Legal framework

Laws and regulations

Assembly criticised over MPs’ immunity

During an otherwise routine National Assembly session to make amendments to the Senate Election Law, opposition lawmaker Son Chhay yesterday took the opportunity to criticise the assembly for not adhering to immunity laws after the arrests and convictions of lawmakers Um Sam An and Senator ...

Touch Sokha

US brands object to draft wage, dispute settlement laws

A group representing some of the largest apparel brands in the U.S., including Gap and Levi Strauss, are urging Prime Minister Hun Sen to reconsider controversial provisions in a pair of draft laws on wages and labor disputes. ...

Zsombor Peter

Consumer protection law still in draft stage

The Ministry of Commerce and other relevant ministries will meet later this month to review progress on the country’s first consumer protection law and formulate a plan to complete the draft legislation, a ministry official said yesterday. ...

Hor Kimsay

‘Law needed’ on campaign spending

The amount of money political parties spent on the campaign trail ahead of yesterday’s nationwide commune elections varied wildly, with observers and party members yesterday blaming the lack of a campaign finance law in Cambodia for what they characterised as the uneven playing field among ...

Yesenia Amaro

LDP warned by NEC over alleged violation

Khem Veasna, founder and president of the League for Democracy Party, has been issued a formal warning by the National Election Committee (NEC) today for allegedly violating election rules by continuing to campaign on Facebook despite the ban. ...

Andrew Nachemson

Don’t intimidate, law enforcement warned

The Interior Ministry and the National Election Committee have banned all forms of law enforcement from using their power to intimidate or threaten voters during the commune election campaign period.In a joint announcement, the NEC and the ministry said that it was crucial for the ...

Mom Sophon

Part of tycoon’s ELC to be granted to villagers

The Preah Sihanouk province land management committee is in the process of issuing land titles for 82 families in a recently converted forest area, as well as from an economic land concession (ELC) belonging to the Mong Reththy Group. ...

Touch Sokha

Tourist price rises curbed

The Ministry of Tourism on Thursday issued a prakas or order to curb price rises during big festivities in a bid to promote local tourism. The prakas, signed by Tourism Minister Thong Khon and released on Thursday said the ministry has told tourism operators to manage ...

Sok Chan

Draft law on trade remedies adopted

The Council of Ministers on Friday adopted a draft law on trade remedies to protect local producers, businesses, enterprises and foreign businesses operating in Cambodia from imported products being sold below their cost base. ...

Sok Chan

Court plans to probe Mondulkiri logging claims

The Mondulkiri Provincial Court is preparing to investigate accusations that Cambodian border officials last month knowingly allowed seven Vietnamese loggers to illegally fell trees in the Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary, a court official said yesterday. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

King away; senate president to sign party law

With King Norodom Sihamoni out of the country, Senate President and CPP stalwart Say Chhum is set to sign off on controversial new changes to the Law on Political Parties, the last step in what some are calling the final, fatal blow to Cambodia’s democracy. ...

Van Roeun and Ben Sokhean

PM slams US take on Party Law

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday launched a not-so-thinly-veiled attack on the US over its recent public airing of concerns over the newly amended Law on Political Parties, arguing that its past bombing of Cambodia left it no moral high ground from which to criticise the ...

Touch Sokha

US congressman urges CPP to drop party-busting bill

A U.S. congressman on Wednesday called on the CPP to abandon an imminent vote on legislation that would give the Cambodian government sweeping new powers to abolish its political rivals, the same day the U.S. ambassador met with CNRP acting President Kem Sokha to discuss ...

Ben Sokhean and Zsombor Peter

Ministry working on labor laws

The draft law on the minimum wage for garment and footwear industry workers will be completed and approved this year, according to Labor Minister Ith Samheng. ...

Mom Kunthear

Party law date vote set

The National Assembly’s Permanent Committee will next week conduct an urgent plenary session to review and adopt the draft amendments to the law on political parties, despite strong requests for a delay from the opposition. ...

Taing Vida

Unions want meet with Minister to discuss Labor Law problems

While stakeholders have lauded the government’s move to establish a bond market, in a bid to raise more funds from domestic sources, they, however, expressed concern that not enough has been done to inform the public on how debt security can support government spending. ...

Mom Kunthear

Royal gazette to move online

The government will this year stop printing the royal gazette for sale to the public and begin publishing new editions online, an official said yesterday. ...

Mech Dara and Shaun Turton

Draft consumer law completed

The Ministry of Commerce has finished the draft consumer protection law and will soon submit it to the Council of Ministers, according to a senior government official.​ ...

Chea Vannak

No one in union law firing line, says Vannak

The government yesterday assured those in the garment industry that the Trade Union Law, which came into effect in May, is not meant to put pressure on any particular group, but rather to help employers and employees work together in harmony. Labor Ministry secretary of state ...

Mom Kunthear

Unions: change minimum wage law

More than 40 unions have joined together to ask the Labor Ministry to make changes to 10 articles in the draft Minimum Wage Law, saying the law did not cover all sectors and restricted the rights of union representatives in wage negotiations among a host ...

Pech Sotheary

Ministry drafting new minimum wage law to cover all workers

The Labour Ministry said last week it was drafting a minimum wage law that would expand beyond the garment industry and cover all workers, a proposal that drew cautious praise from union leaders and advocates, along with a healthy dose of scepticism. ...

Bun Sengkong and Ananth Baliga

Ministry sets out rules on disposal of batteries

The Ministry of Environment on Thursday issued its first prakas on safe battery management, laying out specific guidelines on the collection, storage, treatment, delivery and disposal of batteries by households and businesses alike. ...

Kong Meta

Path to responsible mining

In an effort to improve the governance of the Kingdom’s mining industry, with a focus on increasing revenue generation, the government has approved 11 articles largely concerning export permits for mined resources. A September 22 sub-decree signed by Prime Minister Hun Sen, but released by the ...

May Kunmakara

UN envoy offers help with surrogacy laws

Visiting U.N. envoy Rhona Smith on Tuesday offered to help Cambodia draft its first laws on surrogacy, a ministry spokesman said. The special rapporteur on human rights in Cambodia, who arrived on Monday for a 10-day visit, met with Justice Minister Ang Vong Vathana to discuss ...

Khy Sovuthy

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