Government investigates rice sector

Following a Monday announcement from the Agriculture Ministry that provincial officials must ensure that the country’s rice millers pay adequate prices for rice paddy, the ministry followed up yesterday, saying that working groups had started discussing the situation with rice millers and rice farmers. In a ...

Sok Chan

Cambodia-Laos MoU on GI

Cambodia’s Ministry of Commerce and Laos’ Ministry of Science and Technology last week signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to cooperate in the protection of trademarks and geographical indications (GI). ...

Sok Chan

Palm farmers eye a sweet deal

Palm sugar producers in Kampong Speu province say they are ready to scale up and meet demand as global consumer goods giant Unilever looks to source palm sugar for its products from the Cambodian market. Prak Sereywath, president of the Cambodia Institute for Research and Rural ...

Cheng Sokhorng

Local goods replacing imports

The value of imports from neighboring Thailand has decreased by almost $500,000 in the first seven months of this year, a possible sign of health of Cambodia’s domestic production capabilities. According to figures released by the Thai embassy, the value of imports dropped by 16 percent ...

Chea Vannak

PM: China will open markets

Prime Minister Hun Sen said yesterday that China gave assurances that it will grant greater access for Cambodia’s agricultural products to enter its markets. “It is my mission to ensure that domestic goods, especially agricultural products, can be exported to China in greater quantities. I just ...

May Kunmakara

PM in China to discuss trade ties

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday appealed for more Chinese investment in Cambodia and said he hoped the country of more than 1.3 billion would increase its imports of products from the Kingdom. ...

Vong Sokheng

MoU signed with China

The Cambodia Chamber of Commerce (CCC) and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) on Friday signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to promote business interaction and enhance trade and investment between China and the Kingdom. ...

Sok Chan

China doubles Cambodian rice quota

The Chinese government will import 200,000 tons of rice from Cambodia from next year – double the current amount – and will also help in the restoration of Preah Vihear temple, it was announced yesterday. ...

Ven Rathavong

Rubber producers want export taxes scrapped

A group of private sector rubber producers have petitioned the government to drop export taxes on rubber products, arguing that by scrapping the tax the sector would attract foreign investment into processing factories. ក្រុមអ្នកផលិតកៅស៊ូចង់នាំឱ្យពន្ធនាំចេញត្រូវលុបចោលក្រុមអ្នកផលិតកៅស៊ូឯកជនមួយបានដាក់ញ្ញត្តិទៅរដ្ឋាភិបាលដើម្បីទម្លាក់ចោលពន្ធនាំចេញផលិតផលកៅស៊ូ ដែលលើកឡើងថា ការមិនយកពន្ធនាំចេញនៃវិស័យនេះអាចនឹងទាក់ទាញវិនិយោគិនបរទេសមកដំឡើងរោងចក្រកែច្នៃ។ ...

Post Staff

Rice bound for Indonesia?

The Cambodia Rice Federation (CRF) hopes to export around 200,000 tons of milled rice a year to Indonesia, which is one of the biggest rice markets in Asean. This comes after the CRF announced late last month that it will not join the bid to ...

Chea Vannak

Bird’s nest export plan ready to fly

Cambodia is looking to secure its first commercial contract for the export of swiftlet nests to China, but must first demonstrate compliance with the Asian giant’s hygiene protocols, a government official has said. Hean Vanhan, undersecretary of state at the Ministry of Agriculture, said swiftlet nests, ...

Cheng Sokhorng

Canada wants trade pact

Canada is keen to sign an investment protection agreement with Cambodia to boost trade between both countries following the visit of Canadian Foreign Minister Stephane Dion to the Kingdom last Friday. ...

Sum Manet

Thais to facilitate blocked maize exports

A month after Thailand blocked agricultural products from Cambodia over improperly stamped and signed certification documents, the Thai ambassador on Friday pledged to seek a solution for Cambodia’s maize exports. Commerce Minister Pan Sorasak said on Saturday that Cambodian authorities are doing their utmost to solve ...

Chea Vannak

Palm sugar's GI status

Kampong Speu palm sugar is expected to receive its geographical indication (GI) status certification from the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development by the end of this year, according to an official from the Kampong Speu Palm Sugar Promotion Association (KSPSPA). Mr. Sok Sarang, ...

Sok Chan

Exports to Thailand still blocked

Agricultural exports to Thailand are still being blocked at the border by Thai authorities over concerns that officials’ seals and certificates of origin are being forged, as Cambodian officials try to resolve the issue. The Ministry of Commence on Friday issued a statement stressing that the ...

May Kunmakara

SMEs: don’t look down on local goods

The Ministry of Commerce and representatives of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) came together on Friday to discuss ways to boost the promotion of made-in-Cambodia goods, both in local and international markets, against a background of local supermarkets discriminating against these local products. Minister of Commerce ...

Sum Manet

Region agrees on new standards for rubber

Rubber industry experts and government officials from ASEAN member countries gathered in Siem Reap yesterday to agree on harmonised standards for rubber products that would facilitate cross-border trade. The Asean Consultative Committee for Standards and Quality (ACCSQ) Rubber-Based Product Working Group (RBPWG) agreed to 61 harmonised ...

Cheng Sokhorng

Trade fair to cement India-Cambodia ties

In order to further promote trade between India and Cambodia, Phnom Penh will host an Indian trade fair next month, the Commerce Ministry announced. Organized in collaboration between the Indian and Cambodian chambers of commerce, the event is intended to further develop ties between businesses in ...

Chea Vannak

Committees to tackle rice woes

The Cambodia Rice Federation (CRF) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) yesterday agreed to create provincial level committees to provide emergency relief to the Kingdom’s beleaguered rice sector, currently in crisis due to falling exports. ...

Sum Manet

Demand for flour on the rise

Wheat products have never had a big market in Cambodia, where meals revolve around rice, but Western influences are increasingly shaping local tastes and creating an appetite for flour products. ...

Cheng Sokhorng

Rice crackers bound for China

Cambodian rice cracker manufacturer Ly Ly Food Industry Co. Ltd., has begun exporting its products to China, as part of a push to expand beyond Asean markets. ...

Sum Manet

Cambodia asks East Timor to import rice, sugar

Cambodia is seeking to export milled rice and sugar to East Timor, according to the Ministry of Commerce, with experts saying it will expand markets for the Kingdom’s agricultural products. ...

Chea Vannak

Organic fertilizers enter Cambodia

A local wholesale company, Brightway Group Co. Ltd., and leading Thailand-based organic fertilizer manufacturer and distributor, MSK Fertilizer Co. Ltd., signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) yesterday for the entry of non-chemical fertilizers into the Kingdom. ...

Sok Chan

Mango exports to S. Korea stalled

In December, South Korea announced that it planned to import dried mangos from Cambodia and the news was heralded as a sign that the country’s lackluster mango export sector was improving. However, a lack of machinery in the Kingdom has meant that the South Korean ...

Chea Vannak

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