Disasters and emergency response
Health ministry urges precautions as Pchum Ben festival approaches
With the Pchum Ben festival fast approaching, the Ministry of Health has advised people to take extra precautions to prevent Covid-19 and also to protect themselves from food poisoning by complying with food safety measures during the holiday season. ...
Mom Kunthear
High risk of flooding in capital, 10 provinces on Sept 7-14: NCDM
Nearly 100 people died and more than 150 were injured in natural disasters in the first eight months of this year, with some provinces currently at risk of flooding, according to the National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM). ...
Long Kimmarita
MRC seeks joint efforts to tackle floods, drought
The Mekong River Commission (MRC) announced yesterday that flood and drought problems remain one of the key challenges for the Lower Mekong region, causing more damage and fatalities than any other natural disaster. The repercussions of floods alone account for $70 million annually. ...
Sen David
Telegram bot created for tourism data control
The Ministry of Tourism has created a Telegram bot and invited tourism operators and business owners to register employees on the application who have been vaccinated against the novel coronavirus. ...
May Kunmakara
NCDM marshals resources to weather natural disasters
The National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM) has deployed 82,500 people from various government ministries and marshaled resources such as 1,106 trucks, 320 long speed boats and 179 short speed boats to help rescue people from natural disasters. ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
WHO: Covid in Cambodia goes into new phase
The World Health Organisation (WHO) in Cambodia said that Cambodia has reached a new phase of the pandemic with “decreasing case numbers, high vaccination coverage and a more transmissible circulating variant threatening a hidden surge”. ...
Mom Kunthear
Kandal closes successful vaccinations drive effort
Kandal province closed the vaccination campaign for people aged 18 and over on September 8, making it the first province to end the programme, with nearly 100 per cent of the targeted population vaccinated and about 1.5 per cent remaining unvaccinated. ...
Mom Kunthear
Pailin to reopen more than 40 schools after evaluation
Pailin is gearing up for the reopening of 47 schools after evaluation and risk assessment. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Banteay Meanchey eyes the reopening of more than 100 schools when pandemic declines
Banteay Meanchey joins 3 other provinces and the Capital in planning the reopening of its schools. ...
Khmer Times Staff
WHO expresses support for Cambodia’s plan for resumption of schools
The Royal Government’s plan to reopen schools in low-risk areas drew support from WHO representatives in Cambodia. ...
Khmer Times Staff
City Hall upgrading anti-flooding system
The Phnom Penh Municipal Administration is increasing the water capacity of Boeung Tompun pumping station and is rehabilitating certain canals to manage flooding in Meanchey, Tuol Kork, Sen Sok and Por Sen Chey districts. ...
Orm Bunthoeurn
Schools set for reopening
Provincial and local authorities are occupied with preparations to reopen schools with many institutions expected to begin lessons, at least for a trial period, next week before a full-scale reopening. ...
Mom Kunthear
Ministry issues instructions for safe Pchum Ben, Kathen
The Ministry of Cults and Religions has issued instructions for the upcoming Pchum Ben and Kathen festivals that adhere to pandemic health measures in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19. ...
Mom Kunthear
Journey to job-starved Thailand or brave financial pinch at home – migrant workers face up to Covid double bind
Due to the recent outbreak of Covid-19 in Thailand, tens of thousands of Cambodian migrant workers have returned home out of fear of the disease and in many cases due to the loss of their jobs. ...
Delta variant cases in Cambodia jump to 2,647
The total number of Delta variant cases of SARS-CoV-2 in Cambodia has risen to 2,647 after 251 new infections were confirmed. ...
Khmer Times Staff
More than 10,000 education workers in Phnom Penh to receive third dose of vaccine soon
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports has informed the Department of Education, Youth and Sports of Phnom Penh on the process of vaccinating the third dose to education staff under the Department of Education, Youth and Sports of Phnom Penh. ...
Khmer Times Staff
A new teaching approach in Cambodia is helping young people reach their potential
It has been almost two years since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out globally. The impacts of lockdowns, constant uncertainty, ‘education limbo’ and disruption to daily life is a global concern for children, young people and their futures. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Ministry announces new round of cash handouts for laid-off workers
The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training announced the government’s next round of cash assistance for 6,366 laid-off workers from 22 factories in the garment and tourism sectors that had suspended operation due to the pandemic. ...
Nov Sivutha
Areas safe to reopen schools to be mapped
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport has given its municipal and provincial department two weeks to put together a report detailing which schools in their territory can safely reopen because of low Covid-19 transmission in their localities, while some schools are pushing to reopen ...
Mom Kunthear
Thailand censured for releasing dam water, flooding border area
Flash floods inundated communes in Battambang province’s Phnom Proek district and Banteay Meanchey province’s Malai district, where more than 100 homes were overwhelmed by floodwaters from Thailand. ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
Cambodian blue helmets training for CAR mission
Thirty-seven trainees from the National Centre for Peacekeeping Forces (NPMEC) are training to rescue victims of natural disasters at the naval command in preparation for a UN “blue helmet” mission in the Central African Republic (CAR) in 2022, a senior official said. ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
2nd phase of business registration system up
The Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) on September 1 deployed Phase II of its online business registration platform, known as the “Single Portal”. ...
Thou Vireak
Major flooding affects Banteay Meanchey
Banteay Meanchey province is experiencing severe flash flooding due to heavy rain, causing damage to houses, hospitals, crops and affecting wildlife in the area. ...
Mao Chanvireak
Covid-safe schools to resume, in piecemeal reopening plans
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport issued new instructions on August 31 advising both state and private schools in areas where Covid-19 transmissions are relatively low to begin preparations for re-opening later this year. ...
Mom Kunthear