Cambodian garment manufacturers, trade unionists talk over pay rise with no agreement
Cambodia’s garment manufacturers and trade unionists on Monday began a negotiation on pay rise for garment workers in 2014 but reached no any agreement because the union representatives demanded to double the current wage. The talk was made between the employers represented by Nang Sothy, co-chair ...
Xinhuanet News Staff
Factory Owners Slam Government Over Handling of Strikes
Members of the Garment Manufacturers Association of Cambodia (GMAC) said during a conference Sunday that they are “fed up” with the government for not controlling strikes by labor unions. “All of us have the same issue: illegal strikes,” Van Porphin, a member of GMAC’s executive committee, ...
Colin Meyn and Aun Pheap
Domestic workers seek cap on working hours
In a letter to three government ministries, a local domestic worker rights group last week demanded wage increases and limitations on work hours. Von Samphous, president of the fledgling Cambodian Domestic Worker Network (CDWN), sent the letter to the Ministry of Women’s Affairs and the Ministry ...
Mom Kunthear, P.5
H&M may raise prices to pay workers
Clothing giant H&M is considering raising retail prices and passing the buck onto the consumer to help pay higher wages to garment workers in poor countries. There won’t be any price increases in the short-term, but it “might be a possibility” in the future, Helena Helmersson, ...
Daniel de Carteret and May Kunmakara
NGO pair sought over Korea work scam
Authorities issued an arrest warrant last week for the director of a local NGO involved with an operation that allegedly bilked thousands out of money by claiming the company could find them work in South Korea. Warrants for the arrests of Theun Samnang, head of NGO ...
Sen David
Maid scheme off to ‘slow start’
A pilot scheme sending 400 Cambodian maids to Singapore has made a spluttering start, according to local media reports, with agencies in Singapore reportedly growing frustrated at the slow pace of maid arrivals and “sceptical” about the reliability of Cambodia as a source. Only about 100 ...
Kevin Ponniah
Organizations Push for Employment of Disabled Persons in Provinces
Local and international organizations on Tuesday marked International Day of Persons With Disabilities by calling on the government to extend its efforts to employ more disabled people beyond Phnom Penh’s environs. A sub-decree attached to the government’s Disability Law, enacted in July 2009, states that the ...
Matt Blomberg and Ben Sokhean
CNRP Requests Migrant Worker Draft Agreement
The opposition CNRP has written to the embassies of Singapore and Malaysia requesting copies of draft agreements with the Cambodian government on sending migrant workers to the countries that they say they were not privy to. A Ministry of Labor official last month said the government ...
Alex Willemyns and Kuch Naren
Cambodia Garment Wages Set to Rise as H&M Pushes New Approach
Swedish clothing giant H&M recently announced a program to boost wages for garment workers in its sub-contractor factories around the world, including in Cambodia, where the company is a leading buyer. H&M’s announcement comes at the end of a turbulent year in the garment sector ...
Robert Carmichael
Convicted killer back on stand
More than six years after the slaying of Free Trade Union president Hy Vuthy, one of the men convicted of his murder, Chan Sophorn, 35, appeared in court yesterday for a retrial. Sous Sam Ath, the judge presiding over the case at the Phnom Penh Municipal ...
Buth Reaksmey Kongkea
Cambodia marks Disability Day
Cambodia celebrated its 15th annual Cambodia Day of Persons with Disabilities and the 31st annual International Day of Persons with Disabilities, on Tuesday at the Phnom Penh Cultural Center. Prime Minister Hun Sen attended the event themed, “Removing barriers to create an inclusive and accessible ...
The Cambodia Herald News Staff
SL reps, unionists to sign deal to end strike
A nearly four-month strike, punctuated by a violent clash between unionists and police that left one bystander dead, could come to an end this afternoon. Officials from SL Garment Processing (Cambodia) Ltd and the Coalition of Cambodian Apparel Workers’ Democratic Union (C.CAWDU) – which represents a ...
