Exclusive: Cambodia fm softens tone after scathing attack on ‘hypocritical’ west
Cambodia’s foreign minister last week launched a scathing attack on Western democracies, labeling them hypocritical and only interested in promoting human rights and democracy when it was in their own self-interest. ...
Minister tells UN ‘perfect democracy’ not realistic
Foreign Minister Prak Sokhonn defended the government before the U.N. General Assembly in New York on Saturday, saying that the ruling party was being held to unrealistic expectations of a “perfect democracy” while the opposition was “committing very serious crimes.” Delivering his first major address to ...
Colin Meyn
At UN, Hun Sen calls on rich nations to fulfill aid pledges
Prime Minister Hun Sen used a speech to the U.N. General Assembly on Saturday to call on developed nations to fulfill their pledges to commit at least 0.7 percent of their annual income to foreign aid.Speaking at a summit on the U.N.’s development goals, Mr. ...
Alex Willemyns
Ecuador, Cambodia Sign Antiquities Agreement
Government officials yesterday met with representatives from the Republic of Ecuador to discuss ways to improve economic and political ties between the two countries, Foreign Ministry Secretary of State Ouch Borith said. The two countries also signed a memorandum of understanding to protect Cambodian artifacts ...