Transport and shipping

Transport infrastructure and facilities

Angkor Air’s Macau route

Tourists wanting to visit Asia’s answer to Las Vegas will be able to fly from Preah Sihanouk province to Macau after Cambodia Angkor Air unveiled the new route yesterday. ...

Sok Chan

China asked to fund bridges

Cambodia yesterday asked China to help fund the construction of two bridges across the Mekong River, which it said would cut traffic congestion in Phnom Penh and help create a ring road around the city.   ...

Ros Chanveasna

A few hurdles still block path to joining global value chains

The government needs to urgently amend its industrial development policy to spur the inclusive growth of small- and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) and develop a national logistics platform to cut onerous shipping costs if Cambodia is to find a place in global value chains, panellists at ...

Kali Kotoski

Emirates set to launch flights to Phnom Penh

Emirates Airlines will expand its presence in Cambodia by launching a daily passenger flight between Dubai and Phnom Penh, with a stopover in Yangon, as part of the Dubai-based carrier’s push into the region. ...

Kali Kotoski

Slowdown in port container traffic

The Kingdom’s two main ports reported markedly slower growth in container traffic last year due to a fall in import traffic, although exports of garments and agricultural products continued to rise, according to newly released port data. ...

Hor Kimsay

Water taxis for Phnom Penh

A waterway passenger transport service via the Tonle Sap and Tonle Bassac rivers will be launched next year, bringing hopes of eased traffic congestion in Phnom Penh and providing a new option for tourists. ...

Chea Vannak

JICA study on urban railway

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) will conduct a feasibility study on building an urban railway in Phnom Penh, with the aim of developing a master plan to reduce traffic congestion in the capital. ...

Chea Vannak

Railway links construction date set

The government has set March next year as the date for the ground-breaking ceremony for the building of the rail link to Phnom Penh International Airport and Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone (PPSEZ). ...

Chea Vannak

JICA support for logistics

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) will continue to support the development of Cambodia’s logistics sector in its partnership with the government to reduce transport costs and strengthen the country’s logistics infrastructure. ...

Sum Manet

Liftoff looms for the new Siem Reap airport

A new international airport for Siem Reap has come a step closer after a high-level technical working group was set up to work out the details. The government established the group after a proposal was submitted to the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC). ...

Chea Vannak

Minister plans railway for workers

The Labor Ministry is considering constructing a railway line connecting Phnom Penh and select provinces to special economic zones (SEZ) or industrial areas in response to the high number of road accidents involving commuting workers. ...

Mom Kunthear

Relocations set bridge repairs back until May

Repairs to the Cambodian-Japanese Friendship Bridge, which a City Hall official had said would begin this month, will instead get underway in May, according to representatives from Japan, which is funding the work. ...

Touch Sokha

Cambodia-Thai rail link delayed again

The train service between Cambodia and Thailand, which was expected to begin operations early this year, may be delayed due to compensation issues with people living along a one-kilometer stretch of track in Poipet City. ...

Chea Vannak

Thailand port hope for Cambodian farmers

Cambodian farmers may be able to cut export costs from the middle of the year if an agreement is signed letting them send their produce through the Thai port of Laem Chabang. ...

Sok Chan

Government to evict families under bridge

The government has delayed plans to renovate the Chroy Changvar Bridge, which was slated to undergo changes and improvements this month, after it was revealed that 21 families will have their homes demolished near the eastern end of the bridge to facilitate the construction. ...

Pech Sotheary

Mega construction supply center

A Chinese company will spend roughly $60 million to build a construction supply center on the outskirts of Phnom Penh after finalizing a land leasing agreement with the Phnom Penh Autonomous Port (PPAP) on Friday. Yunnan Sengmao Investment will build the aptly named Construction Material Supplies ...

May Kunmakara

Sihanoukville multipurpose port planned

The government plans to spend about $300 million to build a new multipurpose seaport in Preah Sihanouk province, which promises to receive larger cargo ships and reduce logistics costs.The new port will increase the capacity of the Sihanoukville Autonomous Port (PAS) to handle cargo shipments, ...

Chea Vannak

New Cambodia-Thai border gate

Terminal facilities, a road connecting to National Road 5 and a bridge linking Stung Bot in Cambodia with Ban Nong Ian in Thailand will begin construction next year. The entirety of the bridge, including Cambodia’s side, will be constructed by Thailand, according to Va Sim Soriya, ...

Chea Vannak

Thailand gives train engine to Cambodia

Thailand will provide a train engine to Cambodia for the transport of goods and tourists between the two countries, according to a government official. Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha made the promise to provide the train engine in response to efforts to increase trade and tourists ...

Chea Vannak

Rail link to Thailand on schedule

Cambodia and Thailand will be linked by a railway by the end of 2016 as planned, according to senior official, but some sections of track from Phnom Penh to Banteay Meanchey province remain unrestored. Minister of Public Works and Transportation Sun Chanthol said this week that ...

Chea Vannak

Industrial rail project gathers steam with government push

Transport Minister Sun Chanthol has vowed to reinvigorate a long-dormant project to connect the Kingdom’s sole operating railway line to the capital’s biggest industrial park – a move that would boost rail traffic ahead of the completion of a rail link to northwestern Cambodia and ...

Kali Kotoski

City to airport rail link

A railway linking Phnom Penh to its international airport is being planned, with passengers getting the chance to check in baggage and get boarding passes before they get on the train. The line would join the Phnom Penh to Preah Sihanouk track which runs past the ...

Chea Vannak

Government mulls using rivers for transport

Phnom Penh residents may soon be able to travel to select provinces via boat as the government has pledged to build a waterways public transit system to reduce traffic congestion in the city. Public Works and Transports Minister Sun Chanthol said yesterday during the ministry’s annual ...

Sok Chan

New terminal planned at poipet border gate

A new customs and immigration terminal is planned at the Poipet International Border Gate in Banteay Meanchey province, on the Cambodian side of the common border with Thailand, to cater to an expected increase of foreign tourists when the railway linking both countries is completed ...

Chea vannak

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