Population and censuses

Thai junta expels thousands of Cambodian workers

Thai junta arrested and repatriated thousands of Cambodian workers who illegally entered Thailand. The Cambodian workers were loaded in cage trucks to Banteay Meanchey’s Poipet town. ...

The Cambodia Herald News Staff

Migrants flee Thai instability

Thousands of Cambodian migrant workers in Thailand are rushing back across the border, voluntarily repatriating themselves in the face of increasingly hostile rhetoric towards undocumented labourers. In the wake of Thailand’s coup d’état last month, army chief General Prayuth Chan-o-Cha urged better regulation of the workforce ...

Cheang Sokha and Laignee Barron

ID card grace period nearing end

The Ministry of Interior yesterday reminded Cambodians of their obligation to obtain new or replacement national ID cards, a common piece of documentation required for people over 15 years of age and the validity of which had previously been extended to accommodate last year’s national ...

Meas Sokchea

Opportunists join queue for Kratie land concession

With authorities in Kratie province beginning to hand out plots of land on a social concession to 301 families involved in a high-profile dispute resolved last week, villagers at the center of the dispute said Tuesday that opportunists are joining the queue. Since Sunday, authorities have ...

Aun Pheap

Ongoing woes for Cambodian workers in Thailand

Thailand’s political crisis could create ongoing problems for Cambodian migrant workers, especially night time curfew, a development expert says. Ya Navuth, executive director of Caram Cambodia, said undocumented Cambodian workers in Thailand may not know about the curfew and could be arrested when they travel. ...

Men Kimseng

New province Tbong Khmum officially launched

The new province of Tbong Khmum, which has been carved out of Kompong Cham, was officially launched Monday at a ceremony presided over by Interior Minister Sar Kheng. The ceremony was held at the new provincial capital of Suong City and also announced the appointments of ...

Saing Soenthrith

Progress, but no ‘final decision’ on Australian immigration deal

Cambodian officials say they have not yet confirmed whether they will accept a request from Australia to receive rejected immigrants. But they do say the request is moving forward. The two sides signed a memorandum of understanding over the transfer of immigrants in April, but a ...

Khoun Theara

Cambodians wary of Australia refugee deal

Cambodians are worried about an influx of immigrants as the government nears a deal with Australia to accept refugees in return for cash. The two countries have been in discussion since February over plans to resettle an unspecified number of refugees in Cambodia. “Our country’s economy is ...

SBS News Staff

Pilot project to recruit Cambodian maids struggles to take off

A pilot project to recruit maids from Cambodia is struggling to take off as workers are turned off by high recruitment fees, and the fear of not being able to adapt to life here. Under a Ministry of Manpower (MOM) pilot scheme that began last August, ...

Amelia Tan

Australia close to Cambodia refugee deal

Australia has signaled that it is about to cut a deal with Cambodia to resettle refugees now in Nauru, media reported Thursday. It comes after both Nauru and Papua New Guinea determined the refugees status of some asylum seekers sent to each country by Australian authorities. ...

The Cambodia Herald News Staff

As Oz proposal nears, opposition mounting

Opposition to Australia’s proposal to send refugees to Cambodia is growing, with the Australian Greens’ immigration spokeswoman yesterday saying the party would try to block it in the Senate. Sarah Hanson-Young told The Sydney Morning Herald that Cambodia would be “a fundamentally unacceptable place for Australia to dump ...

Cheang Sokha

Cambodia's PM Hun Sen confirms controversial agreement to resettle refugees from Australia

Cambodia’s strongman Prime Minister Hun Sen has confirmed his impoverished country will accept refugees from Australia in a controversial agreement condemned by human rights and refugee advocates. In his first public comments on the agreement, Mr Hun Sen said Cambodia will be “heart-felt and generous towards ...

Lindsay Murdoch

In debt, out of work

They save for months, borrowing from family and friends, even taking out loans, to pour as much as a year’s worth of earnings into the hands of recruiters that may have no intention and certainly have no guarantee of procuring overseas employment. Recruitment agencies, several of ...

Laignee Barron and Phak Seangly

Million-home dilemma

A soaring population and increased migration to urban areas will create demand for more than a million new homes by 2030, according to a draft national housing policy. Approved by the Council of Ministers on Friday after a series of revisions, the draft highlights the increasing ...

May Titthara

Again, abuse in China alleged

Four parents in Kampong Cham province have filed complaints with provincial police alleging that their daughters are being sexually abused by their husbands in China, officers said yesterday. Thol Meng, deputy bureau chief of the provincial anti-human trafficking department, said a total of 10 concerned mothers ...

Phak Seangly

At government rally, all proceeds smoothly

While workers and opposition supporters marched to mark Labour Day yesterday, and baton-wielding district security guards enforced a ban on gatherings, a very different, uninterrupted rally took place at the capital’s Koh Pich Exhibition Center. About 2,000 workers from pro-government unions and government officials heard Labour ...

Mom Kunthear

Ministry to open one-window service for migrants

The government has created a one-window information service to help would-be workers avoid illegal migration to Thailand as part of a bilateral agreement with Thailand, Labor Minister Ith Sam Heng said Thursday. The quick-service windows will help make sure Cambodian workers enter Thailand legally by facilitating ...

Khuon Narim

Development body's concern for refugees resettled in Cambodia

Refugees who are resettled in Cambodia by the Australian government will be unlikely to gain employment rights, get an education or be given permanent residency, according to a peak international development body. The Australian Council for International Development said Australia had entered “uncharted territory” by resettling ...

Sarah Whyte

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