
Brown Coffee Chain Expands With Third Store

What do three Cambodian teenage girls, a French T-shirt designer, a Japanese doctoral student and a Cambodian businessman have in common? On Thursday afternoon, they were all captured by the appeal of BRow Coffee and Bakery on street 214. The value of this crowd of ...

Climate change on agenda

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday called for greater regional cooperation to tackle a range of environmental problems in the Greater Mekong Sub-region, but did not specifically address the threat posed by dams. “I call on all countries in the Greater Mekong Sub-region to place more emphasis ...


Silver screen setting up

Sabay Company is set to open a cinema in Sorya Mall on August 4, aiming to become the second cinema in as many months to show licenced films in the Kingdom, Sabay Chief Commercial Officer Abhaya said yesterday. Legend cinema began showing primarily Hollywood movies in ...


Environment Minister Defends Concessions

Environment Minister Mok Mareth yesterday defended the recent surge of economic land concessions granted by his ministry inside the country’s enviornmental conservation areas, saying that they would do more to help the areas than hurt them. Mr Mareth’s comments came while responding to questions at ...

Crocodile Farmers Plagued by Volatile Market

Crocodile farmers are feeling the pinch after a year of volatile crocodile prices and market demand. Despite the spike in crocodile prices late last year – which followed on the heels of worrying lows between 2005 and 2007 – demand for the live exports of ...

Kratie land dispute meet

Local authorities told residents of Kratie province’s Snuol district that they would not allow a private company to plant crops on their land during a meeting yesterday. Poeng Vin, chief of Pi Thnou commune, said that local authorities would measure land belonging to hundreds of ...


Inside look at ‘fainting’ factory

After a three-day standstill at a Puma supplier, shoemakers returned this morning to the factory floors in Phnom Penh where 49 workers reportedly fell ill Monday morning. Huey Chuen factory Assistant General Manager Zhang Hanchang – who led reporters from The Post through the empty factory ...


Fears over island fish stocks

Villagers on Koh Kyong island in Preah Sihanouk province are preparing a complaint over more than 300 allegedly unlicensed fishermen who they say are illegally operating in local waters. Loung Bunny, chief of the Association for Natural Protection in Ochroy commune, said yesterday  that fishermen from ...


North Koreans talk rice

North Korea aims to import rice from Cambodia, as well as explore for mineral resources, officials said yesterday. High-ranking officials from Pyongyang met with their Cambodian counterparts in Phnom Penh yesterday, signing agreements on economic and trade cooperation.The two countries had signed seven cooperation agreements beginning ...

(By Vong Sohkeng, pg. 7)

Investment accounts open

Several securities firms are opening accounts, even as the first listing on the Cambodia Securities Exchange are not expected until later this year, company officials said yesterday. The CSX was launched on July 11 without any listed firms, though state-owned Telecom Cambodia, Phnom Penh Water Supply ...


Police Seize Equipment at Sisowath Quay Site

Vattanac Properties’ construction equipment has been seized by the police after the firm ignored an order to cease work as it has damaged adjacent historic buildings while digging. The work began in mid-April and Vattanac was in the process of removing soil in order to ...

Vietnamese Company Breaks Ground on Plant

A Vietnam Electrical Equipment Corporation subsidiary has broken ground on a new factory to be built in the Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone (PPSEZ). THIBIDI is building a $1.5 million factory in order to manufacture transformers and will employ approximately 150 people. The plant is ...

Cracks Put Future of Historic Buildings in Doubt

Running down the middle of Mak Sitha’s newly renovated fashion boutique in Phnom Penh is a crack that is splitting her floor tiles in two. Yesterday, part of the floor at Lady Penh Designs began to cave into the ground. Like several other business and ...

Cigarette Promoters to Lose Jobs After Tobacco Ad Ban

Cigarette promoters will have to stop work when a tobacco advertisement ban takes effect in late August, a health official said yesterday. A February sub-decree, which also bans advertising tobacco in the media and on billboards, states that the “promotion of tobacco products to customers ...

Riverside Buildings Damaged Amid Construction

Construction on Sisowath Quay by Vattanac Company has damaged an entire block of buildings after soil was removed from the site in order to shore up the sides with concrete. 11 families have been asked to move temporarily while the situation is remedied. The Foreign ...



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