ច្បាប់ និងប្រព័ន្ធតុលាការ

រដ្ឋធម្មនុញ្ញ និងសិទ្ធិ

CPP fills seats with … CPP

Ruling party lawmakers yesterday unanimously voted to fill each of the National Assembly’s nine commissions with their own members. The vote was made without the presence of the opposition, which has been boycotting parliament since its opening late last month. Among the five Cambodian People’s Party members ...

Meas Sokchea

CPP Readies for One-Party Vote On Assembly Committees

Senior CPP members selected nominees for the National Assembly’s nine permanent committees behind closed doors on Tuesday, while the opposition CNRP, which has continued to boycott the Assembly over July’s disputed election, urged some of Cambodia’s foreign donors to immediately sever ties with the government ...

Hul Reaksmey

Defence minister warns against general strike

Defence Minister Tea Banh yesterday said the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces are ready to protect the Kingdom’s constitution should the opposition’s threatened general strike fall on the wrong side of the law. “A nationwide general strike or mass demonstration must be held under the framework of ...

Vong Sokheng

Five More Years For Hun Sen; Some Ministers Reshuffled

A day after its opening session and still devoid of the 55 lawmakers-elect of the opposition CNRP, the country’s new, one-party National Assembly voted Prime Minister Hun Sen in for yet another five-year term Tuesday and approved an extensive re­shuffle of his Cabinet. In a ...

Hul Reaksmey and Zsombor Peter

With Just One Party Present, King Convenes New Parliament

King Norodom Sihamoni presided over a nearly half-empty opening session of the National Assembly on Monday as all 55 elected lawmakers of the opposition CNRP followed through with their threat to boycott parliament to protest disputed results of July’s national election. Analysts and election monitors ...

Zsombor Peter and Hul Reaksmey

Gov’t warns citizens to respect King online

The government yesterday warned citizens to respect King Norodom Sihamoni in social media commentary. The warning then backpedals, acknowledging the government recognises the rights of expression and freedom of the press outlined in the constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. ...

Meas Sokchea and Amelia Woodside

Hun Sen Offers ‘Back Pay’ to Ousted Opposition Lawmakers

Prime Minister Hun Sen has offered to pay back the lost salaries of opposition lawmakers who were stripped of their parliamentary posts in June by the then CPP-led National Assembly, a CNRP official said. The offer to back-pay the 27 lawmakers from the Sam Rainsy Party ...

Colin Meyn

Opposition Asks Donors to Stop Work With Government

Lawmakers from the opposition SRP and Human Rights Party who were expelled from Parliament earlier this month have called on the foreign diplomatic corps and international donors to stop signing agreements and conducting other business with the government of Prime Minister Hun Sen. In a letter ...


Subedi Urges Passage of Laws on Judiciary

U.N. human rights envoy Surya Subedi met with a senior official at the Ministry of Justice on Wednesday and reiterated a call for new legislation to be passed on governing Cambodia’s judiciary. “He did not ask us much on anything new, but he did ask for ...


Government Says Constitutional Amendment Is Not a Change

The government has taken exception to language used to refer to its plan to amend the Constitution dealing with Cambodia’s borders, saying that the planned “amendment” does not constitute a “change”. Prime Minister Hun Sen on Tuesday said that he had launched a study to amend ...



បើលោកអ្នកមានសំនួរទាក់ទងនឹងខ្លឹមសារផ្សាយនៅលើគេហទំព័រ Open Development Cambodia (ODC)? យើងខ្ញុំ​នឹង​ឆ្លើយ​តប​​ដោយ​ក្តី​រីក​រាយ។

តើអ្នកបានឃើញបញ្ហាបច្ចេកទេសណាមួយនៅលើគេហទំព័រOpen Development Cambodia (ODC) ដែរឬទេ?


តើលោកអ្នកមានឯកសារដែលអាចជួយពង្រីក​គេហទំព័រOpen Development Cambodia (ODC) ដែរ​ឬទេ​?​ យើងខ្ញុំ​នឹង​ធ្វើការ​ត្រួតពិនិត្យ​រាល់​ទិន្នន័យ​អំពី​ផែនទី​ ច្បាប់​ អត្ថបទ​ និង​ ឯកសារ​ដែល​ពុំ​មាននៅ​លើ​គេហទំព័រ​នេះ​ ហើយ​ពិចារណា​បោះផ្សាយ​ទិន្នន័យ​ទាំងនោះ​។​ សូម​មេត្តា​ផ្ញើ​តែ​ឯកសារ​ណា​ដែល​មាន​ជា​សាធារណៈ​ ឬ​ស្ថិត​នៅ​ក្រោម​អាជ្ញាប័ណ្ណ​ Creative Commons


កំណត់សម្គាល់៖ Open Development Cambodia (ODC) នឹង​ធ្វើការ​ត្រួតពិនិត្យ​រាល់​ឯកសារ​ដែល​បាន​បញ្ជូន​មក​យ៉ាង​ហ្មត់ចត់​ ដើម្បី​កំណត់​ភាព​ត្រឹមត្រូវ​ និង​ពាក់ព័ន្ធ​ មុន​ពេលធ្វើការ​បង្ហោះ​ផ្សាយ​។​ រាល់​ឯកសារ​ដែល​បាន​បង្ហោះ​ផ្សាយ​នឹង​ជា​ឯកសារ​ដែល​មាន​ជា​សាធារណៈ​ ឬ​ស្ថិត​នៅ​ក្រោម​អាជ្ញាប័ណ្ណ​ Creative​ Commons​។​ យើងខ្ញុំ​សូម​អគុណ​សំរាប់​ការ​គាំទ្រ​របស់​លោក​អ្នក​។​

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