Ministry aiming to expand Prey Lang carbon credit sales
The Ministry of Environment and Conservation International (CI) Cambodia will push for the expansion of the carbon credit market in the Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary in 2023 in order to raise funds for the conservation of protected areas and community development there. ...
Ry Sochan
Battambang town opens new landfill
A nearly 21ha landfill in Ta Kream commune’s Poi Svay village of Battambang province’s Banan district was inaugurated on March 20 as part of the second “Urban Environment Management in the Tonle Sap Basin” project, which is being funded through a loan from the Asian ...
Yuth Vireak
Adult male dolphin found dead from fishing net in Stung Treng
The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has reiterated its demands that fishermen stop all fishing activity including the use of nets, hooks and illegal fishing equipment in the dolphin conservation zone in Stung Treng province to ensure the sustainability of the endangered species and ...
Orm Bunthoeurn
Battambang province gets new landfill facility
The province’s new landfill site was built on a total area of 20.80 hectares in Paoy Svay village, Ta Kream commune, Banan district. It has four pits to store garbage, a waste treatment plant, a warehouse to store hazardous waste, and several residential buildings. ...
Sem Brakdav
Gov’t launches public finance management reform strategies
Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday announced the launch of the government’s implementation of vision and strategies of its public finance management reform programs for the fourth phase to enhance financial achievements after the previous three phases had focused on budget, financial accountability and finance-policy connectivity. ...
Kang Sothear
More than 50 hectare forest land in economic concession cleared
More than 50 hectare of forest land in an economic concession planted with pine trees, which was cleared by unknown people for the purpose of fencing in the area to claim ownership, has been inspected by the joint authorities of Mondulkiri province. ...
Khmer Times Staff
The Royal Government introduces two key reforms to save people’s lives and rehabilitate the country
Prime Minister Hun Sen has stated that in leading the country to stability and development as it is now, the Royal Government has prepared two major reform plans. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary forest crimes on the rise
The number of forest crimes in Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary, spanning across Kampong Thom, Preah Vihear, Kratie and Stung Treng provinces continues to rise. Park rangers have cracked down on 408 crimes over 2,000 hectares and made several arrests. ...
Tith Kongnov
50% drop in TB-related deaths last year: CENAT
Deaths caused by tuberculosis (TB) dropped 50% last year as compared to the previous year, said National Centre for Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control (CENAT) yesterday. ...
Son Minea
NBC celebrates 43rd anniversary of riel reintroduction
In a bid to raise public awareness of the usage of the national currency, National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) hosted a seminar on ‘Riel, Financial Literacy and Bakong’ at the Center for Banking Studies yesterday. ...
Adur Pradeep
New sub-decree tightens regulations on garment industry sub-contractors
Cambodia will prepare a sub-decree improving existing labour mechanisms by adding detailed procedures, permanent management mechanisms, responsibilities for relevant companies, especially sub-subcontractors, as Cambodia seeks to ensure the prevention of the use of forced labour. ...
Van Socheata
Oreang district administration is continuing to find the perpetrators that cleared more than 50 hectares of state forest
Experts are continuing to search for the identity of the perpetrators that cleared forest land in the protected area in Mondulkiri province to file the case to the court. ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
Ministry demands corrections to ‘abridged, misleading’ quote
The Ministry of Information has demanded that CamboJA News correct the content of its March 18 article which excluded key points made by the ministry’s spokesperson regarding the revocation of three media licences. ...
Neang Sokunthea
A $42.8m project to help vulnerable adapt to climate change given green light
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) on Wednesday approved $42.8 million for FAO project PEARL to enhance the adaptive capacity of Cambodian people living along the Northern Tonle Sap Basin to cope with the threat of climate change. ...
Takeo farmer’s diversification bet pays off
A farmer in Takeo province is reaping the benefits of diversification on his 1.6ha land in Borei Cholsar district. Previously, Sem Savry grew three crops of rice a year, but now, in addition to his rice, he feeds river shrimp and geese, and grows coconuts. ...
Rann Reuy
Ministry: Eight children available for adoption
The Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation announced that it was looking for caregivers for eight orphans who are living at the National Maternal and Child Health Centre (NMCHC) and Battambang Orphanage Centre I in Battambang province. ...
Chea Sokny
Progress rooted in 1980’s risks: PM
Prime Minister Hun Sen said that Cambodia’s current era of development has its foundations in the risks he undertook in the 1980s when he put in place political and economic reforms. ...
Ry Sochan
$4m pumped into improving nutrition in schools
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) has pledged to spend $4 million this year to provide food to school children by using community-based agricultural products to promote nutrition and education in areas of high poverty and vulnerability. ...
Chhorn Raksmey
CENTRAL advises migrant workers of rights
The Centre for Alliance of Labour and Human Rights (CENTRAL) is carrying out an awareness campaign among the public about the potential risks of migrating to find work in Thailand. The organisation warned that many Cambodians were continuing to use the services of brokers to ...
Chea Sokny
Cambodian authorities urged to probe forced labor in factories
The American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA) and VF Corporation are urging Cambodian authorities to investigate forced labor used to produce export goods. ...
Chhorn Raksmey
Workshop reinforces ban on forced labour
Key stakeholders have attended a workshop to reinforce Cambodia’s stance on the banned use of forced labour in garment factories. ...
Marissa Carruthers
Laos, Cambodia reaffirm commitment to enhance cooperation on border security
Laos and Cambodia have reaffirmed their commitment to enhance cooperation on maintaining security along the borders. ...
Khmer Times Staff
In Stung Treng, women step in fish protection, fearing catch loss
Seeing the continuous plunge in fish stock in the Mekong River, women living in communities that heavily rely on fish catches are stepping in, fearing that no fish would be left for the next generation if no one acts. But despite their efforts, they have ...
Ou Sokmean and Teng Yalirozy
First dead dolphin of the year, conservation worries rise
An Irrawaddy Dolphin was found dead on March 19, marking the first passing of the critically endangered species for the year 2023, and alarming conservationists over their potential extinction. ...
Teng Yalirozy