million eligible voters it was unable to get on voter rolls last year, though the body’s chairman, Sik Bun Hok, refused to address yesterday whether the process would ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Party HQ searched amid terror allegations

The saga involving the arrest of a politically-irrelevant opposition party’s leader took another twist on Tuesday when the party’s Phnom Penh offices were searched by anti-terrorism police, with a party official claiming it was due to links with a government-branded terrorist. ...

Van Roeun

Opposition pushes migrant vote reform

Opposition CNRP lawmakers have suggested amendments to a law which would let Cambodian migrant workers register and vote abroad. The amendments were sent to National Assembly President Heng Samrin on Friday. ...

Khy Sovuthy

Kem Sokha tours country gathering post-election feedback

Taking stock of his party’s June commune elections losses, CNRP president Kem Sokha has embarked on a countrywide tour to gather feedback and intelligence the party can use to steer its national election campaign, party officials said on Tuesday. ...

Ben Paviour and Ben Sokhean

New Battambang CNRP Chief Sin Rozeth chided over admin errors

Prominent opposition Commune Chief Sin Rozeth has been formally chastised by Battambang officials for seemingly minor violations – such as erroneously declaring certain services free and keeping her own records – in a case one analyst said reflected the harassment opposition officials have faced since ...

Niem Chheng and Ananth Baliga

Opposition completes removal of Rainsy signs

The Cambodia National Rescue Party yesterday completed its task of removing pictures of its leadership from its billboards across the country in response to the passage of widely criticized legal amendments that effectively outlawed their former president’s association with the party. ...

Meas Sokchea

CNRP will propose changes to allow voting from abroad

Opposition lawmakers plan to submit proposed amendments to the national election law next week in order to allow Cambodians who work and live outside the country to register and vote from abroad. ...

Ben Sokhean and Brendan O’Byrne

Hun Sen promises weekly garment factory visits

Prime Minister Hun Sen announced on Friday that he will make weekly visits to garment factories across the country to better understand the demands and needs of workers, in what some observers said could be an attempt to appeal to potential voters before next July’s ...

Kong Meta

PM defends minister, slams US and Human Rights Watch

Prime Minister Hun Sen defended Social Affairs Minister Vong Sauth on Thursday, confirming that he had advocated using force against protesters in a closed-door CPP strategy meeting that Mr. Sauth later retold to reporters. ...

Ben Sokhean

Law blocks migrant workers from voting

The National Election Committee has said current laws forbid out-of-country registration and voting, following a meeting yesterday to discuss involving migrant workers in next year’s national election. ...

Khy Sovuthy

NEC head deflects blame on migrant voters

National Election Committee (NEC) Chairman Sik Bun Hok yesterday attempted to quell criticism of the electoral body for failing to register migrant voters, insisting that the law did not empower the body to allow overseas voting or registration, and instead passing the buck to political ...

Ananth Baliga and Mech Dara

Ministry declines to meet poll watchdogs

The Interior Ministry has declined to meet two election watchdogs to discuss their work ahead of the 2018 general election. ...

Khy Sovuthy

NEC to meet over migrants’ voting rights

The National Election Committee will on Thursday hold a meeting to discuss the registration of migrant workers to vote in the upcoming 2018 national election. ...

Khy Sovuthy

Government to monitor Sam Rainsy’s facebook page

The Interior Ministry plans to monitor the Facebook page of former opposition president Sam Rainsy for violations of newly passed amendments to the Law on Political Parties, which will also force the CNRP to spend upwards of half a million dollars to erase his image ...

Ben Sokhean and Ben Paviour

King’s CPP stand-in enacts party law changes

Senate President Say Chhum signed controversial amendments to the Law on Political Parties on Friday, effectively preventing former CNRP President Sam Rainsy from supporting his former party from overseas. ...

Ben Sokhean

Hun Sen sets date for next national election—July 29, 2018

Prime Minister Hun Sen set the date for next year’s national election as July 29, officially backtracking on a deal his ruling CPP made with the opposition in 2014 to hold the poll during the dry season. ...

Ouch Sony and Zsombor Peter

CNRP meets as new Party Law clears council

Cambodia National Rescue Party leaders yesterday summoned members from across the Kingdom instructing them how to comply with impending new laws that will see former party President Sam Rainsy scrubbed clean from their prolific billboards – but not without a hint of defiance. ...

Meas Sokchea

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