Sihanoukville authorities ban fishing and docking at sites along the power line buried under the seabed
Sihanoukville provincial authorities have banned fishing and docking at sites along the power line buried under the sea to avoid impact on the lines. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Wage hike talks for garment sector begin amid market demand slowdown
Cambodia’s national council on minimum wage yesterday started the talks on the increase in monthly minimum wages for the garment, footwear and travel goods industry for 2024. ...
Chea Vanyuth
Cambodia-India ties strengthening
Ambassador Devyani Khobragade highlighted the increased business interactions aimed at bolstering bilateral trade. ...
Samban Chandara
Worker minimum wage talks for 2024 underway
The third mandate of the National Council on Minimum Wage (NCMW) held an August 16 meeting to discuss the minimum wage for workers in the textile, garment, footwear and travel goods sector. ...
Van Socheata
GDT revises special tax on non-alcoholic beverage products
The General Department of Taxation (GDT) of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) has revised special tax on non-alcoholic beverages or drink products that are produced in Cambodia to a higher rate for those products that are believed to negatively affect people’s health and ...
Kang Sothear
Thais and Vietnamese continue to top tourist numbers from Jan-Jul
ome 3.03 million foreign tourists arrived in Cambodia in the first seven months of 2023, an increase of 308.5 per cent compared to 743,459 visitors in the same period last year. ...
Hin Pisei
Tax revenue of $2.3b meets nearly 65% of GDT target
The continuous reform of tax procedures and understanding taxpayers have helped the tax revenue increase steadily, industry observers say. ...
Hin Pisei
Australia supporting women’s economic empowerment in Cambodia
Australia is supporting women’s economic empowerment in Cambodia as they are central to the Kingdom’s economic development, said the Australian Embassy in Phnom Penh in a news release on Thursday. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Cambodia asks IMF to review public debt mechanisms
The Minister of Economy and Finance (MEF) has requested the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to review the frameworks and mechanisms of sustainable public debt management in Cambodia, said an MEF official. ...
Kang Sothear
Cambodian authorities deport over 1,000 foreign nationals
In the first six months of this year, Cambodian authorities deported more than 1,000 foreign nationals living illegally in Cambodia. The deportations were made to ensure the safety of citizens and prevent cross-border crimes. ...
Hang Punreay
Apsara Authority plants saplings to improve Angkor environment
The Apsara National Authority (ANA) claims that they have planted about two million saplings of mixed varieties in the Angkor Archaeological Park from 2004 to 2023 to enhance the area’s aesthetics. ...
Torn Vibol
Tourism training ‘crucial’ for sector growth
Training tourism professionals is vital for boosting the sector, and many have already benefited from such training, stated Minister of Tourism Thong Khon. ...
Van Socheata
FAO kicks off capacity building aimed at a strengthened agricultural data landscape in Cambodia
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has kicked off a weeklong provincial level training workshop aimed at strengthening national capacity on analysis and interpretation of agricultural statistics and data. ...
Khmer Times Staff
New Siem Reap water plant in operation
Siem Reap province features the Angkor Wat World Heritage site – one of the world’s greatest tourist attractions – and to fully seize the opportunities available in tourism development, a stable water supply is crucial. ...
Phnom Penh Post Staff
GDT raises taxes on non-alcoholic beverages
The General Department of Taxation (GDT) has announced new tax rates on locally-produced, non-alcoholic beverage products, according to the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF). ...
Mon Sokeo
Environment Ministry asks Kraol indigenous people to apologize for burning down building
Two weeks after the Kraol indigenous community set fire to an Environment Ministry station in Kratie, the ministry invited local authorities and indigenous people to a meeting on Wednesday and requested that the indigenous community apologize. Only one indigenous person invited attended. ...
Seoung Nimol and Hel Komsan
Indigenous communities concerned new environment code undermines their rights
The Environment and Natural Resources Code officially passed into law last month, but the term “indigenous” has been removed from key sections, leaving indigenous communities concerned that the code undermines their rights. ...
Seoung Nimol
Turkmenistan proposes direct flights to Cambodia
Muhammetnyyaz Masalov, the ambassador of Turkmenistan with official residence in Malaysia, revealed plans to introduce direct flights between the Central Asian country and Cambodia. The intent is to solidify their mutual tourism partnership. ...
Bor Pich Zelin
Kampong Speu anticipates business boom, 25 factories
Kampong Speu is gearing up for a business boom, with the provincial administration recently revealing plans to set up 25 new factories and enterprises later this year. ...
Kim Yutharo
SIM cards must not be deleted for 90 days
The Telecommunications Regulator of Cambodia (TRC) has urged mobile network operators to allow for a 90-day grace period before cancelling SIM cards and reselling those mobile phone numbers. ...
May Kunmakara
Food Safety Day sees focus on public health, sustainability
Cambodia marked World Food Safety Day on August 16, with all stakeholders calling for a focus on food safety for the good of public health and sustainable development. ...
Long Kimmarita
Kingdom makes EE labels must for electrical appliances
Cambodia has made energy efficiency (EE) labels issued by the Ministry of Mining and Energy (MME) mandatory for all electrical appliances manufactured, imported or sold in the country through a new regulation. ...
Manoj Mathew
Turkmenistan mulls direct flights to Cambodia
Turkmenistan to become the first country to connect direct flights with Cambodia among the Central Asian countries, a press release of the Ministry of Tourism (MoT) said. ...
Nhean Chamrong
Cambodia to host ABU Asia-Pacific Robot Contest 2023 on August 27
The General Department of National Television of Cambodia (TVK) of the Ministry of Information will host the ABU Asia-Pacific Robot Contest 2023 (ABU ROBOCON 2023) at the Morodok Techo National Stadium in Phnom Penh, on Aug. 27. ...
Khmer Times Staff