Transport and shipping
Transport infrastructure and facilities
Ta Ngov residents to keep land despite road expansion
Residents of the Phnom Penh suburb of Ta Ngov have reached a verbal agreement with the Chbar Ampov district government to make room for the expansion of a road along Barang Canal. ...
James Reddick and Muny Sithyna
Shipping deals turn the tide for Cambodian economy
New shipping agreements will soon be signed between companies in Cambodia and China that will see the Kingdom’s largest port continue its transformation into a regional hub, port officials say. ...
Hellenic Shipping News Staff
Gov’t needs $2.4b for public investment projects
The government needs about $2.4 billion to begin 331 public investment projects, such as roads and schools, planned for the next three years, according to a statement released by the Council of Ministers on Friday. ...
Kang Sothear
Gov’t to finish Northern rail line in 2016
The government has set aside some $33 million to finish rebuilding Cambodia’s northern rail line by late next year, according to the Transportation Ministry, reanimating a long-delayed and over-budget project that had been one of the Asian Development Bank’s priorities in the country. ...
Zsombor Peter
Thai-Lao-Vietnamese bus service planned
Thailand’s state-owned Transport Co plans to run its first three-country passenger bus service with Laos and Vietnam following the success of its transnational services. The services to Cambodia runs from Bangkok via Poipet to Siem Reap and Phnom Penh. ...
Today News Staff
Linking overland routes with China
Thailand has to improve transport, especially high-speed rail links and establish infrastructure that will ensure tourism prospers in a quality environment. ...
Wanwisa Ngamsangchaikit
China providing more funds for infrastructure
China is providing increased funds for building and repairing Cambodian roads, and for water and land transportation projects, said Chinese Ambassador to Cambodia Bu Jian Guo at a workshop at the Senate yesterday called “One Belt, One Road.” ...
Men Sonita and Va Sonyka
Road development protests on Koh Rong
Preah Sihanouk Provincial Governor Chhit Sokhon halted further construction work on Koh Rong this week following a protest by residents of Koh Tuich village, in the island’s most populated bay. ...
Jack Laurenson
Gov’t finishes sub-decree listing traffic fines
The government has finished drafting a sub-decree that lays out the fines that will be levied against violators of the country’s new Land Traffic Law, officials said Tuesday. ...
Khuon Narim
Mekong industrial belt taking shape
Backed by their government, Japanese firms are pressing ahead with plans to link the burgeoning industrial complexes that line a 1,700-kilometer economic corridor that runs from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, to a massive new port being constructed in Dawei, Myanmar. ...
Cam McGrath and Phun Chan Ousaphea
Cambodia's airports handle over 3.2 mln passengers in first half of 2015
The Cambodia’s three international airports received over 3.2 million passengers in the first six months of 2015, a 14 percent rise compared to the same period last year, according to the report of the Cambodia Airports on Saturday. ...
Global Post News Staff
Abe plans Mekong development to counter China
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will meet the leaders of five South-east Asian countries in Tokyo on Saturday to adopt a new three-year development strategy for the Mekong region — a move that will rival China’s rising economic clout in Asia. The plan is likely to ...
Today News Staff
S. Korean-funded roads opens to traffic in Cambodia
Roads built with low-interest policy loans from South Korea have opened to traffic in Cambodia, the finance ministry said Monday. The roads near the Vietnamese border in the Southern part of Cambodia, are part of a broader infrastructure project undertaken by Phnom Penh to meet ...
Yonhap News Agency Staff
Railway families seek more cash from ADB
Some 50 people gathered in front of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) office yesterday to demand $8,000 per family in additional compensation for hardships suffered after being relocated from their homes in Phnom Penh to make way for a railway rehabilitation project in 2011. ...
Pech Sotheary
Hijacked tanker did not enter Cambodian waters, officials say
A Malaysian-flagged oil tanker that was hijacked by pirates last week was spotted in Cambodian waters by the Australian air force Thursday, according to Malaysian state media. Cambodian Defense Minister Tea Banh, however, said the vessel never passed through the country’s territorial sea. ...
Airport deals in the spotlight
Opposition lawmaker Son Chhay has requested the government release its concession arrangement with the French company that controls Cambodia’s three international airports, alleging the Kingdom might be getting ripped off under the deal. Following a site visit to Phnom Penh International Airport two weeks ago, Chhay, ...
Chhay Channyda
New air route aims to cut travel times, fuel costs
Cambodia will use a new air route for flights to Laos, Thailand and Vietnam that will reduce fuel costs and provide a more direct route to these countries reducing air time for these flights, according to the State Secretariat for Civil Aviation. ...
Chan Muyhong
City ends deal with firm operating tollbooths
Phnom Penh City Hall on Monday canceled a contract with a local construction company that had been operating a pair of tollbooths on Street 2004 in Sen Sok district to raise funds for the road’s ongoing construction and maintenance. ...
Aun Pheap
‘Make way for railway’: officials
Banteay Meanchey provincial authorities have pledged to expedite the relocation of 900 families living along a stretch of railroad near Cambodia’s border with Thailand in order to facilitate the development of an international railway system, a senior official said yesterday. ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
Rail rivals China, Japan compete for high-speed track in Asia
In many parts of northeast Asia and Europe train travel in the 21st century is a safe and fast cross-country mode of transport. In South and Southeast Asia, riding the rails is frequently frustrating and sometimes dangerous with derailments and fiery crashes. Impoverished Cambodia has ...
Steve Herman
Enforcement of traffic law still months away, official says
Although the long-awaited Land Traffic Law was passed by the National Assembly in December, a police official said Tuesday that the government would not begin enforcing it for another five or six months. The law is set to bring tougher penalties for many traffic offenses—including drunk ...
Khuon Narim
Traffic accidents, fatalities down this new year
Thirty-seven people died in 112 road accidents during last week’s Khmer New Year holiday, typically the busiest time of year on the country’s roads as people make their way to and from their home provinces to be with family. ...
AIIB will use its US$50 billion to help spur hydroelectric development in Asia
With 35 nations signing on as founding members, Beijing-based Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has a reported US$50 billion foundation from which it plans to spur infrastructure growth in developing Asian countries with projects that include hydroelectric facilities. ...
Gregory B. Poindexter
Villagers’ request for crossing rebuffed
Demanding that 20 metres of a median on National Road 6A in the capital be removed to ease commutes to and from their villages, about 45 people protested outside the Ministry of Public Works and Transport yesterday. ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya