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Psychology department sees decrease in students

The Royal University of Phnom Penh’s department of psychology has seen a decrease in students and its dean has blamed a lack of human resources and decreased interest in The subject. Phan Chan Pov, dean of The psychology department at The university, said There are ...

Sen David

Government establishes working group to tackle faintings

Health Minister Mam Bun Heng yesterday announced the formation of a working group to address mass fainting, a day after the premier raised the issue at a meeting with garment workers, though relevant officials had few details on the group’s objectives. ...

Kuoch Masy

Fines up after new rule: gov’t

The announcement last month that traffic cops will collect 70 per cent of fines They give out has already seen enforcement increase, according to a senior official at The Interior Ministry.Speaking yesterday, General Run Roth Veasna, director of The ministry’s Department of Order, said tickets ...

Charles Parkinson and Taing Vida


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Government to open embassies in Ankara, Sofia

The Cambodian government will open an embassy in The Republic of Turkey next year, a statement issued by The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Friday. ...

Kong Meta

Minister urges officials to speed up ID scheme

Officials responsible for issuing new identity cards, which every adult will eventually need, must get a grip on the task and speed up, the Ministry Of Interior said yesterday.In an “instruction” to staff, Interior Minister Sar Kheng said the number Of new ID cards issued ...

Pech Sotheary

Hun Many calls for rigor in civil service recruitment drive

Hun Many, Minister of Civil Service has called for the review of the structure and function of ministries, institutions, and subnational administrations to address uncertain or redundant tasks and responsibilities. ...

Torn Vibol

About 1,000 migrants sent home

About 1,000 Cambodians allegedly working illegally in Thailand were arrested and deported after the Thai government declared an end to a grace period for labourers, a member of the official receiving committee at the border in Poipet said Monday. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Parliament function strengthened

The National Assembly, Senate and The Parliamentary Center of Asia (PCAsia) have partnered to strengThen The capacity of officials in parliament through training. ...

Chea Vanyuth

Women’s affairs ministry urges end to ‘misogynistic language’

The Ministry of Women’s Affairs expressed its dismay regarding The use of inappropriate and immoral language on social media by a small number of individuals. It considered These acts as having damaged The honour and dignity of Cambodian women as well as being detrimental to ...

Long Kimmarita

Ghosts in the machine

Private firms say costs, delays and bureaucratic red tape have increased since an obscure private company took over the government’s work-permit application and issuance system in September. the Ministry of Labour announced in August that it had outsourced work permit application processing to E-Solutions (Cambodia) Co ...

Kali Kotoski and Cheng Sokhorng

NA approves draft laws on inspection ministry and border secretariat

The National Assembly (NA) has approved draft laws which will rename The Ministry of National Assembly-Senate Relations and Inspection and establish a permanent Secretariat of State for Border Affairs. The new legislation is part of The seventh-mandate government’s bid to deepen its reforms. ...

Vong Daravady

CDC: Investment in Kingdom stable

The Council for The Development of Cambodia (CDC) approved four projects, worth a combined $17.4 million, during The first 10 days of February. ...

Hin Pisei

Kampong Thom wetland picked as the latest Ramsar Site

The Stung Sen wetland has become The Kingdom’s latest Ramsar Site, said The Ministry of Environment. The seasonally-flooded 9,293ha freshwater swamp, located along The souTheastern edge of The Tonle Sap great lake in Kampong Thom province, was declared Cambodia’s fifth Ramsar Site on Friday under ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Letter of the Ministry of Information on alcohol advertising

On 21 August 2017, the Ministry of Information issued a letter laying out recommendations to owners of radio and television stations and other media outlets as follows:Alcohol-associated reward advertising is allowed only in the period of 15 days before and after Khmer New Year, Chinese ...

Ministry of Information

Download: pdf

PM to chair business forum in New York

The Cambodia Chamber of Commerce (CCC) and The US Chamber of Commerce will jointly host The Cambodia-US Business Forum in New York next Friday aimed at promoting investment and business opportunities in Cambodia. ...

Chea Vanyuth

Italy to set up chamber of commerce

Italy will set up a chamber of commerce in Cambodia this year with the aim of promoting and strengthening trade and investment opportunities in the kingdom.   ...

Sok Chan

Cambodia signs MoUs with Solomon Islands, Fiji on financial innovation, payment system

Cambodia has signed Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with the Solomon Islands and Fiji to extend the collaboration in the areas of financial innovation and payment system, said a joint statement on Friday. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Union claims casino labour abuse

The Collective Union of Movement of Workers has sent a letter to The Ministry of Labour seeking intervention over abusive working conditions for staffers at a casino in Banteay Meanchey province’s Poipet town. ...

Sen David

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