Site updates
Open Development Cambodia published new dataset of US bombing in Cambodia (1965-1975)
Open Development Cambodia has published a new online resource detailing on US bombing in Cambodia (1965-1975) in both Khmer and English. The spatial data contains information such as date of the bombing, exact location, the number and type of aircraft in the sortie, bombing load ...
Open Development Cambodia published new dataset of Cambodian population and poverty rate 2015
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has published a new online resource detailing on Cambodian population and poverty rate 2015 in both Khmer and English. Together with the detail information of total population, total family and poverty rate in Cambodia in 2015 in levels of commune, district and province.=>Please ...
Open Development Cambodia published new topic page of Maternal and child health
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has published a new online resource detailing on Maternal and child health in both Khmer and English. Together with the detail on Maternal mortality and health and Child mortality.=>Please click here to get in to Maternal and child health page. ...
Open Development Cambodia published new dataset of Electricity price and coverage areas in Cambodia
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has published a new online resource detailing on Electricity price and coverage areas in Cambodia in both Khmer and English. Together with the information of electricity licensees, coverage areas and prices.=>Please click here to get in to the dataset page of ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes a new page on Priority health concerns
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new page on “Priority health concerns” under Social development in both Khmer and English.=>Please click here to get in to Priority health concerns page. ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes a new page on Health services and centers
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new page on “Health services and centers” under Access to public services in both Khmer and English.=>Please click here to get in to Public transportation page. ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes a new page on Civil status
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new page on “Civil status” under Access to public services in both Khmer and English including: Birth record and certificate, Marriage record and certificate, and Death record and certificate. =>Please click here to get in to Civil status page. ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes a new profile page on Public schools
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new profile page on “Public schools” under Access to public services in both Khmer and English. Together with the information of College and lycee, and Pre Schools and Primary Schools across Cambodia.=>Please click here to get in to College and lycee ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes a new profile page on Data: Services and fees
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new profile page on “Data: Services and fees” under Access to public services in both Khmer and English including: Public services for transportation, Civil registration service, Service charges for electricity hook up and disconnection from Electricity of Cambodia (EDC), and Contact ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes a new profile page on Public transportation
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new profile page on “Public transportation” under Access to public services. Together with the information in both Khmer and English of bus lines, operating hour, bus stop and map.=>Please click here to get in to Public transportation profile page. ...
Open Development Cambodia published new dataset of Baseline Survey on Mine/ERW (2009-2014)
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has published a new online resource detailing on Baseline Survey on Mine/ERW (2009-2014) in both Khmer and English. Together with the website’s map explorer tool, we provide the details information about contamination locations of explosive remnants of war (ERW) and mines ...
Open Development Cambodia published Mine/ERW casualties (2005-2013) dataset
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has published a new online resource detailing on locations of casualties caused by explosive remnants of war (ERW) and mines from 2005 to 2013 across Cambodia in both Khmer and English. Together with the website’s map explorer tool, we provide the ...
Open Development Cambodia published School locations in Cambodia (2012) dataset
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has published a new online resource detailing on School locations in Cambodia (2012) in both Khmer and English. Together with the website’s map explorer tool, we provide the data details information on preschool, primary school,and lycee and college nationwide.=> Please click ...
Open Development Cambodia published Health facilities in Cambodia (2010) dataset
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has published a new online resource detailing on Health facilities in Cambodia (2010) in both Khmer and English. Together with the website’s map explorer tool, we provide the details information on health facilities such as health posts, health centers, referral hospitals ...
Open Development Cambodia published Basemap of Cambodia (2014) dataset
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has published a new online resource detailing on Basemap of Cambodia (2014) covering three levels of administrative boundaries such as: provincial, district and commune on ODC “Download maps” attached with its Dataset in both Khmer and English. Together with Basemap of ...
Open Development Cambodia has published new six sub-pages of Aid and development
ODC has published 6 new sub-pages of Aid and development such as Private non-profit development assistance, Development policies and administration, Multilateral development assistance, Bilateral development assistance, Japanese aid and Chinese aid in two languages, Khmer and English.=> Click here to get access to Aid and ...
Open Development Cambodia has published a new page on Ground water
ODC has published a new page on Ground water in Cambodia, outlines the general overview, ground water extraction in Cambodia, threats and challenges, and policy response and future prospects in two languages, Khmer and English. There is also included the graphic of “Wells with undrinkable ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes new map layer on Water and Sanitation
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has just published a new online resource detailing Cambodia’s water and sanitation coverage in two languages, Khmer and English. With this new resource, the maps illustrate the information of the access to latrines and drinking water in the country’s rural areas. (Water ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes a new profile page on Access to public services
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new profile page on “Access to public services.” Together with a plenty of information on transportation, health services and centers, public schools, civil status and data: services and fees.=>Please click here to get in to Access to public services profile page. ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes new topic pages on Water policy and administration, Rivers and lakes, and Marine and coastal areas
Open Development Cambodia has published new topic page of Water policy and administration, Rivers and lakes, and Marine and coastal areas, which could be found under the “Water resources” page on ODC website.Please click here to access topic page of Water policy and administration.Please click here to access topic ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes Hydropower profile page
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has published a new online resource detailing Cambodia’s hydropower in both Khmer and English. Together with the website’s map explorer tool, the profile page aims to provide the up-to-date information on the country’s “hydropower dams, reservoirs, substations and transmission lines,” and ...
Announcement on Archiving Open Development Cambodia 's old site
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) is in the progress of archiving the old website “” by moving it to the new address at “”. Once the process is entirely completed, the address “” will be re-used to replace “” as the only official website address of ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes Fisheries Conservation Areas profile page
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has published a new online resource detailing Cambodia’s fisheries conservation areas in both Khmer and English. Together with the website’s map explorer tool, the profile page aims to provide the up-to-date information on the country’s “community fishery, fish sanctuary, and flooded ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes new topic page on Drought
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has just published a new topic page on Drought in both Khmer and English languages. The page aims to provide general overview and national response, effect and future prospect of the topic with interactive map and graphic demonstrate the impacts. Drought page could be ...