
Third party canteens favoured by GMAC

The Chairman of the Garment Manufacturers Association of Cambodia, Van Sou Ieng, said that even if nutrition is an important factor in productivity, it should not the sole responsibility of the factory owner. “The deduction that the nutrition will automatically improve productivity is not necessarily true. ...


After Threats to Cut Pay, Garment Workers Strike

Nearly 2,000 workers at the Gawon Apparel Co. garment factory in Kandal province’s Takhmao City protested in front of the factory yesterday after they were informed that they would lose pay for any days missed during the commune election, which takes place Sunday, union representatives ...

Workers at Honda Plant Given Back Their Jobs

A factory in Phnom Penh that assembles motorcycles for Honda decided on Friday to reinstate four workers who had been fired in December for creating a new trade union. About 300 workers at the Honda NCX Company in Pur Senchey district had been on strike since ...

Honda Factory Workers Strike To Reinstate Union Officials

About 300 workers from a Phnom Penh factory that assembles Honda motorcycles went on strike yesterday to rally for the reinstatement of their union representatives, in accordance with an order by the Arbitration Council, union representatives said yesterday. Yoeurng Sopheara, a legal officer at Cambodia Labor ...

Australian Gov’t Ordered Railway Investigation

The Australian government yesterday said it has been aware of poor working conditions and inappropriate surveying methods used on Cambodia’s railway rehabilitation project since February and had ordered that the project’s partners investigate the matters. “The Australian Government was alerted to possible concerns about workplace health ...

Ministry Meets Striking Union Representatives

Ministry of Social Affairs officials yesterday conducted a meeting between the owners of a factory, which produces clothing for H&M, Gap and Levi Strauss, and its workers, but threatened to file a complaint against the Coalition of Cambodian Apparel Workers Democratic Union (CCAWDU), union representatives ...

Women in upper union positions vital

Female union leaders in the garment industry – where women constitute 90 per cent of the work force – are effective at bargaining for better working conditions, but their voices aren’t being heard in a union landscape dominated by men, a labour expert said yesterday. Veasna ...


Growing Number of Strikes Worries Clothing Brands

Major clothing brands sourcing from Cambodia’s garment factories have expressed concern about the growing number of strikes in the country and called for the renewal of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) aimed at preventing strikes, a representative from the International Labor Organization (ILO) said yesterday. ...

Thai Seafood Factory Receives Glowing Review

Thai police investigating allegations of myriad labor violations at a seafood factory employing hundreds of Cambodian migrant workers have given the facility a clean bill of health. A report last week by a Cambodian NGO, the Community Legal Education Center (CLEC), based on interviews with workers ...

Future of Gold Tower 42 in Arbitration Court

The owner of the $240 million Gold Tower 42 project in Phnom Penh has entered into arbitration with the project’s builder, in a bid to get work started again after construction halted on the project in September 2010 due to poor unit sales and cost ...

To Gain From Asean Labor Market, Workforce Needs New Skills

Cambodia needs to improve the skills of its workforce if it is to compete and benefit from Asean’s plan for greater integration and the free flow of skilled labor within the region by 2015, Minister of Labor Vong Sauth said on Friday at the Asean ...

Cambodians Face Abuse at Seafood Factory

A Thai seafood factory supplying retail giant Walmart is continuing to violate its labor arrangements with hundreds of Cambodian workers there and could leave up to 100 of them stranded and jobless by next week, the Cambodian Legal Education Center (CLEC) said in a new ...

Maid Held By Malaysian Employers, Mother Says

The Cambodian Legal Education Center (CLEC), a rights group, is investigating a mother’s claim that her daughter is being abused and held against her will by her employers in Malaysia, Moeun Tola, head of CLEC’s labor program, said yesterday. ...



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