The Phnom Penh Post

Government advises use of COVID test on 5-10% of staff

COVID-19 rapid antigen tests should be administered to at least five-to-10 per cent of staff at all public and private institutions, said a new government guideline released amid the pandemic. ...

Mom Kunthear and Orm Bunthoeurn

Guar herd caught on camera: ministry

A herd of gaurs with calves was spotted by an infrared-triggered camera trap at one of the Kingdom’s many wildlife sanctuaries, raising hopes among local and international biodiversity conservationists that the species can be saved from extinction, according to the Ministry of Environment on July ...

Mom Kunthear

Kingdom probes ACFTA for gains

Cambodia is committed to harnessing the potential of the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA) to maximise economic benefits and implement structural reforms that promote, encourage and facilitate trade, investment and business. ...

Thou Vireak

Korea trade surges 6.2% in Jan-May

Bilateral trade between Cambodia and South Korea in the first five months of 2021 was worth $377.05 million, up by 6.17 per cent year-on-year from $355.11 million, according to data from the Korea International Trade Association (Kita). ...

Hin Pisei

Japan gives 1M doses; five millionth person gets shot

The Japanese government pledged to provide approximately one million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine to Cambodia, with their shipment expected soon   ...

Mom Kunthear

Officials: Mandatory jab policy standard practice in pandemic

Government officials have publicly explained why compulsory vaccinations are necessary amid the ongoing outbreak of Covid-19 in response to concerns expressed by UN human rights experts   ...

Long Kimmarita

Action plan on child abuse launched

Minister of Interior Sar Kheng has urged officials to better implement preventive measures aimed at stopping online child sexual abuse and to step up daily enforcement actions against these crimes. ...

Long Kimmarita

Sokhonn addresses non-aligned movement

Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Prak Sokhonn said it is only with true multilateralism that the international community will be able to address the current major challenges because they are global in impact.   ...

Voun Dara

Occupiers of disputed land receive ‘conditional titles’

The government has issued conditional land title receipts to 326 families occupying disputed state-owned land at the “Chamkar Barang” area in Tuol Prich commune of Kandal province’s Ang Snuol district. It is also looking into a policy settlement while the provincial governor investigates and identifies ...

Nov Sivutha

Programme launched to rehabilitate land in degraded forest areas

A project to rehabilitate degraded forest land through the development of integrated agriculture and agroforestry to improve the livelihoods of local residents is being implemented by the Forestry Administration’s Institute for Forest and Wildlife Research and Development (IRD).​ ...

Orm Bunthoeurn

Single Portal’s Phase II in August

The Ministry of Economy and Finance is set to deploy Phase II of its Businesses Registration Platform, also known as the “Single Portal”, next month, following more than a year of smashing success since its debut   ...

Thou Vireak

ASEAN Tourism Forum moved to Sihanoukville

The government has decided to relocate the venue for the ASEAN Tourism Forum (ATF) 2022, which was originally scheduled to take place in Phnom Penh on January 16-22, to Sihanoukville, according to a letter from the Council of Ministers. ...

Hin Pisei

CHRC to hold 60 meetings on national rights commission

The Cambodian Human Rights Committee (CHRC) and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) plan to hold 60 consultation meetings on the draft law on the organisation and functioning of the National Human Rights Commission of Cambodia (NHRC) before moving it ...

Voun Dara

Kingdom probes ACFTA for gains

Cambodia is committed to harnessing the potential of the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA) to maximise economic benefits and implement structural reforms that promote, encourage and facilitate trade, investment and business. ...

Thou Vireak

Covid rattles Phnom Penh’s retail landscape through H1

The Covid-19 pandemic has rocked the retail landscape in Phnom Penh, with anxiety around infection risk keeping the masses away from shopping malls and driving retail consumption down by nearly five per cent in the first half of this year, compared to July-December 2020, according ...

Hin Pisei

Cambodia halts all Vietnam border crossings amid Covid

Cambodia suspended cross-border travel between Cambodia and Vietnam for one month to prevent the spread of Covid-19, effective from July 18.   ...

Ry Sochan

Pursat fishing crimes crack down results in seized gear

The campaign to catch and prosecute people committing large-scale fishing crimes in the Tonle Sap Lake flooded forest area in Krakor, Kandieng and Bakan districts in Pursat province is yielding results.   ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Gov’t seeks loan from China to build Tonle Sap bridge and road

The Cambodian government has reached out to China for a loan to construct a road and bridge that crosses the Tonle Sap River and connects Kampong Chhnang to Kampong Thom provinces. ...

Long Kimmarita

SSEZ handles $994M in goods

The value of imports and exports passing through the Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone (SSEZ) neared the $1 billion mark in the first half of this year, despite a spiralling third wave of coronavirus infections, dubbed the “February 20 community event”. ...

Hin Pisei

Ministry rehabilitates parts of Preah Vihear with rosewood

Officials from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries have distributed and planted nearly 50,000 rosewood saplings across seven communes in Preah Vihear province’s Choam Ksan district to restore and protect two of the endangered species – Dalbergia cochinchinensis and Dalbergia oliveri. ...

Orm Bunthoeurn

Official: Protect rare pitcher plants

A senior environment official called on holidaymakers to Cambodia’s pristine tropical forest tourist destinations to avoid plucking, collecting or breaking vulnerable plant species – especially the exotic carnivorous pitcher plants of the Nepenthes genus – to conserve the beauty and scenic value of nature, and ...

Ry Sochan

Cabinet approves investment law

The Council of Ministers, or Cabinet, on July 9 approved the Draft Law on Investment, following a plenary session chaired by Prime Minister Hun Sen via a Zoom call. ...

Hin Piset

Minister: Food lab protects public health

The Agriculture and Food Laboratory not only has an important role in ensuring the quality of agricultural and food products but also in protecting public health by preventing infectious and non-communicable diseases in both humans and crops, according to Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries ...

Orm Bunthoeurn

Draft investment law approved

The government has approved the draft investment law, following a plenary session of the Council of Ministers chaired by Prime Minister Hun Sen via a Zoom call on July 9. “The law is aimed at increasing Cambodia’s potential at attracting more domestic and foreign investors,” Hun ...

Hin Pisei

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