Government improves benefits for pensioners
The government has issued a sub-decree on increasing social security benefits for former civil servants and veterans and sponsoring maids for certain disabled people after the Ministry of Labour recently announced social security pensions for individuals in factories, establishments and companies. ...
Hang Punreay
Unions, gov’t gear up for talks to revise minimum wages
Trade unions are gearing up for a meeting with the Ministry of Labour, to negotiate on revising minimum wages for factory workers in the wake of skyrocketing prices. ...
Chea Vanyuth
Cyclo drivers spinning their wheels until tourism’s return
Sitting on his cyclo – bicycle powered rickshaws with a passenger seat in front of the driver – and wearing a white plastic rain parka, Chheng Sam Ol was guessing that once it started raining there’d be no more customers for him to drive that ...
Hong Raksmey
Businesses instructed to enlist in NSSF soon
Senior labour officials called on businesses, manufacturing enterprises and other private institutions that are covered by the labour law but have not yet been registered with the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) to do so as soon as possible. ...
Long Kimmarita
Government kicks off pension scheme for private sector
The government has launched a social security pension fund aimed at providing retirement benefits to private sector employees, in a move applauded by civil society groups and workers. ...
Khuon Narim
Minister: Swiss SDC Kingdom’s ‘key partner in development’
Minister of Labour and Vocational Training Ith Samheng said the activities of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in Cambodia over the past decade demonstrate its commitment and long-term partnership with the Kingdom. The SDC is an important donor that has assisted Cambodia’s ...
Ry Sochan
Five ex-NagaWorld staffers take severance
The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training announced that five more of the nearly 400 former NagaWorld employees who were laid off had willingly accepted severance pay. ...
Lay Samean
Oxfam and Laudes Foundation launch initiative to promote inclusive social protection for apparel employees in Cambodia
Oxfam in Cambodia, with support from Laudes Foundation, has partnered with four well-established NGOs and trade unions to jointly implement an initiative called, Inclusive National Social Protection Initiatives that Respond to the Needs of Apparel Industry Employees (INSPIRE). ...
Khmer Times Staff
Garment Exports Up, But Workers Worried About Factory Closures
Phon Touch and Teang Sreytouch have been working for years in Cambodia’s garment industry, but now the two women are worried they could join the thousands of others in the sector who’ve been laid off without proper compensation. ...
Sorn Sarath
Phenomenon of Cambodian women trafficked to China as brides
The number of women travelling from Cambodia to China for forced or arranged marriages has surged since 2016 and experienced a further spike since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Gov’t confident while labour unions warn against EBA exit
Withdrawal of Everything But Arms (EBA) from Cambodia has evoked mixed reaction from economic experts and labour unions in the country. While economic experts claimed it would not affect badly, labour unions have raised concerns and urged the government to deal with European Union (EU) ...
Soth Koemsoeun
Migrant workers in Thailand urged to renew documents
The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training said that from May 9 onward, they will begin renewing Overseas Cambodian Worker Cards (OCWC) and Cambodian Travel documents for working overseas (TD) for Cambodians who are living and working in Thailand. ...
Orm Bunthoeurn
Hun Sen highlights achievements in labour sector and calls for resilience
Cambodian Prime Minister highlighted major achievements in the labor sector and urged workers to get resilient to seize new opportunities during the post-pandemic. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Ministry of Labour to celebrates 136th Anniversary of International Labor Day
The International Labor Day, May 1, is an important event for workers, which is celebrated every year, and this year the Royal Government has issued a circular and message to inspire and assign tasks to the Royal Government working group. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Ministry, partners complete M’Kiri forest project
Over 16,000 community members living in the natural protected areas of Mondulkiri province have completely shifted away from logging trees in the forests or hunting wildlife to growing crops and raising domesticated animals through the Poverty Alleviation Project set up by state institutions and other ...
Lay Samean
Cambodia has more than 1.3 million migrant workers working abroad, remitting more than $3 billion in 2021
Cambodia now has a total of 1,301,609 workers in seven countries. Prime Minister Hun Sen said this in a message to mark the forthcoming May 1 International Labour Day. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Veteran assoc urges officials to prioritise equity card issuance
Senior Minister Kun Kim, secretary-general of the Cambodia Veteran Association (CVA), has instructed the Pursat provincial Department of Veterans to expedite the issuance of equity cards to veterans so they can receive benefits from the government. ...
Voun Dara
City hall says NagaWorld protesters not cooperative
A spokesman for the Phnom Penh Municipal Administration expressed regret that former and current employees of the NagaWorld integrate resort continued to hold public demonstrations, while little progress appeared to have been made at the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training brokered talks between the ...
Lay Samean
Royal Government of Cambodia’s statement on Nagaworld labour dispute
The Royal Government of Cambodia this evening issued a statement on the Nagaworld Labour Dispute, reading as follows: ...
Khmer Times Staff
Eight NagaWorld protesters free on bail
Eight of the 11 union leaders and members who were formerly employed at the NagaWorld integrated resort and were arrested for organising protests over their layoffs were released on bail by the Phnom Penh Municipal Court on March 14. ...
Lay Samean
Sar Kheng set to lead NagaWorld mediation meeting
Minister of Interior Sar Kheng is slated to lead a meeting with ministers and authorities to seek a solution for the ongoing labour dispute between the NagaWorld integrated resort and former staff who have since mid-December been protesting the termination of hundreds of their coworkers. ...
Lay Samean
Japan resumes recruitment of Cambodian workers, interns
Japan has resumed recruitment of skilled workers and interns from Cambodia from March 1, according to the Ministry of Labor. ...
Tin Sokhavuth
NagaWorld protesters urged to halt gathering amid Covid
The Phnom Penh Municipal Administration reiterated its calls for former NagaWorld employees to stop gathering to protest, as by doing so they were defying Covid-19 health measures. ...
Long Kimmarita
24 more former NagaWorld protesters diagnosed with COVID
From February 19-20, 2022, the results of samples of 24 more NagaWorld protesters were found to be positive for COVID-19, while some involved have not submitted themselves for the 2nd test. ...
Khmer Times Staff