

No major flooding mishaps despite rising Mekong waters, says Ministry

Water levels have been rising in Stung Treng, Kratie, Tbong Khmum, Kampong Cham and Battambang provinces over the past two weeks, but so far floods have not had a serious impact, the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology said. Its spokesman Chan Yutha told The ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya and Voun Dara

Provincial farmers advised to harvest earlier

The Ministry of Water Resources yesterday advised farmers in Stung Treng, Kratie, Tbong Khmum and Kampong Cham provinces to speed up harvesting their crops due to impending floods coming in the next few days. ...

Sen David

Floods to hit provinces

The Ministry of Water Resources yesterday announced that floods will hit several provincial areas due to strong weather and water flow from Thailand. The ministry warned that heavy water flow in Pailin province have affected areas surrounding the Stung Takouy river. ...

Sen David

Ministry issues flood alert

The Ministry of Water Resources yesterday issued a flood alert in some provinces due to heavy rain while it also opened the gates of dams in Kampot and Battambang provinces to release excess water. ...

Sen David

Fingers pointed for city’s floods

Blame is being passed around on the cause of flooding along the Boeung Trabek canal which inundated people’s homes after two consecutive days of heavy downpours on Monday and Tuesday as the rainy season moves into full swing. The finger is being pointed at pumping ...

Mech Dara

Disaster agency stockpiling rice and seeds for flood prep

National Committee for Disaster Management spokesman Keo Vy said on Wednesday that the government had stockpiled 12,000 tonnes of rice and crop seeds to support Cambodians in rural areas facing natural disasters such as droughts and floods. Vy said natural disasters are notably caused by ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Floods destroy ‘over 2,300 hectares’ of paddy fields

Mongkul Borey district authorities in Banteay Meanchey province told The Post on Monday that more than 2,300 hectares of paddy fields have been completely destroyed due to flooding, while a further 2,200 hectares face damage in the coming days if heavy rain continues. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Sesan holdouts demand compensation from flood

Sesan dam holdouts from Kbal Romeas and Srekor villages have gone on the offensive, demanding compensation for destroyed rice fields and new homes on their ancestral land. Both villages were flooded following the inauguration of the China-backed Lower Sesan II Dam in September. While some accepted ...

Phak Seangly

Floating rice: The climate-resilient alternative for Cambodia’s food production

Grown in floods and thriving without pesticides, floating rice offers Cambodia a sustainable alternative for its eco-friendly food production amid threats from climate change. ...

Pichayada Promchertchoo

Phnong want damages for Sesan flooded graves

Fifty-eight Phnong ethnic families in Kbal Romeas village, whose land was flooded late last year by the reservoir of the controversial Lower Sesan II Dam, are seeking at least 1,500 buffaloes from authorities and company representatives in compensation for their ancestral graves that are now ...

Phak Seangly

Phnom Penh City Hall unveils disaster plan

City Hall yesterday released Phnom Penh’s first ever disaster response plan, which promises to better prepare the capital for emergencies, especially floods and fires. The 73-page Emergency Response Preparedness Plan (EPRP) will be distributed to officials down to the commune level and designates responsibilities for preparing ...

Ouk Suntharoth and Alessandro Marazzi Sassoon

'Silent waterworld': Cambodian village submerged by floodwater from Chinese-built dam

Floodwater released from a hydroelectric dam has completely submerged a Cambodian village, turning it into a “silent waterworld”. The new Lower Sesan 2 Dam has unleashed a deluge of water on Srekor, in the northern province of Stung Treng, according to California-based campaign group International Rivers. ...

Tom Barnes

Sesan holdouts will not be given public services

Stung Treng province officials have announced they will not build public facilities for those villagers who refused to relocate to the government’s resettlement site when their villages were flooded late last year by the reservoir of the controversial Lower Sesan II Dam. ...

Phak Seangly

Unseasonable rains bring floods

Unseasonable weather has wreaked havoc this week, bringing floods to Sihanoukville and Poipet and leaving one dead from a lightning strike in Koh Kong province, officials confirmed yesterday. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Mekong observation projects launched

The Mekong River Commission yesterday launched two joint projects to better manage the Mekong basin resources and address flood and drought issues, especially monitoring the environmental impact of the controversial Don Sahong hydropower dam. ...

Khuon Narim

Kampong Cham tourist site planned

More than 5,000 sugar palm trees will be planted at an ancient historical site in Kampong Cham province’s Srei Santhor district in an effort to turn the area into a tourist attraction. ...

Khy Sovuthy

The NGO flying drones to map flooding

In a freshly bulldozed lot in Kampong Krabao commune, across the Stung Sen River from Kampong Thom’s provincial capital, a team from the Czech NGO People in Need (PIN) is preparing a small Styrofoam drone for a survey flight. ...

Alessandro Marazzi Sassoon and Rinith Taing

Sesan locals win right to stay

Local authorities have agreed to allow the last families refusing to relocate from their homes near the Lower Sesan II dam to establish a new village on their community forest and ancestral lands. ...

May Titthara

Clean water shortage at Sesan

Even as floodwaters pour into their villages and encroach upon their resettlement sites, villagers displaced by the controversial Lower Sesan II Dam in Stung Treng province say they are now facing shortages of potable water. ...

Phak Seangly

Sesan locals set up ‘illegal’ village

Families living in a commune flooded by the Lower Sesan II dam have set up a new village on their community forest without the permission of local authorities. Residents of Sre Ko commune were offered new homes in a different area and compensation to leave ...

May Titthara

Sesan locals agree to new village

Families refusing to relocate from their homes near the Lower Sesan II dam have said they will all leave if they can establish a new village on their community forest and ancestral lands. ...

May Titthara

Flood victims want new homes on ancestral lands

The last families refusing to relocate from two communes near the Lower Sesan II dam are considering asking the authorities to establish a new village on ancestral lands close to their original homes as flood waters in the area continue to rise. ...

May Titthara

Last Sesan holdouts sit tight

Villagers from Kbal Romeas, which will soon be completely inundated by the Lower Sesan II Dam, yesterday said they are still resolved not to leave their homes, contradicting accounts of an official who said the majority of the 58 families had already relocated last week. ...

Phak Seangly

Unrelenting rains

Provinces nationwide – particularly those along the Cambodia-Thailand border – are likely to experience more flooding as a result of a low-pressure system that is expected to bring rain across the country, according to a forecast from the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

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