National government
Ministries and other national bodies
China signs pacts on aid for transport, mines and education
Cambodia and China yesterday signed three agreements on mine clearing, a transportation master plan and renovation of the Royal Palace building in Siem Reap province. The signings came amid the launch of a big finance project to improve education in Cambodia. ...
Chea Vannak
Exhibition to solidify military ties with China
Defence Minister Tea Banh and Chinese Defence Minister Wei Fenghe yesterday launched an exhibition highlighting military cooperation between the countries on Koh Pich in Phnom Penh. ...
Khy Sovuthy
Migrants face Thai deadline
The Ministry of Labour on Monday pledged to document what it says are the remaining 10,000 illegal Cambodian migrant workers in Thailand by the end of June. All remaining undocumented Cambodian workers after the deadline passes face repatriation by Thai authorities. ...
Kong Meta
Ministry to crack down on fake service charges
Tourism sector businesses will be fined up to 300,000 riel ($75) if caught imposing “service charges” without first applying to the Ministry of Tourism, an announcement issued on Monday said. The ministry’s director of the tourism, accommodation and food and beverage (F&B) management, Kim Serey ...
Cheng Sokhorng
Koh Kong urged to solve land dispute
An official with Koh Kong’s provincial land department said yesterday that the department will cooperate with the Industry Ministry to resolve a land dispute case between a group of civil servants and their superior. ...
Ven Rathavong
Officials close tobacco factory in Phnom Penh
The Interior Ministry’s Counter Counterfeit Committee has suspended a company operating a tobacco factory in Sen Sok district in Phnom Penh after officials found that it was involved in the illegal production of tobacco products. ...
Pech Sotheary
Khmer-Vietnamese Association gets nod
The Interior Ministry has authorised the Khmer-Vietnamese Association to register on its list of organisations, Vietnamese media have reported. The association was established to bring together Khmer people of Vietnamese origin and other Vietnamese in Cambodia for humanitarian work and to spread information about the ...
Pech Sotheary
New sub-decree aims to manage non-tax revenue collection
The government yesterday released sub-decree No 72 to enhance efficiency and transparency in the management of non-tax revenue. The new regulation sets the mechanism to be followed when collecting, recording and monitoring non-tax revenue, including income collected from ministries, public institutions, province-level administration and state ...
Sok Chan
Lao dam under review
Laos has begun formal consultation on the Pak Lay hydropower dam project in its northern province of Xayaburi amid environmental concerns that it will impact the Cambodian stretch of the Mekong River. ...
Khy Sovuthy
Hopes grow as agriculture sector gains from initiative
As one of the Kingdom’s main engines of economic growth, the agricultural sector has been drawing increased attention recently from both the government and development partners. Millions of dollars have been poured into agriculture projects by both the state and international NGOs, investments which are ...
Cheng Sokhorng
China to extend defence cooperation
The Chinese military will continue its joint military exercise, dubbed Golden Dragon, with the Royal Cambodian Army next year, Chinese Defence Minister General Wei Fenghe told his Cambodian counterpart yesterday. ...
Khy Sovuthy
Koh Kong families to receive land titles
The Koh Kong provincial governor announced yesterday that land for 175 families locked in a dispute with sugar companies in Botum Sakor and Sre Ambel districts has been charted and is ready to be distributed. ...
Pech Sotheary
Workers to get three days off for polls
The Ministry of Labour instructed factories and enterprises in the Kingdom to give workers three days off in order to cast their ballots in the July 29 national elections, stating that salaries and bonuses should remain unaffected. The move raised eyebrows with a former opposition ...
Niem Chheng
Program targets poor performing schools
The Education Ministry and the Development Partnership Fund have agreed to target nine provinces to develop quality primary education. The program, phase three of the Global Partnership of Education, was launched yesterday for 40 districts in the provinces. ...
Sen David
Over 100 tonnes of illegal items destroyed in K Speu
More than 100 tonnes of fake, expired and illegal products with banned chemical substances were destroyed on Thursday in Kampong Speu province on the orders of Interior Minister Sar Kheng. Kheng said the counterfeit products, which included food and beverages, were imported, mostly from the ...
Soth Koemsoeun
Land protesters under scrutiny
Interior Minister Sar Kheng has issued a letter to all provincial governors telling them to resolve legitimate land disputes being raised before the election and keep a lookout for “opportunists” taking advantage of the election season to grab land. ...
Pech Sotheary
Government earns $366m from construction sector
The government collected more than $366 million in revenues from the construction sector from 2013 to 2017, mostly from land registration and cadastre, construction, land leases, and property title transfer services, according to a recent government report. ...
Sum Manet
Cambodia earns UN economic council seat
The Foreign Affairs Ministry yesterday said that Cambodia has been elected to become a non-permanent member of the United Nations Economic and Social Council for a duration of one year. A ministry statement said that at the UN headquarters in New York on Wednesday, 183 of ...
Ven Rathavong
MoU inked with China firm for sewage study
The Minister of Public Works and Transport Sun Chanthol on Wednesday signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Beijing Urban Construction Group Co Ltd (BUCG) in Phnom Penh, to undertake a study of sewerage and drainage systems. ...
Kong Meta
As Cambodian democracy weakens, U.S. imposes sanctions on a high-ranking Cambodian official
Cambodia’s democracy has been in increasing trouble in recent months, with Prime Minister Hun Sen dissolving the main opposition party and cracking down on independent media. Now there’s a sign that the U.S. government is paying attention. ...
Conservation alliance to include local communities
The Environment Ministry is planning to create an alliance of civil and governmental bodies to step up the country’s management of natural resources and encourage conservation in local communities. ...
Pech Sotheary
Civil servants file complaint over land dispute
The Industry Ministry is investigating a corruption case in Koh Kong province following a complaint filed by civil servants against their superior. According to the complaint sent to Industry Minister Cham Prasidh last week by five civil servants with the provincial industry department, 18 families ...
Ven Rathavong
UDG to pay for damaged crops
A total of 13 out of 14 families locked in a land dispute with the Union Development Group in Koh Kong province on Tuesday accepted a compensation offer over crops destroyed by the company in January. Negotiations are also under way with the one family ...
Pech Sotheary
Preah Vihear families seek land dispute solution
Almost 150 people representing some 253 families from Preah Vihear province’s Choam Ksan district travelled to Phnom Penh on Tuesday to seek help from the authorities to resolve an ongoing land dispute. The families, who have been evicted from their villages, had also petitioned the ...
Soth Koemsoeun