Agriculture and fishing
NOTICES Agri exports to China hit 2.4M tonnes worth $1.9B in last 42 months
Agricultural exports to China in the 14 quarters to June 30 amounted to 2.4 million tonnes, worth $1.942 billion, said a Chinese embassy report citing Cambodian agriculture ministry data, as the government’s new policies to boost productivity in the field and turn the Kingdom into ...
Hin Pisei
Growth of fruit exports to China highlights effectiveness of Cambodia-China FTA
The export of agricultural products, especially fresh fruits, has become an important part of the improving of the living standards of farmers and promote national economic growth. Cambodia has seen an increase in fruit exports to China under the Cambodia-China Free Trade Agreement. ...
Khmer Times Staff
No pork imports for now, supply to last till December
There is adequate supply of pork for domestic consumption till the end of 2022, quashing the need to import from neighbouring countries, said the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. ...
Hom Phanet
Second round of Siem Reap cattle vaccinations underway
Siem Reap has received more than 60,000 doses of cattle vaccines and is preparing to administer them for the second time this year, according to provincial Animal Health and Production Bureau chief Prum Vich. ...
Orm Bunthoeurn
Cambodia’s milled rice export up 16% in H1
Cambodia exported 327,000 tonnes of milled rice in the first semester this year, an increase of 16 percent compared to the same period last year, earning the country $279 million, according to a report by the Cambodia Rice Federation (CRF). ...
Chea Vanyuth
Cambodia sees cassava exports increase by 40 percent in H1
In the first half of 2022, Cambodia exported 2.3 million tons of cassava products, an increase of about 40 percent compared to the same period last year. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Fishy business: Kampong Thom Fisheries Administration crackdown fisheries crime
While the fish spawning season is still ongoing and the fishing ban is in full swing, fisheries administration officials continue to crackdown on fishery crimes to combat overs fishing and resource depletion. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Kampot clocks in more than 12,000 tonnes of seafood yield in H1
Throughout the first half of 2022, fishermen across Kampot province harvested approximately more than 12,000 tonnes of freshwater and saltwater fish and crustaceans. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Hun Sen proposes investments in rice sector to Bangladesh's foreign minister
Prime Minister Hun Sen urged Bangladeshi investors to invest in the rice sector in Cambodia by building rice mills and buying rice from Cambodian farmers to export to Bangladesh. ...
Cambodia’s first semester rubber exports amount to $215 million
Cambodia exported 135,137 tonnes of rubber in the first half of 2022, a 3 percent increase compared to the same period last year, earning $215 million as revenue, up 2.9 percent. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Fishing, tourist vessels suspended for four day storm
The Preah Sihanouk and Koh Kong provincial administrations have instructed authorities to warn people not to cross the sea or fish, as the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology has issued a warning for bad weather July 11-14. ...
Orm Bunthoeurn
Vietnam to share fish breeding techniques
Vietnam will be sharing its knowledge with Cambodia Aquaculturist Association (CAA) members on juvenile fish breeding techniques to strengthen breeding abilities, and produce better quality and increased amounts of fish at competitive prices. ...
Hom Phanet
Three main water sources in Mondulkiri under rehabilitation and repair
The Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology participates in the implementation of the Master Plan for Mondulkiri Tourism Development 2022-2035 and are rehabilitating three main water sources in the province. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Local enterprises receive support for safety fishery food production
A number of 17 local enterprises have received support under the EU-funded Value Chain Investment Support (VCIS) for enhancing safety fishery food production and export. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Return of Mekong giant salmon carp raises hopes
A team of scientists were stunned when a rare species of fish – previously considered extinct in Cambodian waters – was caught by a fisherman near the Sesan II hydropower dam in Stung Treng province. ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
Better weather conditions improved rice production in Cambodia
In 2021, total rice production surged, reaching 12.2 metric tons, marking a 11.6 percent y/y increase. The surge was driven largely by an increase in wet season rice production, thanks to more favorable weather conditions. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Soy leaders travel to Cambodia for product promotion
Leaders from the United Soybean Board (USB), the American Soybean Association (ASA), and the World Initiative for Soy in Human Health (WISHH) traveled to Cambodia to talk about aquaculture. ...
Khmer Times Staff
“Trey Riel”, the most commercially important species in Cambodia
Small mud carps or “Trey Riel” (Henicorhynchus entmema and H. siamensis) are the most commercially important keystone species in Cambodia, according to Wonders of the Mekong project. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Longan exports to China expected in September
Cambodia is expected to officially export its first batch of fresh Pailin longan to China in September after a lengthy authorisation process, as agriculture ministry officials caution that initial levels of exports could be undermined by subsisting supply chain challenges. ...
Hom Phanet
January-May rubber exports bounce up 3% on-year
Cambodia exported more than 100,000 tonnes of natural rubber latex in the first five months of 2022, an increase of three per cent year-on-year, amid a four per cent drop in the wholesale going-rate for the milky-white exudate at top-quality, according to the General Directorate ...
Hom Phanet
Cambodia's rice exports to ASEAN increase by 9 per cent over last year
Cambodia has exported over 25,000 tonnes of milled rice to ASEAN countries in the first five months of this year, an increase of 9 per cent compared to the same period last year. ...
Hom Phanet
Svay Rieng vets vaccinate cattle for pasteurellosis
Veterinarians in Svay Rieng province are set to start a campaign to vaccinate more than 400 cattle in Chantrea district against bovine pasteurellosis, with some provinces having already done so. ...
Orm Bunthoeurn
CARD, UN on nutrition drive
The Council for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD), in collaboration with the UN World Food Programme (WFP), have launched a dissemination strategy for the SUN Business Network (SBN) – a key part of the global Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement – in a bid to ...
Mom Kunthear
China Cambodia’s largest milled-rice buyer in 5 months with 52.69% share
China has topped the list of buyers of Cambodian milled rice for the first five months of 2022, accounting for more than half of the Kingdom’s total exports of the commodity, which has seen a nearly 22 per cent year-on-year surge overall. ...
Hom Phanet