ក្រសួងកសិកម្ម រុក្ខាប្រមាញ់ និងនេសាទកំពុងរិះរកយន្តការ ដើម្បីរក្សាស្ថិរភាពតម្លៃស្រូវរបស់អ្នកផលិតក្នុងស្រុក ក្នុងករណីមានការធ្លាក់ចុះតម្លៃជាបណ្តោះអាសន្ន ដែលបណ្តាលមកពីការប្រែប្រួលទីផ្សារ។ ...
James Whitehead
អង្គការស្បៀងអាហារ និងកសិកម្មនៃអង្គការសហប្រជាជាតិ (FAO) បានអោយដឹងថា កាលពីឆ្នាំមុន តម្លៃអង្ករនៅលើទីផ្សារអន្តរជាតិបានកើនឡើងដល់ ២១ ភាគរយ ស្របពេលមានការព្រួយបារម្ភអំពីអាកាសធាតុ និងការកាត់បន្ថយការនាំចេញអង្កររបស់ឥណ្ឌា។ ...
បុគ្គលិក ខ្មែរថាមស៍
អង្គការ FAO បានលើកឡើងថាតម្លៃអង្ករលក់ដុំនៅកម្ពុជាមានស្ថិរភាព
អង្គការស្បៀងអាហារ និងកសិកម្មនៃអង្គការសហប្រជាជាតិ (FAO) បាននិយាយកាលពីថ្ងៃពុធថា តម្លៃអង្ករលក់ដុំនៅក្នុងប្រទេសកម្ពុជាមានស្ថិរភាព បើទោះបីជាមានតម្លៃកើនឡើងនៅក្នុងប្រទេសថៃ និងវៀតណាមក៏ដោយ។ ...
បុគ្គលិក ខ្មែរថាមស៍
រដ្ឋមន្ត្រីក្រសួងកសិកម្ម ចុះពិនិត្យ និងពិភាក្សាអំពីស្ថានភាពស្រូវនៅខេត្តបាត់ដំបង
លោក ឌិត ទីណា រដ្ឋមន្ត្រីក្រសួងកសិកម្ម រុក្ខាប្រមាញ់ និងនេសាទ និងថ្នាក់ដឹកនាំមួយចំនួនទៀត បានជួបជាមួយលោក សុខ លូ អភិបាលខេត្តបាត់ដំបង និងលោក ភូ ពុយ អគ្គនាយករោងម៉ាស៊ីនកិនស្រូវបៃតង ខេត្តបាត់ដំបង ដើម្បីសិក្សាពីស្ថានភាពជាក់ស្តែងនៃតម្លៃស្រូវ។ ...
បុគ្គលិក ខ្មែរថាមស៍
តម្លៃអង្ករសកំពុងហក់ឡើងខ្ពស់ ខណៈតម្រូវការបន្តកើនឡើងខ្លាំង
ក្រុមហ៊ុននាំចេញអង្ករនិងម្ចាស់រោងម៉ាស៊ីនកិនស្រូវនៅកម្ពុជាបានលើកឡើងថា តម្លៃអង្ករសនៅលើទីផ្សារពិភពលោកកំពុងហក់ឡើងខ្ពស់បន្ទាប់ពីប្រទេសឥណ្ឌា បានផ្អាកធ្វើការនាំចេញប្រភេទអង្ករនេះ ដើម្បីរក្សាសន្តិសុខស្បៀងរបស់ខ្លួនដោយសារតែទិន្នផលស្រូវ ...
ម៉ៃ គុណមករា
ឈ្មួញបន្ទាបតម្លៃស្រូវពេលការនាំចេញអង្ករទៅ EU ធ្លាក់ចុះ៣៣ភាគរយ
កសិករមួយចំនួននៅក្នុងខេត្តបាត់ដំបងនិងមន្រ្តីសង្គមស៊ីវិលដែលធ្វើការជាមួយកសិករខ្មែរបានអះអាងថាឈ្មួញកណ្តាលបានប្រើប្រាស់ព័ត៌មាននៃការយកពន្ធនៃការនាំចេញអង្ករទៅសហភាពអឺរ៉ុបមកបន្ទាបតម្លៃស្រូវរបស់ពួកគេ។ ការ ...
