ក្រុមហ៊ុនមេហ្គាហ្វឺស បានចុះកិច្ចព្រមព្រៀងជាមួយនឹងអគ្គិសនីឡាវ ដើម្បីគ្រប់គ្រងការចូលរួមរបស់ខ្លួនក្នុងការអភិវឌ្ឍគម្រោងវារី អគ្គិសនីដនសាហុង ដែលមានកម្លាំងពី២៤០ ទៅ៣៦០មេហ្កាវ៉ាត់។ ...
Michael Harris
Angkor Beer Chief Behind Controversial Laos Border Dam
As the director of one of Cambodia’s largest breweries, Malaysian businessman Goh Nan Kioh has made millions selling Angkor Beer to Cambodians. But now his latest business venture, a controversial mainstream Mekong dam in Laos, is drawing the ire of environmentalists who believe that it will ...
Dene-Hern Chen
Lao dam unapproved yet under way: NGO
The construction of Don Sahong Dam, the second of 11 potential and controversial Mekong mainstream dams, is moving ahead without approval from Mekong River Commission members, according to a conservationist group report. Located less than two kilometres from the Cambodian-Lao border, the dam has been slammed ...
Lao Dam Breaks Ground
A waterfall has been blasted less than two kilometres from the Cambodian-Lao border, beginning work on another unapproved hydroelectric dam on the Mekong river, environmental group International Rivers claimed yesterday. Pianporn Deetes, the Thailand campaign coordinator for International Rivers, said she had learned of the excavation work, near ...