Cambodia sees almost 3.3m people celebrate New Year
Almost 3.3 million people celebrated ringing in the new year, with Phnom Penh the most popular destination, according to the Ministry of Tourism (MoT). ...
Yatt Malai
300,000 students benefit from school feeding program
More than 300,000 Cambodian students in nine provinces have received meals under the School Feeding Program, which aimed to reduce the number of dropouts in 2023. ...
Mao Sreypich
Unlocking the potential of energy efficiency
Cambodia has pledged to reduce energy consumption by at least 19 percent by 2030 as part of the nation’s clean energy transition. At Clean Energy Week, industry players took to the stage to explore how to achieve this. ...
Marissa Carruthers
Collaboration aims to bolster Cambodia’s cashew sector
The Cambodian government, European Union (EU), and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) have joined forces to provide technical assistance for cashew cultivation, aiming to enhance the cashew industry’s growth and sustainability in the country ...
Mon Sokeo
Project upscales to improve access to public services
On Monday, the Australian Embassy, World Bank, the National Committee for sub-National Democratic Development Secretariat (NCDDS) and World Vision International in Cambodia (WVI-C) launched the next phase of the Implementation of Social Accountability Project (ISAF). ...
Meas Molika
EU offers $7m grant to elevate fisheries sector
The European Union (EU) has announced plans to pump almost $7 million to support Cambodia in reforming its fisheries sector. ...
Mao Sreypich
Prey Lang designated a red zone
Minister of Mines and Energy, Keo Rottanak, has declared Prey Lang a protected area, effectively prohibiting the issue of new licenses for mining companies. ...
Thang Sinorn
Six million people celebrate waater festival
Tob Sopheak, Ministry of Tourism (MoT) spokesperson, said on Wednesday that the three-day Water Festival attracted about six million revelers, including 73,000 foreigners. ...
Chhorn Raksmey
Campaign calls for end to violence against women
A total of 20 civil society organizations, unions and other associations have united to launch a 16-day campaign calling for an end to violence against women and girls for economics, social fairness and justice. ...
Yatt Malai
MFIs to restructure tourism, real estate loans
Microfinance institutions have been asked to conduct loan restructuring on a case-by-case basis for clients who face difficulties in the Siem Reap tourism sector, real estate and other industries. ...
Sangeetha Amarthalingam
PM pushes ahead with Cambodia vision 2030
Prime Minister Hun Manet laid out plans for Cambodia to graduate to an upper-middle income country by 2030 and strengthen the nation’s resilience and sustainability beyond then at the Cambodia Outlook Conference 2023. ...
PichBormey Chhim PichBormey
Balancing Cambodia’s power grid
Strengthening and modernizing Cambodia’s power grid is key to supporting the nation’s energy transition, while providing a sustainable and stable electricity supply, experts stated during a Clean Energy Week session. ...
Marissa Carruthers
Men urged to play stronger role in childcare
A total of 95 percent of Cambodian women are involved in childcare, impacting their ability to take up full-time jobs, according to an ADB report. In response, men are being urged to play a role caring for their kids and for the government to provide ...
Meas Molika
World Bank approves $163m water and sanitation project
According to a statement from the World Bank on November 22, to assist Cambodia in its efforts to strengthen water and sanitation services, the project will reach more than 175,000 people in the target provinces of Battambang, Pursat, Mondulkiri and Kandal. ...
Chhorn Raksmey
Campaign aims to put an end to female violence
Orange Shield has been held to raise awareness about harmful behavior and to promote safe spaces where women and girls can feel physically and emotionally safe. ...
Kiripost staff writers
Gender equality in the clean energy sector
Gender equality in the energy sector was the focus of a session at Clean Energy Week, with relevant actors lobbying for more to be done to mainstream the field and make it more inclusive. ...
Marissa Carruthers
Brick factories urged to end child labour
An in-depth study by the Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO) has revealed that debt bondage and child labour continue in brick factories. ...
Yatt Malai
Timor-Leste buys 4,000 tons of Cambodia rice
Timor-Leste has signed an agreement to buy 4,000 tons of rice from Cambodia for the first time after the two countries signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on rice trade on October 20, according to the Ministry of Commerce (MoC). ...
Yatt Malai
FAO launches fisheries training
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has kicked off training to build fisheries stakeholder capacity in the management of fisheries, while improving the livelihoods of coastal community fisheries. ...
Yatt Malai
Call for stricter regulation on dolphin protection areas
A seven-year-old dolphin has been killed by an electric shock device, which is an illegal form of fishing, with the Ministry of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) condemning the use of illegal fishing gear and vowing to crack down on perpetrators. ...
Rov Hongseng
MoU strengthens technical and vocational internships
The Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training, Chamber of Commerce, and employers’ association signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to promote internship opportunities for vocational and technical training. ...
Kiripost staff writers
Foreigners can lease land for 50 years, says PM
During the government and private sector forum ceremony, Prime Minister Hun Manet underlined that the government has streamlined another mechanism of long-term leasehold rights in addition to the old mechanisms regarding foreigners leasing land. ...
Chhorn Raksmey
Clean energy key to mitigating climate change
“Clean energy is a really important part of efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change,” said Australian Ambassador to Cambodia, Justin Whyatt. “It’s a significant part of the puzzle responding to climate change.” ...
Bun Tharum
Agriculture players can tap into new loan system
The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) and Wing Bank (Cambodia) Plc have inked a deal that will offer accessible, low interest rate loans to support the government’s Agriculture Priority policies through the innovative Wingagri supply chain platform built specifically to support the sector. ...
Yatt Malai