Plans for floating market in the works
The local entrepreneur who brought the capital its first container night market is seeking government support to realise his vision for the country’s first custom-built floating market and entertainment complex. ...
Cheng Sokhorng
White Building negotiations done: minister
Land Management Minister Chea Sophara called for the end of compensation negotiations with White Building occupants on Friday, drawing the line at $1,400 per square metre – far lower than the $1,800 sought by residents. ...
Kong Meta
Foot-and-mouth disease hits cows in Svay Rieng
Authorities in Svay Rieng province on Wednesday said the latest outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease had been brought under control by timely treatment, though their numbers on how many cows the contagious virus had infected varied wildly.Meas Sok, chief of Svay Chrum district’s Chhoeuteal commune, said ...
Van Roeun
Hun sen scolds media during forum session
Prime Minister Hun Sen used a news conference at Thursday’s World Economic Forum on Asean in Phnom Penh to warn that two foreign-owned news outlets, including The Cambodia Daily, were “against” the government and that journalists who did not report “properly” would be seen as ...
Matt Surrusco
NEC warns against use of war rhetoric
Talking up the risk of war during the coming election campaign can be expected to bring legal action from the National Election Committee (NEC), the body’s spokesman said yesterday, a day after the premier warned he feared conflict would ensue if his ruling Cambodian People’s ...
Meas Sokchea
NEC’s new election ink can’t be erased, spokesman says
Testing of a new batch of election ink to be used in upcoming commune elections showed that it cannot be removed, a spokesman for the National Election Committee (NEC) said on Thursday, a day after telling reporters that samples provided by the ink supplier could ...
Ben Paviour and Ouch Sony
Quality infrastructure needed to support economic growth
Cambodia sits at a crossroads in the Asean region, potentially making it a key part of regional economic development and trade flows, though improved infrastructure and more innovative financing approaches are still needed, infrastructure experts meeting in Phnom Penh said yesterday. ...
Matthieu de Gaudemar
Women still struggle to enter political fray in Cambodia
The number of women standing in the upcoming commune elections remains low, civil society groups have warned, driven by a lack of nominations from Cambodia’s male-dominated political elite. ...
Hul Reaksmey
PM says veterans will get their land
Prime Minister Hun Sen has asked Land Minister Chea Sophara and the Cambodia Veterans Association to make a success of the social land concession scheme for men and women who have served the nation. ...
Mom Sophon
Mineral exploration permits offered for protected Prey Lang
One of four new mining exploration permits, advertised publicly this week, is within the Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary map, coordinates reveal, sparking concern among activists and community members about the strength of the forest’s recently-acquired protected status.In the first public tender of fresh exploration licenses ...
Shaun Turton and Phak Seangly
Rise in meth use, trafficking spur cross-border drug plan
Faced with an ongoing rise in drug trafficking and use, especially of methamphetamines, Cambodia and the other five Greater Mekong Subregion countries have joined forces to try and stem the narcotics tide. Cambodia was also among four countries where drug-making laboratories were found, Mr. Douglas ...
Phan Soumy
Shifting economy feeds nation’s uncertain politics
The country is set to embark on local elections that promise to highlight the economic hardships faced by many Cambodians despite a sustained annual growth rate and continued poverty reduction, economic and political observers said this week. A report from Future Forum released on Tuesday ...
Matt Surrusco
Mekong states sign on to UN policy on drugs
With the Kingdom in the middle of a controversial “war on drugs”, six Mekong countries agreed yesterday to adopt a regional drug policy that puts health care first, and mandates police and judicial cooperation. ...
Andrew Nachemson
Victor in Illinois is first Cambodian-American woman elected to US public office
When Khemarey Khoeun is sworn in as a park district commissioner in Skokie, Illinois, on May 16, she’ll be making history as the first Cambodian-American woman elected to public office at any level of government in the United States. ...
Ten Soksreinith
Royal turtles are taken to conservation centre
After spending the last three months under the watchful eye of their own personal retinue of bodyguards, nine endangered royal turtles successfully broke free from their shells on Tuesday and were transferred to the Koh Kong Reptile Conservation Centre, where they will be raised. ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya and Yesenia Amaro
Voter ink can be washed off, NEC admits
Less than a month before Cambodia goes to the polls, the country’s top election body on Wednesday acknowledged it had paid nearly $800,000 for indelible ink that its own tests showed could be removed using hair care products, an issue one opposition leader called a ...
Ouch Sony and Ben Paviour
Soldiers confirmed dead
Three Cambodian peacekeepers have been confirmed dead in Central African Republic, a day after they went missing following an attack on their convoy by a Christian militant group. The three men, Mao Eng, 37, Seang Norin, 35, and Mom Tola, 31, were shot to death and ...
Touch Sokha and Erin Handley
Youth keying into digital economy
Southeast Asia’s youthful population is embracing the internet and rapidly connecting to the digital economy, creating enormous potential for economic growth throughout the region, panellists at the World Economic Forum on Asean said yesterday. Addressing a panel discussion on “The Asean Dream”, Kao Kim Hourn, the ...
Hor Kimsay
Complaint to be filed in suspicious prison death
A Banteay Meanchey woman is planning to file a complaint against the provincial prison director for his alleged role in the suspicious death of her stepdaughter on Saturday. Khon Thy said her stepdaughter, Sok Chanthan, 27, had suffered from chronic asthma since she was 7 years ...
Niem Chheng and Martin de Bourmont
Grow Asia to focus on value chain projects
Cambodia’s agricultural sector must improve post-harvest processing to increase the value of its products, while increased knowledge sharing could help farmers better understand the different value chains and identify opportunities, agricultural experts participating in the Grow Asia Forum said yesterday. ...
Cheng Sokhorng
CPP official quits district post to secure commune seat for ruling party
In a country known for its political patronage networks, volunteering for a demotion is rare. But Moeung Visalsok, 46, a ruling Cambodian People’s Party district council member in Kampong Chhnang province, is doing just that. ...
More than 130K: NEC gives OK to poll observers
The National Election Committee has so far approved more than 30,000 observers from NGOs for the June 4 commune elections and confirmed that more than 100,000 observers affiliated with political parties will also monitor voting. ...
Touch Sokha
Bonded warehouse opens its doors
Local logistics firm Kerry Worldbridge officially launched its customs bonded warehouse yesterday, allowing firms to import and store materials in the facility without paying duties and taxes provided the final product is re-exported. ...
Matthieu de Gaudemar
Questions linger over second accused ship
A second ship accused by the NGO Mother Nature of illegally exporting dredged ocean sand last week is expected to arrive at a port in China today with a cargo of silica sand, which is exempt from the ban, the ship’s owner said yesterday. ...
Yesenia Amaro