Sean Teehan and Mom Kunthear
Factory inspection turns up unauthorised floor
Inspectors from the ministry in charge of construction who were called to investigate a “shaking” garment factory last Tuesday discovered that an entire extra storey had been built without permission or oversight from authorities, officials said yesterday. As workers returned to the Siu Quinh Garment factory ...
Mom Kunthear and Shane Worrell
No Bail for Teens Arrested After Factory Clashes
Two teenagers charged with intentional acts of violence, damage to public property and insulting public officials in clashes with police during a demonstration by SL Garment Factory workers last month were denied bail Monday. The suspects, 14-year-old Meas Non and 17-year-old Vanny Vanan, were charged by ...
Lauren Crothers
Majority of workers denied annual leave
Only about 10 per cent of Cambodia’s workforce is being granted paid annual leave, a report released last week says. Under the 1997 Labour Law, workers who work a standard 48-hour week are entitled to 18 days of paid annual leave, in addition to one day ...
Shane Worrell and Mom Kunthear
FBI Holds Investigation Talk for Cambodian Youth
The US Federal Bureau of Investigation on Thursday gave a talk to some 200 Cambodian youths in Phnom Penh, describing criminal investigation, especially in human trafficking and child prostitution. Various youth from across nine provinces attended the discussion, where they learned how they can participate in ...
Khoun Theara
Poor Education Could Cripple Business Growth
Low-quality education is jeopardizing business growth in Cambodia, and local graduates will not be employable in skilled jobs if the government does not quickly implement educational reforms, business executives warned Thursday at the Cambodian Market Intel 2013 seminar in Phnom Penh. During an hourlong panel discussion ...
Joshua Wilwohl
Report Says More Than 10 Percent of Children Are ‘Laborers’
More than 10 percent of children in the country aged between 5 and 17 work as laborers, with more than 5 percent engaged in “hazardous labor,” a situation that must be addressed by the government, the International Labor Organization (ILO) said in a report released ...
Colin Meyn
ILO: women still lag behind in education
Despite making some gains, Cambodian women continue to fall well short of their male counterparts when it comes to education and position in the labour market, a study released yesterday by the International Labor Organization reports. Men account for just five per cent more of Cambodia’s ...
Sean Teehan
SL to reinstate fired unionists
The chief executive of SL Garment Processing (Cambodia) yesterday said the factory has agreed to reinstate 19 dismissed union leaders and activists, a sticking point which could end a strike that has lasted more than three months. Hours after the Ministry of Labour announced the garment ...
Sean Teehan and Mom Kunthear
Cambodia's 2012 unemployment rate stands at 2.7 pct: survey
Unemployment rate in Cambodia stood at 2.7 percent in equivalent to 202,300 persons aged 15 or older in 2012, according to the first-ever Cambodia Labor Force Survey Report released on Thursday. Conducted by the National Institute of Statistics and the International Labor Organization (ILO), the survey ...
Global Post News Staff
Cambodia to set 2014 wage for garment workers next month
The Ministry of Labour, Government of Cambodia, would set the 2014 minimum wage for garment workers next month, reports The Phnom Penh Post. A working group consisting of representatives of the Garment Manufacturers’ Association in Cambodia (GMAC), workers’ representatives and factory managers met officials at ...
Fibers2fashion News Staff
No consensus on next move in SL drama
After the management of an embattled garment factory this week refused to follow a government order to reinstate 19 dismissed union leaders and activists, unionists and observers are at a divergence of opinion over how the state should respond. “It’s fairly unprecedented,” Dave Welsh, country director ...
Sean Teehan and Mom Kunthear
Labor Ministry Says Brands Hold Key to Wages
The minimum wage for garment factory workers can only be raised if international clothing brands sourcing from Cambodia pay more for their products, a Ministry of Labor official said Tuesday. Khieu Savuth, chief of the Ministry of Labor’s labor conflict commission, laid down the challenge a ...
Dene-Hern Chen and Aun Pheap