Social development
Public health
Past deadline, most cigarettes still lack graphic pictures
Days after a law went into effect requiring all cigarette packages sold in Cambodia to be plastered with graphic images of the health effects of smoking—blackened lungs and an infant on a respirator—there was little evidence of the new packaging in the capital. ...
Samoeurth Seavmeng and Janelle Retka
Australia gives $36m for health improvement
Australia and Cambodia have agreed to enhance cooperation in the health sector, with Australia pledging $36 million for health improvements in the Kingdom. The commitment was made on Monday at the Health Ministry in a meeting between Minister Mam Bun Heng and newly appointed Australian Ambassador ...
Ven Rathavong
Untreated cleft palate rates world's highest, says report
Cambodia has the highest rate of untreated cleft lip and palate in infants, out of more than 100 low- and middle-income countries, a new global study has found. ...
Erin Handley
New law bypassing illicit cigarettes
The tobacco industry has urged the government to crack down on cigarette smuggling ahead of new laws mandating graphic health warnings, saying failure to do so gave smuggled products a competitive edge. ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya and Erin Handley
HIV infections nearly doubled over past decade
The number of new HIV infections in Cambodia nearly doubled over the past decade—the greatest increase in Asia—while less than a third of Cambodians living with the virus are receiving medication to slow its development, according to a report released this week. ...
George wright
Children in need of free healthcare
A majority of the more than 2,500 children hospitalized by illnesses in the Kantha Bopha hospital network between Sunday and yesterday were critically poor and could not survive without free treatment, Kantha Bopha hospital founder and head Dr. Beat Richner said. ...
San Bunsim
Measles confirmation prompts fears, action
Two measles cases investigated by the government in recent weeks have been confirmed positive, bringing the total number to five this year and causing concern among health officials about a possible outbreak after the World Health Organization declared the country measles-free just last year. ...
Yesenia Amaro
Cambodia's garment workers vulnerable to unsafe abortions
The garment industry is the linchpin of Cambodia’s economy, and the single biggest employer of women. Some 500 factories hire almost 500,000 female workers, many of whom are young and have migrated to the city from the countryside. ...
Marta Kasztelan
Planned center for mentally ill faces low supply of experts
As the government plans to transfer roughly 60 percent of detainees at the notorious Prey Speu detention center to a “mental illness” center in Kandal province, mental health experts expressed doubts this week over the country’s capacity to provide proper care. ...
Khy Sovuthy and Janelle Retka
Protest at Pursat’s monkey business factory
More than 100 striking workers at the Vanny Bio-Research company in Pursat town agreed to go back to work yesterday after mediators promised to find an adequate resolution to their demands for a wage hike. The company breeds and cares for 30,000-40,000 monkeys they sell to ...
Mom Kunthear
Doctor: TB vaccination no good
A prominent pediatrician announced on Sunday that the use of the Bacille Calmette-Huerin (BCG) vaccination for tuberculosis was not only ineffective, but could prolong suffering for children with the disease. Doctor Beat Richner, the founder of the Kantha Bopha Hospitals, took to Facebook on Sunday, ...
Tin Sokhavuth
‘Sealing’ program fights rampant tooth decay in children
The teeth of some 60,000 Cambodian children have been “sealed” to help prevent tooth decay under an oral health project that recently concluded, but many more continue to be in need of such service, given the country’s significantly high tooth-decay rate. ...
Yesenia Amaro
Parents using toxic balms on babies: report
Cambodian parents are commonly using medicinal balms and oils such as “Tiger Balm” on their newborn children despite potentially toxic effects, according to a new report. ...
Erin Handley and Kong Meta
Better tests on the way to check on imported food
The expiration dates of food and consumable goods will be more rigorously tested thanks to a push by the Ministry of Commerce to install mobile equipment to do the job, according to local media. ...
Chea Vannak
Health ministry warns of a spike in dengue
Health Ministry officials are warning that this year will see an increased rate of dengue fever across the country, as the cyclical virus has already shown higher than usual rates of infection, with Mondolkiri province seeing an acute spike in cases. ...
Ouch Sony
Trial shows promise of new PTSD treatment
A new treatment designed to stabilize those with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has proven highly effective and could be used to help the roughly quarter of Cambodians who have the mental illness, according to a new study. ...
Ben Paviour
Typhoid a ‘burden’ near Tonle Sap: study
A new study has found that there is a “substantial burden” of pediatric typhoid fever in rural communes in Cambodia. ...
Yesenia Amaro
Gov’t health workers underpaid: study
Cambodia’s public health workers are underpaid and poorly trained, with a whopping 98 per cent relying on a second job to supplement their income, according to a recent report. ...
Erin Handley
Possible measles cases prompt investigation
Ministry of Health officials are investigating two suspected measles cases – one in Phnom Penh and another in Svay Rieng province. ...
Yesenia Amaro
High levels of anxiety among HIV outpatients
The vast majority of people undergoing treatment for HIV and AIDS in Cambodia reported suffering anxiety, according to a new quality of life survey. ...
Erin Handley
Free health care for Cambodia’s poorest
Cambodia received a new $130 million funding package from the World Bank last month that focuses on poverty reduction and bettering the lives of poor and vulnerable Cambodians in the country cooperation strategy set out in the new Cambodia -World Bank Group Country Engagement Note ...
Tin Sokhavuth
Health sector on notice
Legal action will be taken against health institutes that offer a low quality of care, according to a directive issued by the Minister of Health last week, which also emphasized the importance of digital record keeping in the medical sector. ...
Mom Kunthear
Health Ministry and WHO sign 5-year plan
The Ministry of Health and the WHO on Friday signed a new five-year plan that will seek to address communicable and non-communicable diseases, advance universal health care, strengthen capability to respond to new emerging diseases and increase collaborations and partnerships, a ministry official said yesterday. ...
Yesenia Amaro
Dengue cases on the rise
Dengue cases, which can be highly lethal to children, rose phenomenally in the first five months this year and more than doubled compared with the same period last year. ...
Mom Kunthear