Disasters and emergency response
Jab card check for students a one-off
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport instructed municipal and provincial education departments across the country to inform school administrators that the vaccination card check for students should be done just once on the first day they attend classes. ...
Post staff
Home-based Covid patients warned about waste disposal
Phnom Penh municipal governor Khuong Sreng reminded Covid-19 patients with mild symptoms who are treating themselves at home to dispose of their waste properly. ...
Mom Kunthear
CMAA warns residents of flooded areas about mines
Ly Thuch, Senior Minister and First Vice-President of the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority (CMAA), called on government officials at all levels to continue spreading awareness about the dangers of mines and explosive remnants of war (ERW) whenever meeting with the public in ...
Voun Dara
Phnom Penh’s Governor calls for stricter measures to ensure high-risk businesses remain close
Amid clandestine operations by desperate club, karaoke, and other high-risk business owners, Phnom Penh’s Governor issued an order to authorities of the capital’s 14 districts to implement stricter crackdowns on those who defy administrative measures. ...
Khmer Times Staff
COVAX provides refrigeration equipment to Cambodia
The COVAX Facility donated advanced refrigeration equipment to the Royal Government to boost the country’s vaccination storage capacity. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Gov’t rolls out 10th round of relief measures
The government has rolled out the 10th round of economic relief measures to manage the impact on key sectors from Covid-19 and the ongoing recovery process, and bolster economic growth during and after the crisis. ...
Nov Sivutha
PM declares Cambodia fully reopen from Nov 1
Prime Minister Hun Sen has announced that Cambodia is reopening the country fully across all sectors from November 1 on the basis of four factors: Full vaccination of much of the population, the availability of effective Covid-19 treatments and medicines, increased experience in dealing with ...
Mom Kunthear
PM: Grade 12 exam still on
Public and private educational institutions across Cambodia reopened their doors on November 1 after being closed since March due to the Covid-19 pandemic, while Prime Minister Hun Sen made it clear that high school diploma exams would be taking place this year and students will ...
Voun Dara
Wedding gatherings can be allowed with the limit of attendees
Prime Minister Hun Sen said that wedding gatherings are allowed if the number of attendees is limited. ...
Yim Sreylin
Russian jabs get approval
The Health Ministry has authorised the use of four types of Russian Covid-19 vaccines in emergency situations, including, Sputnik V, Sputnik-Light, CoviVac and EpiVacCorona. .. ...
Tith Kongnov
Cambodia set to receive 1 million doses of Sinovac this month
Prime Minister Hun Sen said that Cambodia will receive another 1 million doses of Sinovac from China this month. ...
Yim Sreylin
Cambodia hands over 200,000 Sinopharm donation to Vietnam
Cambodia yesterday handed over 200,000 doses of Sinopharm as a donation to Vietnam to help in the fight against Covid-19. ...
Sen David
Government continues recovery measures against COVID-19 impacts
The Royal Government continues measures to mitigate the socio-economic fallouts of the COVID-19 pandemic and to support businesses to get back on track for the recovery stage. ...
Khmer Times Staff
PM: Cambodia ‘fully reopened’ from 1st of November
Prime Minister Hun Sen has announced the full reopening of the country from 1 November 2021. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Hun Sen calls for more US support
Prime Minister Hun Sen has called for continued support from the US for ASEAN in the fight against Covid-19 in order to help the bloc “build back better” during the post-pandemic socio-economic recovery period. ...
Ry Sochan
Quarantines waived for recovered Covid patients
The Ministry of Health has waived the 14-day quarantine requirement for Covid-19 patients who have fully recovered from the disease, according to a directive issued by Minister of Health Mam Bun Heng on October 26. ...
Post Staff
Cash handout for poor enters seventh round
The government on October 24 completed the third phase of the sixth round of funding to assist 670,000 poor and vulnerable people. The cash assistance is to help needy people hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic, with the government handing out more than 120 billion ...
Nov Sivutha
Gov’t spent more than $570 million on IDpoor
Ministry of Social Affairs announced yesterday that the government has spent more than $570 million to provide cash assistance to poor families suffering from the Covid-19 pandemic from June 25, 2020 to September 24 this year. ...
Sen David
MoH ends at-home quarantine for recovered patients
The Health Ministry yesterday announced the exemption of at-home quarantine for Covid-19 patients who have completed treatment at hospitals or treatment centres. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Emergency declared at Stung Preak Tnaot and its vicinity
At around 12 midnight, authorities declared a state of emergency on the flooding of Stung Prek Tnaot, which is affecting some communes in the territory of Khan Danghor and announced the evacuation of people from their homes to find safety immediately. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Banana players call for SPS awareness to boost exports
Cambodia’s fresh banana exports to China have made remarkable progress this year, despite the challenges posed by the protracted Covid-19 crisis. But concerns linger over sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) standards and the Kingdom’s ability to build on this positive momentum over the coming years. ...
Nov Sivutha
Prime Minister Hun Sen expresses his optimism for recovery in the near future
Prime Minister Hun Sen says the government has set the stage for the recovery of Cambodia’s economy and a return to a “new normal” before the end of this year, following the successful double-vaccination of more than 85 percent of the population. He said the ...
Michael Firn
Quarantine waived for health workers and service providers
The government will waive quarantine for medical workers and frontline service providers at treatment facilities who maintain strict health measures while on duty and receive negative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test results. ...
Mom Kunthear
Hun Sen set to attend ASEAN summits with no Myanmar
Prime Minister Hun Sen will attend the 38th and 39th ASEAN Summits and Related Summits, which will be held in combination together this year online on October 26-28 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. ...
Ry Sochan