Economy and commerce

Economic policy and administration

Rice piles up as exports slow

Lagging demand from foreign buyers has led to Cambodian rice being stockpiled at the country’s mills, according to the head of the country’s peak rice body. Sok Puthyvuth, president of the Cambodia Rice Federation (CRF), said that with exporters receiving fewer orders, the country’s larger rice ...

Hor Kimsay

Gov’t continues to seek new markets

The Ministry of Commerce has vowed to uncover more markets for Cambodian products to help buffer against price fluctuations caused by the Kingdom’s dependency on neighboring countries. In a response to concerns raised on social media, Commerce Minister Sun Chanthol wrote on the ministry’s official Facebook ...

Chan Muyhong

Wage group agrees on January 1 raises

The group in charge of determining the national minimum wage for the garment sector yesterday agreed to increase salaries annually on January 1, determined by discussions that are to take place in the final quarter of each preceding year, officials said. The agreement was signed during ...

Mom Kunthear

Mfone staff paid final wages

Bankrupt telecommunications company Mfone yesterday handed out the final instalments of unpaid wages to former employees. More than 1,000 former Mfone staffers received the remaining 30 per cent of their unpaid wages after the telecommunications firm filed for bankruptcy in February 2013. Since then, workers have ...

May Kunmakara

GTI price drops on day one

After a five-month IPO process steeped in anticipation, Grand Twins International ended its first day on the Cambodia Securities Exchange (CSX) with results many observers found disappointing. GTI shares opened yesterday’s session at 9,700 riel ($2.41), with a ceremonial bell ringing at the CSX’s head office. ...

Eddie Morton

Two’s company at CSX

It may not have all the glitter, adrenaline or the iconic tolling bell of Wall Street, but today, the usually deserted Cambodian Stock Exchange (CSX) will be a hive of activity. After first hinting at an initial public offering more than two years ago, garment manufacturer ...

Eddie Morton

Despite Employer’s Concessions, Workers Vow to Continue Protest

Workers at the Beautiful Spring Footwear factory in Takeo province refused to end a two-day protest on Saturday after management ceded to most of their demands but refused to raise their good-attendance bonus. The factory’s roughly 1,000 workers started protesting outside the building on Friday, two ...

Mech Dara

H&M, ILO Form New Industrial Relations Initiative

In an effort to bring stability back to the country’s embattled but crucial garment industry, the Ministry of Labor has joined forces with the International Labor Organization (ILO) and Swedish clothing giant H&M in a campaign for unions and factories to sign direct agreements to ...

Lauren Crothers

Confidence for plan low

Union officials and the garment sector’s factory association said yesterday they supported a new program meant to enhance relations between employers and employees, but remained sceptical of how effective it would be. In a ceremony yesterday, the Ministry of Labour inaugurated the program, which entails training ...

Sean Teehan

In Remote Rovieng, a Much-Touted Steel Plant Has Not Been Built

Two years ago, a ceremony was held in Rovieng district, a remote area in the northern province of Banteay Meanchey, to herald the construction of a major steel plant here. The much-touted plant would make use of iron ore found here. It was to be a ...

Suy Heimkhemra

Salt makers shake out a big surplus

Cambodia’s salt production rose sharply at the end of this year’s harvest season thanks to more favourable weather conditions enhancing yields. Salt production in Kampot and Kep provinces – home to Cambodia’s salt fields – reached 147,000 tonnes this year, nearly double the 80,000 tonnes recorded ...

Hor Kimsay

National Silk Board delayed as ministries fail to coordinate

Formation of the National Silk Board (NSB) has been delayed due to a lag in coordinating ministries to create the industry body, according to the spokesman of Ministry of Commerce. The former minister of commerce, Cham Prasidh, said in June last year that he was aiming ...

Chan Muyhong

Gamblers ready for kick-off

With the World Cup set to kick off in Brazil today, gamblers in Phnom Penh are preparing to place their bets, while city authorities are warning that unauthorised wagers will not be tolerated. Dara*, a seasoned gambler who regularly bets on football matches, told the Post ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya and Alice Cuddy

Study finds Cambodia most vulnerable to climate change

US credit ratings agency Standard & Poor’s has ranked Cambodia’s economy and creditworthiness as the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Of 116 nations measured by S&P as part of a vulnerability index published last month – with a number 1 ranking being the ...

Eddie Morton

Strike over late wages at factory

Workers at a Kampot province cement factory began striking yesterday, protesting late payment of their salaries for May. The 224 employees of Cambodia Cement Chakrey Ting Factory in Kampot’s Teuk Chhou district said the company was supposed to pay them at the end of May but ...

Sen David

Bilateral trade with Malaysia up 17.6 percent

Bilateral trade between Cambodia and Malaysia increased during the first quarter this year by 17.6 percent compared to the same period last year, a Malaysian official said Tuesday. Trade increased from $89.63 million to $105.4 million, Rasazlan Abdul Rashid, the Malaysian ambassador to Cambodia, told a ...

Kang Sothear

Gov’t to meet unions for salary talks

Union members of the Ministry of Labour’s Labour Advisory Committee (LAC) will meet on Monday for a garment industry wage discussion focusing on ideas raised at a workshop in April. The invitation from Labour Minister Ith Sam Heng was sent to the seven LAC unions on ...

Mom Kunthear

Factory shuts down, doesn’t pay salaries

About 400 garment workers arrived for their shifts and monthly pay at Phnom Penh’s Hongkong Yufeng factory Tuesday only to find it shuttered and its owner nowhere to be found, workers’ representatives said. “Today is payday for the workers and since the employer did not have ...

Mech Dara

Ocean workers pray for jobs

Protesting workers at Ocean Garment factory say they are worried the manufacturer, which has suspended operations for one month, will close altogether. About 20 per cent of Ocean’s 1,300 workers demanding full payment during the break have found work elsewhere, while longtime employees are literally praying ...

Mom Kunthear

Capital to host tourism fair

For the first time in the event’s 37-year history, Cambodia is to host the annual Pacific Asian Tourism Association Travel Mart (PTM), an annual tourism trade fair organised by the multinational tourism body. So Visothy, director of marketing and information at the Ministry of Tourism, said ...

Chan Muyhong

Strike continues as T&K rejects lunch allowance

Union representatives stormed out of negotiations and continued a strike yesterday when managers at T&K Garment factory said workers would never receive the 2,000 riel ($0.50) daily lunch allowance allegedly promised to them. A week after they walked off the job, T&K workers at Por Sen ...

Mom Kunthear and Koam Chanrasmey

New Zealand supports Angkor restoration

New Zealand will offer US$3.7 million in aid to Cambodia to support a five-year Angkor Wat preservation project. Accoriding to local media reports, the funding was signed, last week, between Bun Narith, Cambodia’s Apsara Authority and Brent Rapson the first secretary of New Zealand Embassy to ...

Wanwisa Ngamsangchaikit

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