និយ័តករអគ្គិសនីនៅកម្ពុជា បានដាក់ចេញនូវគម្រោងថ្មីចំនួន ៧ ដែលរៀបចំឡើងដើម្បីកាត់បន្ថយតម្លៃអគ្គិសនី ដែលនឹងចាប់ផ្តើមនៅក្នុងខែមេសា និងរហូតដល់ឆ្នាំ ២០២០ ជាមួយនឹងតម្លៃមួយចំនួននឹងធ្លាក់ចុះទាបត្រឹម ៤៨០ រៀលក្នុង ...
ឃុត សុភចរិយា និង Yesenia Amaro
ទំនប់វារីអគ្គិសនីសេសានក្រោម រំពឹងដំណើរការតាមការគ្រោងទុក
ទំនប់វារីអគ្គិសនីសេសានក្រោម២ រំពឹងថា នឹងផលិតថាមពលតាមការគ្រោងទុកនៅចុងឆ្នាំ២០១៧ ដើម្បីផ្គត់ផ្គង់តម្រូវការថាមពលអគ្គិសនីនៅក្នុងប្រទេសស្របពេលដែលដំណើរការសាងសង់បណ្ដាញជាតិកំពុងភ្ជាប់ពីទំនប់ទៅកាន់បណ្តាខេត្តផ្សេងទៀតជិតរួចរាល់។ នេះបើ ...
ជា វណ្ណៈ
Cambodia's rural communities to get sustainable energy access
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Government of Australia are expanding access to economical and reliable energy for rural Cambodian households, including through the promotion of cookstoves in Svay Rieng and Kampong Cham provinces. A $6.1 million Australian Aid grant, administered by ADB, will finance ...
The Cambodia Herald News Staff
EDC promises more power
The recent power shortages have left residents of Phnom Penh out in the heat and dark, but amidst their mounting frustration, state-owned energy supplier Electricite du Cambodge (EDC) has announced it will be purchasing more power from Thailand to address the shortfall. Keo Rattanak, director-general of ...
Blackouts leading to reduced production
Frequent power outages in Phnom Penh, a result of a shortage of supply and overuse by consumers, is harming the competitiveness of Cambodian products, industry insiders said yesterday. In addition to the challenges of expensive electricity prices, an ongoing issue for production costs, unreliable supply during ...
Protests Over Mondulkiri Electricity Prices Resume
About 100 residents of Mondulkirri province’s Sen Monorom City have protested yesterday for the third time in the past 2 weeks in front of the provincial office of state electricity provider Eletricite du Cambodge (Edc), demanding that their electricity be decreased. Vann Neang, who ...
Siem Reap Power Cut Hurts Tourism Industry
Three days after it went out, power had yet to be restored to large parts of Siem Reap province yesterday, badly impacting local businesses in the popular tourist hub of Siem Reap City and seeing a rush of people to buy generators. The power failure followed ...
Villagers Protest High Electricity Charges
About 200 people from Siem Reap’s Angkor Chum district protested outside the district governor’s office on Friday, calling for private electricity company Duong Narin to lower its prices and asking the state electricity authority to connect to their area, protesters said yesterday. The residents of ...
Kingdom pushes power grid
The Cambodian government yesterday offered a subsidy on equipment to private electricity distributors in an effort to expand the Kingdom’s limited power grid. Private power suppliers who have completed between 70 to 80 per cent of their planned investments in electricity networks can request subsidies on ...