Prices fluctuate due to poll
As election data trickled in on Sunday evening and a fear set in borne of uncertainty and a beefed-up police presence, demand for basic commodities surged, food prices briefly rose, and some banks saw an expected rise in withdrawals. Sales of rice jumped from their normal ...
FAO sees slight decline in Cambodian rice harvest this year
Cambodia’s rice harvest is forecast to reach 9.1 million tonnes this year, down from an estimated 9.3 million tonnes last year but up from 8.8 million tonnes in 2011, the Food and Agricultural Organization said Thursday. The estimates were contained in the UN agency’s quarterly Crop ...
Rising Demand Boosts Organic Rice Industry
Production of Cambodian organic rice is rising rapidly as international demand for the product increases, experts said at a forum for growers and other industry members held Tuesday at the Phnom Penh headquarters of agricultural NGO Cedac. “In the first six months of this year we’ve ...
ADB to loan $55 million to Cambodia's rice sector
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a loan of $55 million to help transform the rice sector of Cambodia into a viable commercial industry as well as taking care of the land and water resources. ADB’s Climate-Resilient Rice Commercialization Sector Development Program―which will run ...
Thai rice cuts pose problems
Thailand’s recent announcement of a 20 per cent price cut within the government rice-pledging scheme will have little impact for Cambodian exports, but farmers may feel the effects, say industry insiders. In an article published in the Bangkok Post on June 19, Thailand’s cabinet had agreed ...
Against the Grain
On the palm-studded plains of Cambodia, rice farmers’ eyes light up with the prospect of sending their crop northward to China. The poor Southeast Asian nation had been trying for several years to export rice to the mainland but only last year did it gain ...
Merit in rice trade plan
The cabinet on Tuesday approved a proposal allowing the Commerce Ministry to form a rice trade partnership with Asean’s four other rice-producing countries, namely Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar, to stabilise rice prices in the global market and to promote food security in the region. The ...
Paddy Rice Price Fluctuates
The price of paddy rice in Cambodia’s northwestern provinces jumped to 1,500 riel from 1,350 riel per kilogram in mid-October on a lack of supply, but quickly fell to 1,360 riel. Meanwhile, the prices in the Cambodia-Vietnam border provinces rose from 1,300 riel to 1,390 ...
RPT-World Bank cuts East Asia GDP outlook, flags China risks
The World Bank cut its economic growth forecasts for the East Asia and Pacific region on Monday and said there was a risk the slowdown in China could get worse and last longer than expected “Economic projections for EAP (East Asia and Pacific) are surrounded by ...
Asia Rice- Thai Exporters Seek Vietnamese, Cambodian Rice To Meet Deals
Demand for low-quality white rice from African buyers has forced Thai exporters to purchase additional stocks from Cambodia and Vietnam to meet orders because domestic rice is in short supply due to government buying scheme, traders said on Wednesday. The price of 25 per cent broken grade Thai ...
Slow outlook for 2012 rice exports
Rapidly increasing logistics costs and low regional rice prices would hinder Cambodia’s rice-export target this year, with one expert saying that milled-rice exports could fall to half of last year’s shipments. The cost of shipping rice to Europe climbed by more than 50 per cent between ...
Milled rice exports fall in January
Some of Cambodia’s biggest exporters have experienced a sizeable decline in milled-rice shipments this month, with one insider putting the number as high as 40 per cent year-on-year. The waning figure stands in stark contrast to last year’s milled-rice export numbers, which increased about 22 per ...
As rice harvest begins, grain's price soars
As the harvest of the wet season rice crop gets under way in many parts of the country, rice prices have started to increase, rice millers said yesterday. They said prices were now up about 15 percent compared to the same time last year, but ...
Milled rice exports climb, prices soar
Cambodia’s milled rice exports increased by more than seven per cent year-on-year during the first 10 months of 2011, while international demand for the grain drove up rice prices by nearly 200 per cent, commerce officials said. The Kingdom exported more than 136,000 tonnes of milled ...
Cambodian farmers could benefit from new Thai rice prices
The Thai government’s plan to implement a minimum price for Thailand’s rice growers next month is expected to push up paddy prices for Cambodian farmers during the upcoming harvest, agriculture experts said yesterday Agriculture experts said rice paddy prices in Cambodia would likely increase due to ...