Environment and natural resources
Third dolphin calf born in four months spotted in Stung Treng
The Fisheries Administration and World Wildlife Fund Cambodia (WWF) recorded a third dolphin calf born in the four months from January to April, with the conservation NGO saying that this year’s number of dolphin deaths has dropped by 50 per cent. ...
Chea Sokny
Cambodia welcomes 2 new-born Irrawaddy dolphins
Cambodia has welcomed two new-born Irrawaddy dolphins so far this year, the country’s Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) said in a news release on Tuesday. ...
Khmer Times Staff
ANA stepping up replanting campaign within Angkor Park
The Apsara National Authority (ANA) is working with public and private partner organisations to continue its plans to replant the western part of Trapeang Ses, and preserve the AngkorArchaeological Park World Heritage Site. ...
Neang Sokunthea
Death of wild elephant likely caused by fall, ministry says
The Ministry of Environment expressed regret at the death of a female wild elephant in Mondulkiri province. It suspected that the elephant cow had slipped down a mountain ledge on March 24. ...
Chea Sokny
Hun Sen offers ID Poor cards as incentive to halt fishing in dolphin habitat
Prime Minister Hun Sen recommended that the authorities provide ID Poors card for people living in the Irrawaddy dolphin protected areas to ensure that they stop fishing there, as their nets have caused the death of several of the rare species. ...
Call for $1 donations to support elephant conservation
An organisation devoted to elephant conservation in Cambodia is calling for $1 donations for its For Elephant’s Smile campaign to conserve elephants and the communities that care for them in the foothills of Kulen Mountain. ...
Yatt Malai
Adult male dolphin found dead from fishing net in Stung Treng
The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has reiterated its demands that fishermen stop all fishing activity including the use of nets, hooks and illegal fishing equipment in the dolphin conservation zone in Stung Treng province to ensure the sustainability of the endangered species and ...
Orm Bunthoeurn
Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary forest crimes on the rise
The number of forest crimes in Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary, spanning across Kampong Thom, Preah Vihear, Kratie and Stung Treng provinces continues to rise. Park rangers have cracked down on 408 crimes over 2,000 hectares and made several arrests. ...
Tith Kongnov
First dead dolphin of the year, conservation worries rise
An Irrawaddy Dolphin was found dead on March 19, marking the first passing of the critically endangered species for the year 2023, and alarming conservationists over their potential extinction. ...
Teng Yalirozy
Ministry calls for better co-op with Preah Vihear rangers in sanctuaries
The Ministry of Environment and Preah Vihear Provincial Administration called on the authorities in villages and communes near the Phnom Tnaot-Phnom Pok Wildlife Sanctuary to increase their cooperation with forest rangers. ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
Rare plant fetches high prices from Thai, Chinese
Many types of plants found in Cambodia are used as traditional herbs to treat various diseases, such as giloy or guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) or aromatic/sand ginger (Kaempferia galangal) or rough cocklebur (Xanthium Strumartium). ...
Kim Sarom
Phase two of zero-snaring campaign launched
The second phase of the zero-snaring campaign in protected areas was launched on March 3 in the presence of Ministry of Environment secretary of state and spokesman Neth Pheaktra. The first phase of the campaign was considered a “resounding success”. ...
Post Staff
‘Zero Snaring Phase Two’ targets six new provinces
The second phase of “Zero Snaring in Protected Areas Campaign” is getting underway this spring. ...
Tith Kongnov
Stricter rules for Mekong river dolphin sanctuaries
The government has issued a sub-decree designating Mekong River Dolphin Management Areas in Stung Treng and Kratie provinces to protect and conserve the freshwater dolphins, while environmental and civil society officials said the sub-decree will make law enforcement more effective and may help increase their ...
Chea Sokny
Cambodia creates safe zones for rare Mekong River dolphins
Cambodia on Monday created Irrawaddy dolphin conservation and protection zones covering a 120-km-long stretch of the Mekong River in northeastern Stung Treng and Kratie provinces, according to a sub-decree. ...
Cambodianess staff
Thailand urges monitoring of bird flu virus after death of Cambodian girl
An 11-year-old girl has died of bird flu in eastern Cambodia, prompting a call for increased disease monitoring by government health agencies. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Southern Vietnam put on bird flu alert after Cambodia outbreak
The Pasteur Institute in Ho Chi Minh City has sounded a bird flu alert to southern localities after more than 10 human cases were reported in Cambodia, including two deaths. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Sixth ‘Crane Day’ set for February 28 as population declines
Birdlife International Cambodia, in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, is preparing to observe the Kingdom’s sixth “Crane Day” to promote public awareness and encourage local communities and stakeholders to participate in the conservation of the dwindling sarus crane population. ...
Chea Sokny
Monkeys in Angkor posing a risk to tourists
The number of monkeys living in Angkor resort area has increased and are becoming a risk to tourists. According to APSARA National Authority, the monkeys no longer enter the forest in search of food but instead wait for food from humans and sometimes snatch food ...
Khmer Times Staff
Ministry, CI test pilot camera trap project damoms
The biodiversity and science team from Conservation International (CI) Cambodia, in collaboration with rangers from the Ministry of Environment, are conducting a camera trap distance sampling pilot study in the Central Cardamom Mountain National Park. ...
Long Kimmarita
Phnom Krala Pors declared a Protected Area
The Ministry of Environment is declaring Krala Pors mountain, a protected area in recognition of its biodiversity. Krala Pors is a natural home to many endangered species as well as untouched forests. ...
Tith Kongnov
Third National Kesor Kol Forum set for March: senior environmental official
The Ministry of Environment is set to host the third National Kesor Kol Forum in March to promote the conservation of the Kingdom’s wild orchid varieties. ...
Keo Bosaba
Poaching rare specimens ‘persists’ in O Meanchey
Community activists and natural resource conservationists have expressed concerns over the continued hunting and snaring of wildlife in protected sanctuaries, especially this summer, when many rare and endangered species have been found killed or injured by snaring. ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
World Wetlands Day marked with calls to action
The Ministry of Environment and several institutions marked February 2, World Wetlands Day with an event that increased public awareness of the value and the role of wetlands and their current conditions. Presiding over the event in Battambang province, environment ministry secretary of state Srun ...
Post Staff