Online Trader Eyes Kingdom
- ថ្ងៃទី ៣០ ខែមេសា ឆ្នាំ២០១៣
- ភ្នំពេញប៉ុស្តិ៍
- សេវាកម្មធនាគារ និងហិរញ្ញវត្ថុ / សេដ្ឋកិច្ច និងពាណិជ្ជកម្ម / ការវិនិយោគ / ច្បាប់ និងប្រព័ន្ធតុលាការ
- Anti-money Laundering Laws / Anti-Money Laundering Laws and Practices / CIFs / Cyprus / Cyprus Bank / Cyprus Exchange Commission / Cyprus Investment Firms / Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission / Cyprus Securities Commission / Cyprus’s Financial Services / អឺរ៉ុប / International Financial Services Group / IronFX / IronFX’s Headquarters Account Manager Siwapong Meesuntree / ការលាងលុយ / ប្រទេសរុស្សី / Russian Mafia / Siwapong Meesuntree / អាស៊ីអាគ្នេយ៏
An online trading firm based in the tax haven of Cyprus is planning to open a subsidiary in Cambodia, an account manager at IronFX’s headquarters in Cyprus said yesterday. “We are on the planning stage in Cambodia. We are now studying law and regulations in the ...
Cambodia Airports Comes Under Attack by a Former Executive
- ថ្ងៃទី ៨ ខែមេសា ឆ្នាំ២០១៣
- ខេមបូឌា ដេលី
- អាកាសយានដ្ឋាន និងការធ្វើដំណើរ / សេដ្ឋកិច្ច និងពាណិជ្ជកម្ម / វិស័យឧស្សាហកម្ម / ហេដ្ឋារចនាសម្ព័ន្ធ / ការវិនិយោគ / ប្រព័ន្ធតុលាការ និងតុលាការ / សៀមរាប / ក្រុងព្រះសីហនុ / ទេសចរណ៍ / ការដឹកជញ្ជូន និងបញ្ញើ / ហេដ្ឋារចនាសម្ព័ន្ធដឹកជញ្ជូននិងមធ្យោបាយដទៃទៀត
- Agence des Participations de l’Etat / APE / APE commissioner David Azema / Arbitration Council in France / Berenegere Batiot / Cabinet Minister Sok An / Cambodia Airport owner Kong Triv / ក្រុមហ៊ុនអាកាសយានដ្ឋានកម្ពុជា / Cambodia Airports CEO Emmanuel Menanteau / Cambodia Airports Communications Director Khek Norida / Cambodia Airports operation / Cambodia Airports owner Hann Khieng / Cambodia Airports revenues / Cambodia Airports Secretary-General Philippe Laurent / Campaign against Cambodia Airports / Company disputes / Corporate governance / Cyprus / David Azema / Department of Hauts-de-Seine / Department of Loire Atlantique senator Ronan Dantec / ការនិរទេស / Doctor Jekkil / អឺរ៉ុប / Eva Joly / Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy / France’s external intelligence agency / France’s Green Party former presidential candidate Eva Joly / France’s Ministry of Economy / France’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs / French Ambassador Serge Mostura / French Consulate Daniel Maizierre / French defense company Thales / ស្ថានទូតបារាំង / ស្ថានទូតបារាំងនៅទីក្រុងភ្នំពេញ / French military electronics maker Thales / French senator Ronan Dantec / Government of Taiwan / Grand Loge Nationale Francaise Freemansons / ហាន ឃាង / ហ៊ុន សែន / ILS / Instrument Landing System / International Court of Arbitration / ព្រលានយន្ដហោះកងកេង / Khek Norida / Kompong Chhnang / Kompong Chhnang Province / Kong Triv / l’Humanite / Le Monde former editor / ប្រទេសលីបង់ / ជំនួយពីប្រទេសម៉ាឡេស៊ី / MEB Construction Sdn Bhd / Mediapart / ក្រសួងមហាផ្ទៃ / ការលាងលុយ / Moscow / Muhibbah / Muhibbah Engineering Berhad / Muhibbah Masteron / Nicolas Notebaert / Nicolas Sarkozy / Offshore accounts / Paris / Parisian department of Hauts-de-Seine / Patrick Devedjian / Philippe Laurent / ភ្នំពេញ / អាកាសយានដ្ឋានអន្តរជាតិភ្នំពេញ / នាយករដ្ឋមន្ត្រីហ៊ុន សែន / Procurement irregularities / Ronan Dantec / ប្រទេសរុស្សី / Saint Petersburg / SCA / Serge Mostura / សៀមរាប / អាកាសយានដ្ឋានអន្តរជាតិសៀមរាប / Siem Reap Province / Sihanouk Ville / Sihanoukville airport / Sihanoukville province / Sihanoukville Town / Society Concessionaires Des Aeroports / សុខ អាន / Stefan Motschmann / ប្រទេស តៃវ៉ាន់ / Taiwanese navy captain Ying Ching-feng / Thai office of Bouygues / Thales / Thales Sale Manager Stefan Motschmann / Thales Southeast Asia Sale Manager / tourism industry / UMP / Vinci / Vinci Airports president Nicolas Notebaert / Vinci Construction Grands Projects Sdn Bhd / ក្រុមហ៊ុន Vinci Group / Vinci Group direction generale de la Securite Exterieure / អ្នករាយការណ៍ / Workplace harassment / ធនាគារពិភពលោក / World Bank-financed contract / Ying Ching-feng
Philippe Laurent became secretary-general of Cambodia Airports in May 2008. He was one of six senior executives in charge of the country’s international airports in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap and the little-used facility in Sihanoukville. Mr. Laurent is now carrying out a one-man campaign against ...
Mfone Employees Demand Unpaid Salaries
- ថ្ងៃទី ៥ ខែមីនា ឆ្នាំ២០១៣
- ខេមបូឌា ដេលី
- សេដ្ឋកិច្ច និងពាណិជ្ជកម្ម / ការវិនិយោគ
- Chinese telecommunications firm / Cyprus / Eltek / Employees / Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. / labor conflict commission / Latelz Co Ltd / ក្រុមហ៊ុន អឹមហ្វូន / ក្រសួងការងារ / mobile phone subscribers / mobile telephone company / MobiTel / ភ្នំពេញ / សាលាដំបូងរាជធានីភ្នំពេញ / បាតុកម្ម / ក្រុមហ៊ុនស្មាតម៉ូបាយ
More than 100 former employees of the bankrupt mobile telephone company Mfone protested outside the firm’s shuttered offices in Phnom Penh yesterday, demanding that they receive salaries for working the month of February despite the company having already gone out of business. Mar Samoeun, 64, ...
Axiata's Cambodian unit expands through M&A
- ថ្ងៃទី ១៣ ខែធ្នូ ឆ្នាំ២០១២
- The Star
- សេដ្ឋកិច្ច និងពាណិជ្ជកម្ម
- ក្រុមហ៊ុន អាស៊ាតា / Axiata Group Bhd / Cyprus / Hello Axiata Company Ltd / Latelz Company Ltd / shares / Timeturns Holdings Ltd
Axiata Group Bhd is set to strengthen its foothold in Cambodia through a merger between Hello Axiata Company Ltd and Latelz Company Ltd, which it acquires for a consideration of US$155mil (RM473mil). In a statement, Axiata announced that its Cambodian arm had entered into a sales ...