Ongpin’s Atok buys Hong Kong company
Atok-Big Wedge Co. Inc., a listed company owned by the group of former Trade minister Roberto Ongpin, acquired Tidemark Holdings Ltd., a Hong Kong company that owns 25.9 percent of Forum Energy Plc, an oil and gas firm controlled by Philex Mining Corp. Atok-Big Wedge said ...
Cambodia, Singapore urge peaceful solution to South China Sea dispute
Phnom Penh — Cambodia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Hor Namhong and his Singapore’s counterpart K Shanmugam agreed on Wednesday that the territorial dispute in the South China Sea between China and some ASEAN countries should be solved peacefully. “We have exchanged ideas on the issue of ...
Cambodia to fall short in rice exports due to flooding
Phnom Penh–Cambodia’s rice exports to foreign countries this year will fall short from the amount that was expected earlier, due to the flooding, said President of the Federation of Cambodian Rice Millers Association Phou Puy on Tuesday. The flooding has hit the country since August, will ...
South Korea loans $21 million for rural improvement
H.E. Aun Pornmonirath, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Cambodia and Mr. Sang Wang Byun, Executive Director of Export-Import Bank of the Republic of Korea, on September 21 signed $21 Million Loan Agreement for Cambodia’s Rural Roads Improvement Project. “The ...
Chinese animal feed mill opens in Cambodia
A Chinese animal feed mill officially opened at the Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone (PPSEZ) on Aug 28. It is the first animal feed mill from China and the fifth animal feed factory to operate in Cambodia Cambodia has strongly depended on the imports for animal ...
245,500 tons of rubber per year to be collected by 2020
Rubber production in Cambodia is expected to increase by 245,500 tons per year by 2020, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF). MAFF Minister Chan Sarun said on Aug 30 that Cambodia will have 365,000 hectares for rubber production as the amount ...
Foreign investment needed in Special Economic Zones
According to a Sept 4 press release from the Council for Development of Cambodia (CDC), there are currently a total of 19 SEZs and most of them are situated along Cambodia’s borders with Vietnam and Thailand. Eight are fully operational with both local and foreign ...
Japan introduces fresh water fish in Cambodia
A group from the Japanese Fish Rearing Association led by Kazuki Nishimura met with Chan Sarun, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. During the meeting Kazuki Nishimura told the minister that the Japanese Fish Rearing Association wished to introduce Japanese fresh water fish (Nishiki Koi) ...
China IPO to benefit Kingdom
China’s Sinohydro Group Ltd earned US$2.12 billion in an initial public offering on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the company announced yesterday. The move came just two months before Sinohydro launches the Kamchay Hydroelectric Dam in Cambodia’s Kampot province. The company expects the IPO to help fund ...
Travel to coast down during Pchum Ben
Bad weather scared tourists from Cambodian beaches and other popular travel destinations during a three-day national holiday, provincial tourism officials said yesterday. Preah Sihanouk province saw a 30 to 35 percent drop in tourist numbers during the Pchum Ben holiday, which ended Wednesday, Seng Kha, deputy ...
ADB meets wall of silence
Deputy Prime Minister Keat Chhon has failed to respond to a request made almost two months ago about the authenticity of a letter in which he allegedly urged Prime Minister Hun Sen to ban foreign NGOs from doing advocacy work in Cambodia, the Asian Development ...
Kampot pepper prices expected to grow in January
The Kampot Pepper Association said yesterday that the price of pepper would increase in January to $8 per kg, up from $7 currently. Nguon Lay, president of the association, said that the price hike was due to strong demand from abroad and high production costs ...
Car industry association established
Three car import companies have established an automotive industry association to bring international standard quality vehicles to Cambodia. The companies are RMA Cambodia, Hung Hiep Cambodia and Envothech Cambodia. The objective is to boost the level of foreign investment in the sector Commerce Minister Cham ...
Advocates voice concerns ahead of ecotourism conference
As the Tourism Ministry prepares to host the World Ecotourism Conference in Sihanoukville on Monday, ecotourism operators in three provinces said they were worried that the government’s development practices would undermine the very concept the conference is promoting. According to Tith Chanda, director general of the ...
Foreign investment brings Cambodia growth, new issues
Cambodian officials say the country’s economic growth rate is set to exceed seven percent this year. According to financial analysts even if the global economy slows, Cambodia is well prepared to deal with it, partly because of strong foreign investment. But the billions of dollars ...
Flooding destroys 3% of national crop
Three percent of the country’s rice crops have been destroyed by flooding in provinces along the Mekong River and around the Tonle Sap lake, and another seven percent is at risk of being lost, the minister of agriculture said yesterday. New government estimates also show that ...
Kingdom set for IT growth over next decade
Cambodia’s information technology sector is looking to leapfrog its current capacities in the next decade as the Kingdom chases other countries in the region, industry experts say. As much as 40 per cent of the country could be online within 10 years, Dell general manager of ...
UN set to hear report on Cambodian rights
The United Nations Special Rapporteur for Cambodia was due last night to present his 2011 report to the Human Rights Council in New York, where Foreign Minister Hor Namhong is attending the UN General Assembly’s annual debate. The report, first published on August 2, looks at ...
Flooding damage to eclipse Typhoon Ketsana
As severe flooding continues to plague provinces along the Mekong River and around the Tonle Sap lake, new figures released by aid groups and officials yesterday showed that the scale of the disaster is far bigger than initially expected and could be worse than Typhoon ...
Foreign Minister backs full UN membership for Palestinians
Speaking at the UN General Assembly in New York on Monday, Foreign Minister Hor Namhong backed the Palestinians’ bid for full UN membership and called for the lifting of a decades-old US embargo on Cuba, one of the countries backing Cambodia’s bid for a seat ...
Minister says floods affect 90,303 families
Flooding has affected 90,303 families and flooded 83,007 houses nationwide, while 13,402 families have been evacuated so far from inundated areas, Minister of Information Khieu Kanharith said Monday. Citing data from the National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM), Mr Kanharith also said in a posting to ...
As pig imports grow, price of pork drops
A rise in pig imports from Thailand and Vietnam has driven down pork prices by as much as 33 percent in the past month, leaving farmers here worried that an oversupply in the market will cut into profits. Prathna Preap, a swine market expert at USAID, ...
Economists contest Moody's downgrades
In the past month, ratings agency Moody’s has downgraded its outlook for two of Cambodia’s largest commercial banks. On September 2, Acleda Bank’s performance outlook went from “stable” to “negative” due to risks associated with rapid credit growth and a drain on local currency by depositors. ...
Visitors to Cambodia up 14.1% through July
The number of foreign visitors arriving in Cambodia jumped 14.1 percent to about 16.2 million in the first seven months of this year compared to the same period last year, according to data released Friday by the Tourism Ministry. Vietnam accounted for the largest number of ...