Crime and law enforcement

Traffic violations

Bigger traffic fines from May 1

Starting May 1, the traffic police will enforce a new sub-decree which increases traffic violation fines to three to five times their current rates. Officials expect the additional money gained from the increased fines will be used to reduce traffic accidents. ...

Khorn Savi

Road traffic accidents see reduction

The National Road Safety Committee (NRSC) said since the new traffic sub-decree was implemented, there has been a considerable drop in road traffic accidents thus far in March compared to February. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Traffic law changes in force

The government has amended the Road Traffic Law and updated the fines for all road violations. A sub-decree released on Tuesday said the fine for motorcycle or tuk-tuk drivers and motorbike riders who fail to wear helmets or wear them incorrectly is 60,000 riel ($15). ...

Voun Dara

At least 139 Killed in February traffic accidents

Accidents claimed 139 lives and injured 383In February 2020, At least 106 people were killed in motorcycle accidents, according to the report of the Department of Traffic and Public Order of the National Police. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Chanthol seeks support for more road safety campaigns

Minister of Public Works and Transport Sun Chanthol has asked the French Development Agency (AFD) to look into the possibility of providing financial support for public outreach campaigns on road safety. In a meeting on Tuesday with AFD country director Ophelie Bourhis, Chanthol presented development ...

Soth Koemsoeun

At least 40 killed in road crashes during Lunar New Year festival

Traffic accidents killed at least 40 people and injured 80 during the Lunar New Year celebration since Friday. A National Police report yesterday said this was more than the 29 deaths and 65 people with  injuries recorded during the same period last year. Lieutenant General ...

Khuon Narim

Traffic law enforcement set to be strengthened

The National Road Safety Committee said 2020 will be the year it strengthens enforcement of the Road Traffic Law, while Minister of Interior Sar Kheng urged traffic police to enforce the law equally and without tolerance to reduce the number of traffic casualties. The remarks ...

Khorn Savi

‘Accidents claimed 1,981 lives last year’

A National Police report for 2019 said that of the 4,121 traffic accidents that occurred throughout last year, 1,981 people – including 330 females and 1,651 males – had died. Another 3,919 were seriously injured and 2,222 suffered minor injuries. The report said traffic accidents ...

Khorn Savi

Crackdown on vehicles with unpaid tax

The General Department of Customs and Excise at the Ministry of Economy and Finance vowed to take legal action against those using vehicles with unpaid tax and unapproved modifications after relevant authorities had advised them through educational announcements. General Department of Customs and Excise director-general ...

Voun Dara

Minister gets tough on illegal modification of vehicles by mechanics

Minister of Public Works and Transport Sun Chanthol on Tuesday warned mechanics workshops throughout the country to stop modifying vehicles against technical and legal standards, or face shutdown. Chanthol said modified vehicles were known to have caused accidents and affected road safety. He said authorities ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Rise in traffic accidents despite safety efforts

Interior Minister Sar Kheng yesterday said there were more than 3,400 traffic accidents in the Kingdom so far this year which killed 1,665 people and injured 5,212. Speaking at a World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims event on Koh Pich, Mr Kheng noted ...

Pech Sotheary

NGOs call for road safety to be included in nat’l examination

wo NGOs focused on Cambodian road safety have sent a letter to Minister of Education Hang Chuon Naron on Wednesday requesting that road safety be included in students’ learning objectives ahead of the beginning of the new school year on Friday. In their letter, the ...

Voun Dara

Alarming increase in road accidents and deaths

Despite multiple road safety campaigns this year, the number of accidents rose by an alarming 32 percent and the death toll jumped by 27 percent, a police report published yesterday showed. The Kingdom’s roads are notoriously deadly, with an average of five people dying per day ...

Pech Sotheary

Gov’t to amend traffic law as death toll continues to rise

The government is set to amend traffic laws as the nationwide death toll from road accidents continue to rise. Speaking at the 2nd annual conference on road safety on Thursday, Minister of Public Works and Transport Sun Chanthol, who is also vice-chairman of the National ...

Voun Dara

Helmet checks to begin in PP

Phnom Penh authorities will deploy forces day and night at 16 points throughout the capital to identify motorcyclists not wearing helmets, while police will be stationed at two further locations at night to check truck drivers for alcohol and addictive substances. ...

Long Kimmarita

Capital police consider installing CCTV cameras from China

Municipal police are considering implementing high-tech security cameras from China to help solve traffic accidents and crack down on crimes in the capital. Lieutenant General Sar Thet, chief of Phnom Penh police, said on Facebook that he led a delegation in China yesterday to observe ...

Pech Sotheary

Road safety banners installed on streets for New Year

More than 300 road safety education banners have been put up along the streets of every province for display during the Khmer New Year as a reminder of the dangers of careless driving. Asia Injury Prevention Foundation director Kim Pagna told The Post on Sunday ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Traffic deaths still plague Kingdom

Despite an increase in traffic law enforcement and awareness, traffic deaths continued to plague the country during the first six months of 2018. A National Police general department of traffic and public order report published yesterday said that 1,633 traffic accidents lead to 930 deaths ...

Sen David

Hun Sen calls on monks to battle traffic accident deaths

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday called on monks to join hands in educating people to respect traffic laws and avoid drug use in order to reduce traffic deaths and drug problems. During a building inauguration at Chey Mongkul pagoda in Kampong Cham province, Mr Hun Sen ...

Pech Sotheary

Ministry gets told off over bad road quality

Interior Minister Sar Kheng publicly chided the Transportation Ministry yesterday over the poor quality of National Road 8 and the ministry’s failure to maintain the eastbound highway that cuts across Prey Veng province, where Kheng is the head of the ruling CPP’s working group. ...

Mech Dara and Kuoch Masy

Cop caught on camera beating traffic officer placed in pre-trial detention

A National Police officer who beat up a traffic policeman on Tuesday for reprimanding him for running a red light was sent to pre-trial detention by Phnom Penh Municipal Court this afternoon and faces the preliminary charge of “intentional violence”. ...

Kong Meta

Hun Sen rails against traffic scofflaws, calls for crackdown on offences

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday threatened to fire Daun Penh District Governor Sok Penh Vuth over growing disregard for traffic laws among the public as local authorities scrambled to enforce a new crackdown on offenders. Hun Sen urged motorists to obey traffic laws, appealing specifically to ...

Kuoch Masy and Andrew Nachemson

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