កម្ពុជាកំណត់គោលដៅផលិតថាមពលពន្លឺព្រះអាទិត្យ ៣ ១៥៥ មេហ្គាវ៉ាត់ត្រឹមឆ្នាំ ២០៤០
ចំណែកនៃថាមពលពន្លឺព្រះអាទិត្យនៅក្នុងល្បាយថាមពលសរុបរបស់កម្ពុជានឹងកើនឡើងយ៉ាងខ្លាំងនៅក្នុងទសវត្សរ៍ខាងមុខ ហើយអាចឈានដល់ 3,155 MW នៅឆ្នាំ 2040 ដែលធំជាងការរួមចំណែកពីវារីអគ្គិសនីផលិតក្នុងស្រុក ដែលជាប្រភពថាមពល ...
Manoj Mathew
ខណៈតម្រូវការអគ្គិសនី និងការផលិតក្នុងស្រុកកើនឡើងទិន្នន័យថ្មីចេញផ្សាយដោយក្រសួងរ៉ែ និងថាមពលកាលពីម្សិលមិញបង្ហាញថាការផលិតថាមពលដោយធ្យូងថ្មកើនខ្ពស់ជាងវារីអគ្គិសនីជាលើកដំបូង ...
Kali Kotoski
ADB Says Hydropower Growth Won’t Match Need for Oil, Coal
Cambodia’s reliance on imported fossil fuels to meet its energy needs is set to increase in the coming years, despite the raft of hydropower projects planned by the government, according to new data from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Using baseline figures from the Institute ...
Move to lift energy efficiency in Cambodia
A national energy efficiency policy is currently in development, officials told the Post last week. Experts at the Ministry of Industry, Mines, and Energy (MIME) and the multi-donor fund EU Energy Initiative Partnership Dialogue Facility (EUEI PDF) are in discussions about details of the policy, ...
Mirach Energy Aims for Green Light to Start Drilling Cambodia Offshore D
The energy exploration and production company said in a statement on Tuesday that its associate company CPHL (Cambodia) has signed a drilling environmental impact assessment (EIA) contract with two environmental consulting firms The firms, the International Environmental Management Company Limited and SAWAC Consultants For Development Company ...