The Phnom Penh Post

Ground water may be over-exploited: NGOs

Over-exploitation of the Kingdom’s underground water sources has contributed to the water scarcity problem faced by the country during the past two years of drought, relief organisations said yesterday. ...

Alessandro Marazzi Sassoon

GI status for Tbong Khmum pepper unlikely

With 72 per cent of Cambodian black pepper production coming from Tbong Khmum province, agriculture officials are calling for it to receive Geographic Indicator (GI) status to promote the spice for export. ...

Cheng Sokhorng

Acleda gets $70M to support women

Acleda Bank signed an agreement in Bangkok yesterday with International Finance Corporation and the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women initiative for a $70 million long-term loan project to support Cambodia’s small- and medium-size enterprises (SME) owned by women. ...

Hor Kimsay

Industry pushes for electronic payments

With the e-commerce law hoped to be passed before the end of the year, industry experts said it is important for Cambodian businesses to begin to encourage e-commerce activity, with an emphasis on electronic payments systems. ...

Ayanna Runcie

PPSP begins trading on stock exchange

Shares in Phnom Penh SEZ debuted on Cambodia’s nascent stock exchange yesterday morning, ending the day at 2,890 riel ($0.71), down slightly more than 3 per cent from its opening price of 2,980 riel after an underwhelming level of trading. ...

Kali Kotoski

250K Cambodians subject to forced labour or marriage, report finds

Cambodia has the third-highest prevalence rate for modern slavery in the world, trailing only North Korea and Uzbekistan, according to the Global Slavery Index 2016, released this morning by the Walk Free Foundation.   ...

Jack Davies and Kong Meta

Villagers, coffee firm battle over Mondulkiri land

Tensions flared yesterday between 20 Bunong ethnic minority villagers and a coffee company operating on an economic land concession in Mondulkiri’s Pech Chreada district, prompting local authorities to investigate.   ...

Phak Seangly

‘Less aid available’ for disasters: WFP

The head of the World Food Programme in Cambodia has labelled the government’s drought preparation and response “insufficient” and warned that the Kingdom must be prepared to receive less help in the future.   ...

Alessandro Marazzi Sassoon and Kong Meta

Timber exports to VN way up

Legal timber exports to Vietnam – the bulk of them rosewood – soared between 2013 and 2015, with the volume of logs exported increasing by a factor of 142 and seven times as much sawn wood passing across the border, according to a report by ...

Jack Davies

Snakehead fish farms to rely on animal carcasses

The Fisheries Administration submitted a proclamation on management measures for sustainable snakehead fish farming to the Ministry of Agriculture last week, a member of the Fisheries Administration confirmed yesterday.   ...

Cheng Sokhorng

Capital police vow to keep order as activists prepare to deliver petition to King

Opposition activists from across Cambodia are expected to descend on Phnom Penh today, bringing a petition for CNRP lawmakers to deliver to the King, even as the National Assembly’s permanent committee determines whether to allow a criminal case against the party’s acting president, Kem Sokha, ...

Meas Sokchea, Chhay Channyda and Shaun Turton

UN urges sustainable growth

The international community has been urged to stand by its commitment to support the development of the world’s 48 Least Developed Countries while in Cambodia – despite its rapid economic growth – the United Nations warns of environmental risks that could undermine sustainable development.   ...

Sorn Sarath

Dam firm hasn’t made good on pledge: locals

Some 100 people from five villages in Oddar Meanchey’s Chongkal district protested over the weekend against a hydropower dam project built by Chinese firm Sinohydro, claiming they have yet to be compensated for their eventual displacement when the flood gates close in the next few ...

Phak Seangly

Mondulkiri villagers say officials burned their homes

A group of 31 villagers of the Phnong ethnic minority have filed a petition to Mondulkiri provincial authorities to demand the removal of the local environment department director after rangers allegedly torched their homes during a wedding in Sen Monorom district. ...

Phak Seangly

Montagnard refugees set their course for Philippines

More than a dozen Montagnard refugees are set to depart from Cambodia for the Philippines today, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).   ...

Erin Handley

Health Ministry seeks better expense reports

The Ministry of Health has issued a set of guidelines calling on referral hospitals and health centres to provide increased documentation of their expenses with an aim of introducing more “transparency” to official spending.   ...

Bun Sengkong

Sihanoukville authorities announce sewage crackdown

Sihanoukville officials have prioritised cracking down on businesses that allow sewage to drain into the sea, deputy governor Chhin Seng Nguon said yesterday.   ...

Igor Kossov and Bun Sengkong

Online recruitment portals seek competitive advantage

German-backed online job recruitment portal Everjobs officially announced plans yesterday to conduct its first career fair in Cambodia. The company, which entered into Cambodia a year ago, joins the ranks of numerous online job portals aiming to dominate the recruitment market.   ...

Ayanna Runcie

Truck found 26 tonnes over legal weight limit

An overloaded truck’s owner was ordered to pay 7.8 million riel ($1,917) in fines yesterday after his driver was caught with 61 tonnes of wood in his truck, 26 tonnes above the legal limit.   ...

Phak Seangly

Health ministry seeks better expense reports

The Ministry of Health has issued a set of guidelines calling on referral hospitals and health centres to provide increased documentation of their expenses with an aim of introducing more “transparency” to official spending.   ...

Bun Sengkong

Garment factory owners warn of falling productivity

The Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC) claims falling productivity levels and rising infrastructure costs in the Kingdom’s garment sector could put the country at a disadvantage with its neighbouring competitors.   ...

Bun Sengkong and Yesenia Amaro

Report calls out Gap suppliers for labour abuses

Labour rights abuses are taking place at Cambodian supplier factories for US clothing retailer Gap Inc, according to a new report, the latest in a series aimed at bringing attention to perennially poor conditions in the Kingdom’s garment industry ahead of the International Labour Organization’s ...

Yesenia Amaro

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