
Labor policy and administration

Cambodian workers ‘vulnerable’ in Thailand

The Office of the UN Resident Coordinator expressed concern on Thursday that some migrants working in Thailand are not enrolled in public health insurance schemes and that their children are unable to attend school. The Thailand Migration Report 2019 estimates that the country currently hosts ...

Khorn Savi

Factories begin new wage plan

The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training issued an announcement on Wednesday indicating that 81 per cent of garment and footwear factories have implemented the government’s new requirement to pay workers’ wages twice a month. ...

Voun Dara

Footwear protests continue into fourth day

More than 2,000 workers at King Maker Footwear Co continued protesting for a fourth day on Wednesday, as they demanded that 50 per cent of their salary be paid, after their jobs were suspended by the factory for a month due to a lack of ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

PM calls for halt to ‘illegal’ protests

Prime Minister Hun Sen on Wednesday called on labour unions to immediately stop organising demonstrations and strikes to “illegally” demand benefits from factory owners. He said such actions could spin out of hand and force around two-thirds of the Kingdom’s factories, approximately 800 of the ...

Long Kimmarita

Workers to protest mass lay-off

Protests initially started almost two weeks ago over pay and conditions. The factory subsequently issued an ultimatum – supported by the Phnom Penh Municipal Court – that striking workers return to their jobs within 48 hours or they would be terminated. The workers responded to ...

Long Kimmarita

More than 200 garment workers petition ministry

More than 200 workers from Prestige Garment Co Ltd in Kandal province’s Kandal Stung district have petitioned the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training for an intervention after the factory owner refused to reinstate their sacked representative who stands accused of intending to form a ...

Kong Meta

All benefits will be provided: Labour Ministry

The Labour Ministry on Friday issued a statement asking all factory workers to remain calm and trust that all benefits they are lawfully entitled to will be provided in due time. ...

Mom Kunthear

GMAC calls on union leaders to respect law

The Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC) released a statement on Tuesday asking union leaders to halt protests and comply with the incoming law on seniority indemnity back pay. ...

Kong Meta

MoL and ILO vow improved migrant workers support

The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) jointly published a labour migration policy on Tuesday that is intended to improve conditions for Cambodia’s migrant workers abroad. ...

Kong Meta

PM open to wage demands

Prime Minister Hun Sen on Wednesday asked the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training to consider the request of six union groups who have petitioned the government to set a minimum wage for workers in the construction and service sectors. ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Gov’t: Thousands of migrant workers ‘not received rights’

Minister of Interior Sar Kheng on Wednesday said there are still thousands of Cambodian migrant workers in Thailand who have not received the full legitimate rights that could protect them from abuses. This, he said was despite the two countries having laid out procedures and ...

Kong Meta

Three groups sign deal to help migrants in Thailand

The Manpower Association of Cambodia and the Association of Cambodian Recruitment Agencies yesterday signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Thai-Cambodian Relation Association to protect migrant workers in Thailand. ...

Mom Kunthear

Cambodian migrant workers are welcome, says Kuwait diplomat

Kuwait is open for Cambodian migrant workers, said the Head of Mission at the Embassy of the State of Kuwait in Cambodia, Zaher M B M Alkhurainej at a press conference in Phnom Penh on Tuesday. He also stressed on the “consolidation and development of ...

Kong Meta

Minimum wage for 2019 set to be decided

Garment and textile factory workers are set for an increase in the minimum wage for 2019. The Labour Advisory Committee will decide on Friday how much the figure will rise by after a trilateral meeting on Thursday failed to come to an agreement. With no ...

Kong Meta

Improving construction sector safety

Labour Ministry officials met with members of Japan’s parliament and the International Labour Organisation to discuss a project aimed at improving safety standards in the construction sector on Thursday.​ ...

Mom Kunthear

Push for canteens at all garment factories

The Land Management Ministry has complied with an order made by Prime Minister Hun Sen for factories to provide adequate places for garment workers to eat. Land Management Minister Chea Sophara yesterday told provincial subordinates that canteens must be built in factories. ...

Mom Kunthear

Deadlock over wage talks

The first round of a tripartite meeting to negotiate a new minimum wage for garment and footwear workers ended in a deadlock on Monday. Trade unions, employers, and the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training officials tried to hammer out a new wage scheme for ...

Soth Koemsoeun

CLC proposes $211 as minimum wage

The Cambodian Labour Confederation yesterday said that it will propose $211.94 to be the new minimum wage for garment workers during this month’s negotiations. CLC made the announcement after a meeting between various unions which touched upon criteria that included cost of living, inflation, productivity, ...

Sen David

Ministry urges firms to apply for foreign worker permits

The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training has directed all companies or institutions that plan to hire foreign staff next year to apply for work permits between September 1 and November 30. Heng Sour, the ministry’s spokesperson, told The Post yesterday that any employer who ...

Voun Dara

Minimum wage talks officially begin

Negotiations to determine 2019’s minimum wage for garment workers began at the Labour Ministry yesterday with the issue of worker welfare as the first order of business, the Labour Advisory Committee said. ...

Sen David

Builders in protest over ‘owed’ $7K

Dozns of construction workers in Oddar Meanchey province’s Trapaing Prasat district protested on Wednesday, demanding more than $7,000 in wages their company owed them. The more than 30 workers were employed to construct a building at a sugarcane factory owned by Oknha Vinh Hour in ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Talks on new minimum wage start

A ministry announcement yesterday said initial talks to set the parameters for the mew minimum wage were scheduled for this month and discussions between it, employers and unions will take place next month. ...

Pech Sotheary

Report shows skills gap as companies struggle to find competent candidates to fill key positions

As if highlighting the lack of work skills and experience in the Kingdom, of more than 1,000 job openings in Phnom Penh alone as of last month, only 150 young applicants were successful at the interview stage. Phnom Penh Job Center director Aing Pheareak told ...

Voun Dara

HRW to EU: End migrant abuse

Human Rights Watch (HRW) urged the European Union (EU) to renew efforts to eliminate forced labour and other abusive treatment within the Thai fishing industry, noting that a large number of workers were from Cambodia and Myanmar. ...

Ben Sokhean

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