ពិព័រណ៍តាមផ្លូវជាលើកដំបូងក្នុងរាជធានីភ្នំពេញនឹងត្រូវរៀបចំឡើងនៅផ្សារទួលទំពូងត្រូវបានគេស្គាល់ផងដែរថាជាផ្សាររុស្ស៊ីនៅថ្ងៃស្អែកនេះ។ ...
Srey Kumneth and Nou Sotheavy
Government Order May Close Many of City's Internet Cafes
The open-source mapping website Urban Voice launched a campaign yesterday against a government order banning Internet cafes withing 500 meters of schools that will effectively make it illegal to operate such businesses in much of Phnom Penh. “Implementation of this order would mean the closure of ...
Tenants Look for Apartments Beyond Daun Penh
Foreign renters are vacating apartments in Phnom Penh’s central Daun Penh district and opting for cheaper, more spacious and better-equipped living spaces elsewhere in the city, realtors and landlords say. As a result, landlords in Daun Penh are being forced to decrease rental prices to try ...
More money for meat
Meat prices on Phnom Penh’s markets have seen large gains over the first half of the year, according to figures from the Ministry of Commerce’s Trade Promotion Department. Local vendors say the price increase comes due to a decrease in imports, forcing purchases of domestically ...